Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The chatal of his trailer and the sheep of his pen

I'm really glad the Obama state run press has reached into Russia, as I was astounded today to find out that Lawrence Sinclair, Joseph Farah, Orly Taitz, Phil Berg and myself are all Jews. I didn't know this, but is must be true as the Obama state run Russian media announced today that Jews are behind the birther movement.

They didn't say how this all came about, but I think I might like this Jew thing as I know there is like a billion dollar slush fund for holocaust payments, those holocaust museums all turn in a bunch o cash yearly, then there is the nice beach front in Judea where I can build a vacation home, every Jew gets and Uzi and ammunition pack, a nice uniform........and as Benjamin Netanyahu is the only President looking out for American interests, I see this Jew business........oh wow, this means Meathead Reiner is now my cousin and I can have him fund crappy movies with Bill Crystal and me starring in.........

When Billy met Cherry.........and I don't know as I don't watch Billy Crystal movies, but this is going to be great. We can do that crappy Steve Speilberg movie over right this time and instead of Saving Private Ryan it will be Gen. Cherry carries out Patton and MacArthurs policy and nukes Russia and China in 1948.

Long title, but but it will be a great movie starring Tom Selleck, Kurt Russell, Robert Conrad, Ted Nugent, Don Rickels and me.

Actually, I'm more interested in the Google Ad I saw in the massive cleavage on the chic with the best web game I grabbed........no I didn't grab her cleavage, just the picture..........that didn't sound right either, but only perverts would think I was being an Obama character feeling up a sticky screen.

I digress.

The game apparently is Evony or something. I don't play games of visual stimulus, but just play chess and things of that sort against computers and defeat them.
Evony or the Obama game apparently calls one Lord and one can rule a kingdom and then the world.........as I said it must be Googles version of the Life of mahdi Obama.

It occurred to me that another bad Obama omen is stewing and brewing........interestingly the woman's name is Felicia as in a hurricane about to smash into Hawaii, the fictional place of Birdie Obama Triple X's birth.

What is cool about the storm is it portends the storm about Obama's birth certificate. As storms like this are not common, it has to be an omen, like all that strange earthquake brew first hitting Mexico where Obama showed up, and then the home of the Pacific rim of Obama's fire.
As there will be high tides in August and the fool moon, or full moon, the motion of the volcanic magma ocean appears to be convulsion to Obama and America should now feel a big earthquake. There has been one south and one north, one in the middle...........so California here it comes, or at least the pressure wave should be there.

Oh back to Felicia.............is it not interesting that this storm is hitting on Obama's birth certificate coming to fruition.
Now get this interesting thing about Felicia.............take that world apart and recall now what Eric Holder is bashing to bits in trying to save Obama.

Remember it was the CIA Obama sent Holder after to deflect from his problems. Is it not interesting that FEL I CIA, as in "fell I the CIA", just like a backwards Indonesian and African dialect would say it, is the storm baring down on Obama's fictional homeland and is named after his current jousting in trying to strangle the CIA like he did America.

That should be a buzz talk to think about...........after all Obama's Russian state press just made everyone Jews. (I though will not wear the little hatty hat as Paul said no covering on your head before God as we are His and without shame.......and no religious symbol comes between God's Salvation and His children.)

Am thinking here if I missed something...........

Nope that is about it, am thinking about getting one of them rams horns to toot...........got my Uzi.............Oh yeah that Kennedy woman died.
Interesting in Eunice was alive and doing good under Bush medical treatment, but Obama starts poking his prod in and the old girl dies and Teddy is about sails down too.

Then there was that old Obama voter who was feeding those Yellowstone grizzlies and got herself ate. OK warning to all Citizens. The Glacier grizzlies of Montana are not that bothersome, but those Yellowstone grizzlies are a nuisance in being aggressive.
If one shoots an elk or what is left of the elk as those bears have eaten about everything in and out of the park now, it is like ringing the dinner bell and they chase you away.
That is why people in the area all carry bear swatters now in those 45-70 cannons to deal with problem bears as they don't like being eaten by them.

Not like the old days when it was just those young bruins looking to prove something one had to watch out for, now it is the whole nasty ornery old bunch of them.

Sort of like Obama and the Neoprogs...........they intend to eat you now that the maniacs were dumb enough to feed them.
