Friday, July 3, 2009

Cherry Pie

In Barack Obama's own confession, there is now a necessary need for intervention by authorities for hisself and the wife.
The Obama's are not only drunk with power, drunk with booze, drunk with spending money, but are now drunk on cherry pie.

Yes the Obama children of Birdie and Muchelle according to Barack, are phoning down to the White House chef constantly demanding of him that he make exotic pies for them as the Obama's just can not get enough.
This is a growing problem as the Obama's have hired a royal food taster so as not to stop the Obama's from gobbling down food like pigs at a trough.

With Obama about to jet off on another vacation to the Kremlin, it is certain that not only the Russian fruit crop is in danger of extinction, but just think of the endangered Sturgeon in all that Russian Caspian caviar which is going to be woofed down by Birdie on everything from pork rinds to covering perhaps one of his cherry pie male reporter assistants like Brian Williams, to which Barack will be ladling it off to munch away on crackers.
Brian probably will not even have to wake up with Barack rolls over for a question as Obama can just spread a little caviar luvin with his tongue.

An intervention is the only thing which is now possible to save the Obama's from themselves as they are in danger of their heritage of the black death which just killed Michael Jackson.
Muchelle has now gained what looks like 20 stone in eating the free food and exotic pies she can not help but demand in midnight orders to fill the cravings deep inside of her. Having failed miserably at looking like Carla Sarkozy and other attractive white women, she has now resorted to alcohol which is fattening and tons o' cherry pie to make up for her cherry pie deficit.

If something is not done, Muchelle Obama is going to be on her own enemies list in being plumper than Oprah in another year. If Muchelle Obama keeps gaining weight as she is, she will be over 200 pounds by next year.
Birdie the twitcher is in even more grave danger literally in all that caffeine, mind jolting programming, nicotine along with tons o' sugar in all his new found lust for exotic cherry pie will overload the beloved leader which this blog seeks to keep Mr. Obama healthy while no liberal does, as we desire Mr. Obama to have a long healthy exile to be a forever reminder of bad liberal ideas gone disastrous.

I suggest that three measures take place.

First, as Queen Pelosi has a mouth which is large enough to inhale one 12 inch pie at a sitting, that all pies called for from the Obama's be confiscated by the Secret Service and breathed in by Pelosi.

Second, the Obama's mother and mother in law, the lovely and elderly Mrs. Robinson is obviously unable to cope with 4 children, even with a royal governess for the youngest two. There must be an annoying Dr. Phil type to be warded custody of Barack and Michelle Obama.
I suggest Dr. Phil in being their keeper in making certain these gluttons who are using food and booze to make up for their lack of validation as humans safe from themselves.

Third, I suggest again that the Obama's be placed on an allowance. All of their royalty money and the money he is illegally taking for being an executive, must instead have Vernon Jordan as their financial guardian, invest that money and give Birdie and Muchelle five dollars a week allowance which they can spend on no more than one bag of chips or one box of Little Debbie's snack pies..........AFTER they make certain the Sunday offering plate is filled.

This is the intervention for the sweet cherry pie syndrome which has now engulfed the Obama White House. I have not touched upon tooth decay in eating all of this pie, diabetes, heart disease and of course the incredible pollution of fruit diarrhea which the Obama's are killing trees over as all that toilet paper being consumed by them is an ecological disaster.

Once again this blog has led the way in serving the Obama's in saving them from themselves. It is hoped that the proper authorities will now take action as it is honestly feared that all of that cherry pie being consumed.........well the movie said it all in what some perverts are doing with midnight cherry pie orders, all warm and juicy.

What ever happened to let them eat cake Muchelle Antoinette Obama.


Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking....
She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
Such a sweet surprise
Taste so good
Make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie