Monday, August 3, 2009

Fly the unfriendly Skies

I thought I would make note of a little unreported incident which proves another facet of this blog Inspired correct again.

This blog has noted for some time that the Chinese communists in their worldwide shipping magnet that they have been sponsoring, shipping and aiding terrorism around the world in part of the Russian Bolsehvik, international communism and Islamocommunist groups which have their own man in the White House now in Barack triple X Obama.

I just thought of something.........isn't it interesting that Barack Huxxxein Obama in porn is a pervert and if you see XXX on a bottle that it was a warning of what pure poison it was.
Barack Obama, the living portrait of both worlds in deviancy and poison to America.

Switch on the batteries as we have to get this helo going.

The star of this saga is Oscar Tulio Lizcano, a Senator from Columbia was kidnapped in 2000 and held hostage for 8 years. Mr. Lizcano observed a number of things during his Obama plan of the Obama allies of FARC, the narco, communist terrorists of South America, who as of last year were trying to purchase weapons grade uranium of Soviet manufacture from the Persian Islamocommunists to use on American cities.
For Obama voters, that means nuclear bombs going off in their enclaves..........from people Obama's people were meeting with in South America, people Obama is writing love letters to in Moscow, cuddling up to Persian terrorists and is selling America out to Chinese communists.

That means to Obamaniacs in exact translation that Barack Obama was helping terrorists to incinerate you in your very own Obama enclaves.

Mr. Lizcano noted that several times Chinese communist helicopters were transporting doctors, terrorists, supplies along with the locals, even the mayors of the region.

Now some might call that a deliberate violation of the Monroe Doctrine which it is. Some might call it an international narcotics trafficking crime as FARC pedals coke to Americans and now is part of the cocaine cartel which Obama's benefactors are now dumping into Europe via the Balkans. Some might even call it an act of war against Columbia and against the United States of America.

Mr. Licanzo though in his heroic escape is mystified in why his country hasn't reacted as all of this insurrection is brewing inside his own nation.
I suppose it couldn't be that the same cartel bankers in America laundering coke money from Latin America are in bed with Bill Ayers Latin American communists along with the Eurasian communists.

These globalist cartels have been using the Chicom and various fleets like Greece to smuggle human traffick to dope to nuclear fun stuff to those strange things which seem to now having Americans dying from peanuts, spinach, puffed wheat and other foods which are now poison when never before in human history they were.

The Chinese are the transportation wing just like they were the opium wing before the Boxer Rebellion. The nice part is that they just took billions of dollars in TARP money which they will never repay back, have has Warren Buffett sell out America in the auto sector and now own 300 million American slaves.
They have been making war on the United States in every literal sense and Mr. Licanzo just proved it.

Now don't tell me that all of DOD, CIA and DEA and BATF which has offices for vacation around the globe have no idea this warfare is taking place. They all do and isn't it a traitorous little Obama world the American sheep are bleating in.

Fly the friendly it Obama style as he is re installing that fine Honduran drug mule as el presidente again.

agtG 278

China violates Monroe Doctrine