Sunday, July 5, 2009

Heap big Obama

I'm probably one of the few experts left in Indian sign language in it's universal form. It doesn't do a great deal of good as it is not interchangeable with deaf sign, but I undertook it, along with a study of the witchcraft which is not even known by the tribes today, for the simple purpose in having an affinity with the drinkers of coffee out of quart tin cups, broiled buffalo steaks and lambsquarter boiled in pails.

I mentioned before that my childhood best friend was an adopted full blood Indian off the reservation. He was the epitome of Jim Thrope that still inspires me today, even if he like numbers of Indians went back to the reservation and committed suicide wasting their life.

In all of that tales of yore, I had an amusing conversation with an Indian expert today on the state of the modern Indian or Native as the anal types who vote for Obama demand to call themselves.
What was funny about the conversation was this is a rabid Democrat, probably one of the few Democrats I can sit down with and enjoy myself........she is a Democrat because her goofy mother is one, so that explains the reason I tolerate her........her conversation drifted from Obamacare which she was quite interested in as she knew that she was going to be one of the first people rationed care and dying on Obama's demand.
Her medicines come directly from German manufacturers and cost over one hundred dollars a vial. So she is listening hard about Barack Obama now and it might hearten readers of this blog to know that if this person is looking with dismay at Obama, then other Democrats are getting the drift of all that Obama does not bring halos of light.

As I stated, her expertise is existential experience with Indians. Her current position for which she was hired was an amazing interview, as for almost 2 hours she was grilled not about her almost 7 years of college, degrees, grades or contacts, but instead the entire facility was interested in her hands on experience with dealing with Indians.
Think about that for a moment, in an American is being grilled on how to deal with Indians, and it is no longer how Indians are to deal with being American.

I have nothing against any race, especially Indians. My friend treated me well, but he would beat the bajesus out of others and was quite a hooligan most days. He honestly the first time he sat beside me in school terrified me as I knew his reputation, but as we started to parle' he found in me someone who treated him as I treat everyone with respect, and he never let me down once because I wouldn't tolerate it and he knew I would never betray him.
I saw and felt racism with him in hatred, disdain and disgust. He could be quite a rounder as I stated, but he was always above board with me. Perhaps I had a fascination with walking where others feared to tread and grinning when dancing with the most dangerous of characters, but he was my friend and that is all that mattered to me.

Most people do not know the state of the Indian reservation system in America as it nothing short of a mostly whining cesspool of communists, taking government checks, being whored for casino gambling interests, being overridden with Mexicans interbreeding with them, and the few good people trying to make their way are derided as "apples" (red on the outside and honkie white on the inside), while the res has booze, meth labs and death.
As my brother said in humor a few weeks ago, "Hell them Indians can't be wrong. They used to all drive them big butt Fords and now they all drive them Hondas. I'm buying a Honda as they must run if an Indian is driving them."

Yes indeed, when you have nothing, you soon find out what keeps running and Indians were driving a whole lot of 1993 Hondas.

There is real generational hate on the Indian reservations, for other Indians and for white people. There is racism in not employing white people and clique special interests who hire the dregs of society to practice in the res from teachers to doctors.
My expert related typical tales of meth and fetal alcohol syndrome children, neglected, in school, parents who will not even buy them a box of crayons so teachers have to buy supplies, and a network of dolts who will not do their job, so the Indian child has a system around their neck dragging them into the drowning pools of life.
Some stories are quite amusing as Indians get government housing, and one cut a hole in their bathroom through the outside wall to water the horses they had in the bathtub. See when you get things for free, nothing matters as there is always another Tim Johnson or Bill Richardson program to funnel money to be wasted into the abyss of no return.

None of which does one bit of good to any Indian who now is getting Bill Ayers indoctrination from coast to coast that they should have a grudge, white people are bad and being an angry Obama voters blaming others for their lives is the way to pout along.

I was speaking with a Crow woman who was friendly as could be, quite helpful and a pleasure to be around. She directed me to a guy she knew on the res and with him I got the door slammed in my face. America is raising a real problem in the next few years in these Indians in more and more numbers are getting hostile.

Some stories though are not amusing in children needing medical care and teachers going to the child's home, where upon a doped out naked woman answers the door, jabbering incoherently, and having no idea she even has a child.
Yes white, black and Asian people all have problems, but the reservation system is imploding under this in a majority.

Before I get to the point, one of my favorite Indians was a guy I used to see every day goose hunting. He would sit like I would pass shooting geese in a horrid location, but he had 2 Mossberg 500 shotguns (legal waterfowl loads in America are only 3 shots in a shotgun), so he had 2 guns and then could fire 6 rounds off legally.
More days than not his double ought and 4 buck loads would have him standing their with a goose, which he would then illegally sell, but I really liked that guy for his ambition as he wasn't just getting a government handout. He was freezing his butt off, hunting like his people had the wild game, and he was making his way in world of laws which had no bearing on him.

For the record, a reservation is outlaw USA, as tribal police are not that interested unless someone murders someone and then the Feds come in and clean things up.

Now to the point in do you think this is the type of place you would like to exist in? Government handouts, government housing, Washington deciding what you can and can not do, how much you can earn, and syphoning money off of mafia gambling or your having to break the law just to earn a few extra you can't get health care or any other way out of the tipi circle?

If this doesn't sound fun, then what you are looking at in miniature is what Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are implementing in all 50 American states. America is about to become the great reservation system of a few apples, or in this case Obama pineapples, being rewarded GM shares and those lovely energy credits to sell in extortion to businesses generating your more expensive electricity.
The Marxist cesspool of the American Indian Reservation system is about to be the experience of every American, Obama voter or not. Hey kids, remember it was Dickhead Daschle who was the Indians hero and if you want to see a real rotten to the core hell hole, just visit if you dare the Sioux reservations along the Missouri River.

This is what Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Joseph Farah, Jeff Rense and every other mega voice is missing in America has the example of Obama policy ruining people's lives, but every one of these lofty voices is so far removed from real America that they couldn't tell you by a glance the difference between a Sioux, Navajo, Apache or Blackfoot.
These people have been taking it in the communist shorts for over 100 years and you can see what a miserable state Obama policy is by their furious faces. Some of those reservations are just as dangerous today as they were in George Custer's day.

Sure the tribal councils would be fuming if they got wind of these facts being made public as they would spout about racism in pointing it out and not appreciating all the kickbacks and malpractice going on which enables this system of making money off of Indians.

If you want to know the real funny part in this, South Dakota Republicans actually had a full blooded Sioux on their ticket running against baby butcher Stephie Herseth Sandlin.
The Indians wouldn't even vote for an Indian. They instead voted for Kremlin Sandlin to keep the money train flowing.
Talk about racism? Let's talk about racism from the tribes in Clarence Thomas destroying him while cuddling up to tan Obama.

The reservations are no different than the Islamocommunists in they only vote communist. The niche of Marxism they have been growing in racism and bigotry for 100 years is about to become what America is crippled by in Barack Obama.

I believe Indians and all Americans deserve better. Obama voters though are doped by the Obama musk.
Perhaps though like my Indian expert in a registered Democrat when all of this starts biting them in the butt, they might just start voting Conservative to assemble a few pieces again to make the American ghetto of Obama, at least city with lights he keeps turning off.

tatzunupi paa paracoa
