Thursday, July 16, 2009

Black chalk Obama

After seeing Michael Jackson's hair ignite last night on television, I'm starting to wonder just how far this is going to go with the media in mining dead Jacko. I mean if the public is filled with Obama idiotry who can't get enough of Jacko dead when I had enough of them when he was singing 1 2 3 and enough of his sinning with little boys, perhaps Hank Waxman, Nance Pelosi and Birdie Obama should just put a media tax on Jacko to pay for all of Obama's Marxism.
It has been non stop wacko Jacko now, so I say tax the coverage and raise Obama bucks that way.

What I find amusing about Jacko is not the circus, but the facts that the Jackson ghouls were pouring over his house looking for what was a missing $3.2 million dollars in cash.
Apparently the face lift sister couldn't find the money and old man Joe certainly never got it either. Someone though did apparently walk away with a pile of cash like most of these celebreties have lying around in their mansions, and just like when they croak, that money never appears on IRS ranks either.
So much for Obama voters paying their fair share in taxes, although when Whoopie Goldberg goes tits up she could leave me off the books her double barrel Winchester model 21 she has beside her bed to shoot stalkers who never have seemed to have been a problem with a woman that ugly.
So no offense Whooper, you could probably just give me the 21 now as you are safe as the day you were born from anyone running off with you.

The meandering of this is in all this black putridness soiling the noted Martin King as everyone has forgotten him and now all we have is Obama the perv, Steve McNair the adulterer and wacko Jacko as the faces of blackness which is the bottom of the barrel.
I even heard an ABC anchor say that everyone would remember when they heard when Jacko croaked in where they were like John Kennedy.

Frankly, I know I read it on a computer, but that is all my memory is going to afford as I really could care less about Michael Jackson and his pariah family and Obama voter fans.
This got me thinking last night in someone I did remember after a decade in I remember when he did die, and the person was Jeremy Brett.

I doubt people will know Jeremy Brett any more they would know my chum Hugh Laurie, if he was not on Fox's House.
The day I heard Jeremy Brett died was a dreary autumn day and I was driving north when the news came on the radio. The radio announcer who was a rock n roll type knew Mr. Brett and was moved by his passing too. For those who need cluing in who Mr. Brett was, Jeremy Brett was the defining PBS Mystery series achor of Sherlock Holmes.

While most people think Holmes was this Basil Rathbone twerp with goofy hat and pipe, Sherlock Holmes instead was the way most English PBS series are intended, right on the mark.
Holmes smoked a very long stemmed pipe, he was a dope addict, moody.........exactly what the brilliant tortured soul of Jeremy Brett brought to the character forever defining it.

The reason I was thinking about Mr. Brett is a number of months ago I acquired the original series of prints that The Strand in London had commissioned when Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or the author as he was known then as A. Conan Doyle, had published in that noted magazine bringing Sherlock Holmes to life.
The interesting part is The Strand had commissioned an artist to draw Sherlock Holmes and various characters, but had made a mistake. They had hired Sidney Paget, by mistake, in thinking he was his brother, Walter Paget, who was quite famous in doing the character art for King Solomon's Mines and Treasure Island.

Sidney Paget though accomplished the artwork of Sherlock Holmes defining his face. His model for the role was none other than his brother, Walter.

So as I for the first time was finally sitting down looking at the anthology, I was startled to see that I knew the face and the attire exactly as PBS had created Sherlock Holmes. The over 100 year old sketches I was viewing was that of my old friend, Jeremy Brett.
It was very endearing to see how well he emulated the original of Conan Doyle and was professionalism to see how well the British entertainment media had gone to such lengths to get Holmes absolutely correct in the acting of Jeremy Brett.
In all judgment and honesty, there is just not that kind of detail nor professionalism in the elite of America these days. Hollywood has not made a decent movie literally in 20 years. Spielberg's cinema looks was museum uncomfortable and that dolt of Star Wars gets credit for making laughable B grade movies.
Television in the states is a bit better, but Fox has a problem in their good programming as in Firefly or Terminator is cancelled and replaced by things called Bones or other things which will not last 3 weeks.

In all of that though, I know that professionalism lasts. Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan will last.............John Kennedy, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama will not last as they are inferior products.
Michael Jackson will not last as people if the world lasts that long will look at his video as some type of vaudeville freak show of black make up..............Jeremy Brett though as Sherlock Holmes will last, because he is quality even if people do not know his name, just like Sidney Paget still speaks from the beyond in defining the vision of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in a person who yet had to be born 50 years later.

If you have not noticed, Professor Obama is listed on Wikipedia, but that faux title like Muchelle's will not be noted, no more than his communist organizer title. The time is fast coming when Obama will be remembered no matter what the media says as a pirate and a pervert.
Michael Jackson has been faked by the media linking him to Obama persona as what he is not, and in time he will once again emerge as the homosexual and pedophile perverted drug user that he was..........just as it appears Barack Obama is emering into what he has been covering up all these years.

Perhaps for all of the Obama voters macabre thrills, they should just take wacko Jacko to a taxidermist and stuff him. As this is all Obama related, we know for a fact those who know how perverted liberals are, that when Obama goes tits ups, as even Hugo Chavez keeps talking about someone whacking Obama as this is a communist dream as Obama is giving Marxism a bad name, that just like Lenin, the liberals are going to have to stuff Obama in some sort of Khomeini mausoleum taking up blocks of Washington, DC for historic Obama.
There will be little bobble head Obama dolls for sale and perhaps some water splashing off his feet that pilgrims can flock to and say, "Obama never walked on water, but his water wet feet walked upon me".

It will all be quite a money making venture and to keep this liberal Blackelot flowing just like all good communists celebrate their dead butchers from North Korea to Russia.

I suppose that will be an exclusive found only here in Barack Obama's Prime Minister library if he doesn't get impeached will be in DC and be called the world unity religion of Obama, come and have the foot dew of Obama anointing ya'll.

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