Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Present Tense

The present tense has two meanings in one meaning time and one meaning an aggravated situation.

It seems that everyone in the entire world has missed that the Obama Axelrod group has deliberately this past week changed their dialogue from one of "Iran will get nuclear weapons" to now confirming exactly what this blog has been writing about for a number of years in "Iran has nuclear weapons".

In the latest interview which Birdie Obama conducted, Jennifer Loven of AP who is noted for her lovin' on Obama posted this affirmation:

Asked if he was resigned to Iran's possession of nuclear weapons, he said, "I'm not reconciled with that, and I don't think the international community is reconciled with that."


The second source is off of Drudge and the right wing distributor of information Andrew Breitbart.

This is now 3 sources, which started with David Axelrod on ABC news in what World Net Daily attempted to say was a "slip", but instead has now become a deliberate exposure of the Persian communists as a nuclear power.

Iran "attaining" nukes means they have nukes. Obama not reconciled with that, means he is not agreeing that Iran can keep it's nuclear arsenal.
There are now no doubts about any of this as Obama has gone public, two news services are publishing the present tense of Iran having nuclear warheads and with David Axelrod it is a trifecta of a nuclear confrontation in the making.

While I warn people off from the oracles which are associated with the Catholic religion, they are quite telling, and in honesty, the demons of the south central European oracles were quite accurate in history in predicting things correctly.
The fact is they only lessened and disappeared when Christianity swept the region and Christ was the one these peoples turned to Spiritually.

There is though from the Bavarian to Balkan corridor a theme from several of the seers which points to a dual nuclear warhead attack upon New York City from the air. The world crowd pretty much thinks America deserves it, but the interesting part is there is only one nation which has been practicing a nuclear sea launched attack on America, and that is the Persians in the Caspian Sea.
Mr. Obama jerking around the Persian Islamocommunists who have a history of downing TWA Flight 800 are not about to sit around for these idiotic attempts of Obama to try and topple their nuclear fanged regime. They will instead strike and give America a trillion dollar clean up and 50 years of radioactive cancer to deal with.

That is why one does not turn to Twitter to try and end a communist regime, but uses my Flying Tiger's approach, because all Barack Obama has done is wave a red flag in the bull's face.........and that bull is going to charge America.

All the evidence in an exclusive here points to Obama is setting something up, because a nuclear attack is coming to America. No, I'm not talking about the intelligence chatter which Richard Cheney has been fed, but Janet Napolitano deliberately expressed in a feed this week that "not all of the 9 11 hijackers today would even be caught. They would still slip through".

Couching things in phrases like that from major security officials means they are preparing for a hit which they know is coming and they are not going to be able to stop it.
I highly doubt the terrorization of Janet Napolitano on Americans has any inkling of being in the loop on the nuclear terror of Iran as her phraseology is still thinking in terror cells carrying out the non massive attack.
She has not apparently linked that Obama invited the Persians to 4th of July ceremonies and all of them declined. From an intelligence perspective, I would keep a very close eye on Iranian movements as if they start packing up, perhaps it would be time to detain them at ground zero as Obama has stoked this so much now that only that fail safe might keep the Persian communists from attacking their it appears that the threat of nuclear vaporization of Iran no longer holds any force with the Iranian turban wearers.

While it is wonderful that Barack Obama has confirmed what so many were questioning and scoffing at here, along with so much more which is proving correct, it is not wonderful for America as while I personally have no affection for Letterman central, I do love upstate New York, the finger lakes region, and the various primitive and historical places still there from the cranberry bogs of the Island to the Revolutionary War battlefields which are going to be unavailable due to Obama policy in bringing on a nuclear attack.
Not everyone in the Obama enclave states voted for him and the traitorous trash, but as I predicted in 2008, it is not going to be Reagan Blue States which are going to feel the bite, but Obama commie red states which are going to be feeling the effects of his nuclear war strategy.

Do not think for a moment that America is going to be able to vote Obama away, if he succeeds in this European axis strategy, because he will like Robert Mugabe or that bandito just kicked out of Honduras, declare a national emergency, suspend elections and rule like the dictatorial thug he is until the US military revolts.

While that chaos goes on, Europe becomes the lone superpower and the great Eurasian War which is coming will start in the succeeding years.

I know from speaking with sources that there have been mass population shifts of Reagan people moving out of the east coast and west coast. I deem that as God's Spirit putting the bug in people's ears the past years and those who are listening are listening.

The fact though remains that Obama and Axelrod have now both confirmed and the press has confirmed in tense, that Iran has nuclear weapons. The reason one does that is fail safe in someone knows one or two are being planned to go off, so a culprit can be fingered in Persia and Obama will respond in ineffective kind.

As I said before, "duck".

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