Thursday, August 6, 2009

The difficult job

The most difficult of jobs is working for God, because He is constantly moving back a step making the Spirit instilled in His children to press one more step forward in growth when they are exhausted.
Prophets from Isaiah to Jesus end up slaughtered and betrayed by their own people. Seers are deemed mad and while everyone comes to hear what one has to say like the sweetest of music, they all talk about you behind your back.........and when push comes to shove, they are the first to flee.

Into that there is only One Truth, and that is Jesus the Christ. His Word is Scripture and there is no interpretation of Scripture than Scripture, because the Holy Spirit wrote it through holy men of God with two to three references for every major prophecy.
So it becomes exceedingly difficult when the uninformed for book profits or the absolute liar like Bruce Chilton or the bastardization of Scripture like World Net Daily's current coal stone of Joel Richardson leading people astray with false teachings sold there, makes the job of keeping the sheep of His hand difficult for the shepherds.

I'm amazed in seeing in print things which the Holy Spirit has led me to in explaining things months and years ago. WND currently is pressing the Temple rebuild and is noting through a Turkish Muslim that a sort of international peace temple should be built for Jews, Muslims and Christians, as this Turk joins Jewish Sanhedrin scholars.
I have been led by God to reveal that the anti christ is going to be some kind of community project like Obama in the mixing of all so he can be a standard for many. This fits exactly what the Turkish Muslim was trying to accomplish in this "universal" temple, which in effect is nothing more than a Catholic temple, because that is what catholic means, universal.

The problem in this is Joel Richardson twisting scripture that the anti christ will be Muslim and only control Muslim nations.........twisting the time proven analogy that it will instead be a Roman Empire arisen again, which is what it will be.
Richardson somehow concludes the only nations mentioned are all Muslim and that Rome is not the legs of iron of Daniel's prophecy, because it did not conquer Babylon.

For the record, after the Medes and Persian conquered Babylon, that empire ceased to exist just as much as when Babylon conquered the Assyrian powerhouse they ceased to exist and migrated on the heals of the Lost 10 Tribes and ended up in Germany.
So it does not matter if Alexander set foot in Babylon or not as a Greek, because he conquered the Persian Empire and not Babylon.
Rome was the 4th empire and it was not the Ottoman empire as Richardson tries to convey.

Richardson makes a grave mistake in missing the point that in Daniel, the anti christ is detailed on the link of Antiochos Epiphanes, who was the Greek ruler of the Syrian region.
The Jewish scribe tradition is that the anti christ comes out of Dan. Dan in exile once moved through the Greek city states and is believed with Israel to have actually advanced those peoples.
The anti chirst, the whore of Babylon and the Beast which she rides, is detailed in Revelation. The city noted is one which sits upon 7 hills. There is only one city in the world which sits on seven hills, with one of them being Vaticanus. That city is Rome, and there is only one religion which has it's own government, court and has rule and sway over all nations, and that is the Vatican state run by the Catholic religion which will be betrayed and become the whore of Babylon.
If Richardson had actually researched the facts, during the time of St. John, it was well known that the southern Roman was a Babylonian exile group.

The anti christ appears to be of mixed blood like Obama, and mixed religions, to appeal to the masses. He will come out of Europe, appears to be of Greek origin and will rule a coming axis of the revived unholy Roman Empire.

Islam has no government. Islam instead is a bastardized religion from things Muhammed heard on trading expeditions to Palestine. He took it back, took out Isaac, replaced him with Ishmael, took the doom of the law to cow his wild Arab peoples to drive them into submission, and left out Christian Grace in salvation, and the rest is warfare history of despotic repression.
The reason the mahdi looks so much like the coming Messiah or Jesus the Christ is because Islam stole the role of Savior and put it on a mere man who is supposed to spring forth from a well in Persia.
Just like the Code of Hammurabi is not from him, but based upon the Law given to Moses at Sinai, the same stolen virtue of Hebrew and Christian Faith is what brought about Islam.
Richardson who has no conception of anything but book sales, has missed the Biblical Truth, because the Holy Spirit is not Inspiring him.

As stated, the Bible interprets itself over and over. In Daniel 11, it literally describes this Roman Empire being pressed by the king of the north, which is Russia and the king of the south which is Egypt.
The nations the anti christ then invades are, Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia and he sets his government up outside of Jerusalem.

Nations which escape are the cousins of the Israelites in Edom, which is Esau or the Turks, and Moab and Ammon, who are the grandsons of Lot, who are the Jordanians.

The anti christ then has problems with the king of the north and is troubled by trouble brewing for him in the east. That would be the orient, which includes everything east of the Euphrates.

As the Bible states Damascus will be a heap, that Gaza will be in ruins, there just is no place left in Africa, the Middle East or in Asia for this anti christ "Muslim" to arise. The anti christ seizes the Catholic religion and is from Europe as the Ottomans were Turks and are destined to "escape invasion".

All of this is quite elementary to understand as the Bible explains it all with the Holy Spirit's assistance in opening the mind to God's understanding which God gives freely to all who ask.

The real questions in this though are why is Joseph Farah promoting something which Jesus warned explicitly about in Revelation to not add or take away from the prophecies in that book?

The Bible does not speak about any mahdi in any form. Logic as this blog has noted points to the fact that as Obama is a precursor event to the anti christ, how Putin is now lord of he Eurasian jungles that an anti christ will arise. Many with messiah complexes should also arise in this time as demonic deception increases. It should not be any surprise if an Islamic pretender takes the stage allied with the Russians and Chinese.
The Muslim seers were quite adept and as this blog has noted bin Laden is of this mystics line in his religion, so one can not put faith in their predictions, but Muslims have been correct before in seeing things too just as Baalim was long ago in that region.

One does not need books, one has the Bible and God to know what is going to happen. One must though try all of these twisters as more and more of them are going to be showing up for profit and to deceive people.

Joseph Farah invested great space concerning Rick Warren and his off the Word of Christ tangent. He now has again printed something which is incorrect and is deceiving people. It is BS and BS is not what any Christian needs to be ingesting in these tribulation era we are all entering into.

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