Wednesday, July 22, 2009

we've got a thing we call..........obama love

It was only here that exposed Barack Obama flaring in fury when appearing on Jimmy Kimmel's late night program, that Kimmel making locker room humor, made a crack about Barack Obama showering with his black "body man" Reggie Love, insinuating the sodomite relationship which existed and linking then to the story being exposed by Lawrence Sinclair with Mr. Sinclair's bi sexual meeting with Barack Obama, and subsequent conversations with Barack Obama's homosexual partner in Chicago who was later violently murdered in Donald Young.

Obama in the Kimmel interview was typical Birdie when having softballs thrown at him, but he immediately was furious for any suggestion at the exposure of Love and Obama doing more than playing with basketballs.
The Globe is currently publishing an article expounding upon the above exclusive in stating poignantly that Barack Hussein Obama is having sex with former Duke player, 28 year old Reggie Love. Brian Williams being rolled over and conversed with at night is the competition to Muchelle Obama, it is instead Reggie Love.

It was pointed out exclusively here that there are stress signs in the Obama marriage. Michelle has been over eating which is a compensation factor for validation being robbed from her. Her public photos of looking like a washed out, high humidity, big butted bama gal while walking the dog, all hinted of something was very troubled in paradise.
The biggest break occurring in public was her upstaging her husband in Italy in wearing heals making her taller than him, wearing a bright yellow fire hydrant dress which made her look twice as big as 3 other people in the room and a definite distance in the photo between Muchelle and Birdie.
It was a wife's public revenge on a husband having the goods on him.

It was pointed out here that in Europe, Obama seems to go native in chasing after olive complected women in an almost rapine and lurid predatory way in President Sarkozy's wife and the infamous "Obama in thought" photo of his shagging a 16 year old J8 girl as President Sarkozy looked on.
When in Rome, Obama seems to be the predatory heterosexual, but in Washington, he flies home leaving Michelle in London with the girls, but shifts into making sexual jokes about hisself and Brian Williams.

It was noted that Obama seemed to be degrading in overtly he would take a sexual partner other than Michelle, as he was coming out of the closet. It was thought it would be a female, but now it appears that Donald Young's replacement in Reggie Love has been his soap dropping partner.

In not leaving this to the Globe or this blog which skeptics would attempt to dismiss, there was a New York Times article exposing all of this already in May of 2008.

Reggie Love would be quoted in stating in measured terms this:

Mr. Love said he had been hired with “no job description whatsoever.”

“It was just like, ‘You just go out there and — Take. Care. Of. Stuff,’ ” Mr. Love said, taking his time with each word.

End New York Times quote.

Wouldn't we all love to be hired for jobs with no description and to

Well maybe not as taking care of Obama with his musk is as offensive as a skunk to some while other skunks lap it up.

The New York Times would also give this bizarre quote in the Obama Love relationship foreshadowing exactly the Brian Williams "joke" Obama made in public.

Mr. Love, who played football and basketball at Duke, usually starts the day with Mr. Obama with a dawn workout in the hotel gym. They end the day more than 15 hours later, often unwinding before bed by watching ESPN’s “SportsCenter” or that night’s big game. (Mr. Obama sometimes flosses his teeth to ESPN while lying down.)

End New York Times quote.

The New York Times in May of 2008 was definitely leaving the impression of horizontal positions while Mr. Obama and Mr. Love, are together in bed while watching SportsCenter.

This is not an accident and is exactly what has been another exclusive here in logical deduction in that numbers of the liberal media know exactly of Barack Obama's sodomite tendencies and that some of these leg tingler reporters have sampled Obama love.

Birdie Obama goes on to note that Reggie Love is like a little brother to him, that Reggie Love could "be his son".

Obama quote:

Mr. Obama said he regarded “my guy, Reggie,” as the kid brother he never had. “But maybe I’m saying that just because he technically could be my son,” the Illinois senator said. “I don’t want to admit my age.”

End Obama quote.

In noting the harmful and degrading relationship Barack Obama had with noted pedophile and sexual sadist, Frank Marshall Davis who some believe could be Obama's father, and it has been exposed here that children learn sexual perversion from adults, it is a logical deduction that Obama was molested by Davis as Davis raped a 13 year old girl, he admitted, with his wife.

The question is in Obama now outing himself, is he now rationalizing and admitting that the same black brother, father figure relationship he learned, is being repeated with Reggie Love.

What is noteworthy in the Obama Love photos is Love in being the larger male is still the effeminate in the relationship as his arms are tucked into his space, his hand is covering his genitals in a school girl pose, while Obama is spread out, invading Love's space and very much the one in control.

Obama would give this giggling quote to the New York Times:

“There’s no doubt that Reggie is cooler than I am,” Mr. Obama said, laughing, in a phone interview. “I am living vicariously through Reggie.”

End quote.

Barack Obama's psychology is he has transferred hisself onto this younger, taller man who is all what Barack Obama could never be. In a strange Dreams of His Mother, he has abandoned, aborted or given up on hisself, exactly the way Stanley Ann Dunham was shopping around for a Korean black child mulatto to do better work on in her failure in Barack Hussein Obama jr.

As stated, the psychological responses of Michelle Obama, and I call her Michelle in this as no woman deserves this kind of garbage no matter if she is a hateful shrew, to the odd things Barack Obama has been saying, predatorally acting out in, and his reactions like on Jimmy Kimmel, along with the Globe's assertions and what the New York Times was apparently outing Barack Obama in, all combine to the point that the perversion and mental torture going on in the White House makes what Bill and Hillary Clinton were a part of makes them look like Ozzie and Harriet Nelson compared to Obama's Axelrod Inc.

This is not about gay choices or bi sexuals, but is about betrayal of marriage, family and incessant lies to the America people where this era of the profane Age of Obama has just too much weight to ignore.

If Reggie Love was Regina Love in a woman, hired as a cheerleader from Duke with no job description and told to just go out and handle things.........and the person hiring her was a white Republican, everyone would know this was about sex.

A young 28 year old black man in great shape, and he isn't out chasing Obama girls, but is instead with Birdie Obama 15 hours a day, with him as he flosses his teeth in bed........yeah, that looks exactly like it looks like, as there is no connected man in this world who having the opportunity to be around campaign groupies giving it Mary Jo, Teddy Kennedy away, would be around a 50 year old male, it is was straight people involved.

When I get lonely and I'm sure I've had enough
She sends her comfort comin' in from above
We don't need no letter at all
We've got a thing that's called Radar Love

We've got a thing called........Obama Love.

agtG 303

Shallow Nation

New York Times outing Obama

The Globe outs Obama