In just watching a Teddy Kennedy memorial, I noticed how this old propagandist started already in the late 90's setting the tone of his legacy, so in all the liberal tears of Camelot which never did exist with the Kennedy's being finally dead (interesting CBS would state that with piles of those Fitzgerald looking Irish still with trust funds larger than most 3rd world nations skulking about.), that it is all now over.
I will surprise people probably in saying that I believe America would have been much better off if Joe Kennedy Sr. had been President of the United States. He was betrayed by Franklin Roosevelt who proved to be the ultimate disaster for America, eastern Europe and left a Truman legacy which handed China over to the communists.
Joe Kennedy after his hard work for FDR was marginalized in a cubby hole government post which he did very well, and, he simply disappeared in that oblivion as FDR intended.
From this Joe Kennedy who was a perfectly great rum running criminal who built a financial empire as a successful American, he apparently decided that cheating was the only way to beat cheaters and set the stage for Massachusetts electioneering and finally stealing the election from Richard Nixon.
Joe Kennedy would have made a much better President than FDR and his son Joe jr. who was not the womanizer Jack was, not the womanizer Bobby was with an attitude and not a bumbling loud mouth Teddy was, would have made a better President than his brother or LBJ.
All of that set off a wound in America which she still carries. If people would have behaved, it would have been a much fairer nation in America than the lurching communist state which Teddy Kennedy initiated in aborticide, welfare communism and the degraded political state of politicians being oversexed dope heads.
Joe Kennedy was cheated so he cheated and in the end America has been forever cheated.
So there never has been any Camelot in America which liberals in delusion have fabricated. There never was a Sword of Destiny from the Lady in the Lake. There never was a group of knights without guile. There never was a Merlin providing any moral direction.
There was only a Catholic religion they brushed off as they dusted off a mantel of self absorbed kingship filled with perpetual lies.
As Barack Obama has apologized and is in the process of aborting the United States, Teddy Kennedy set upon his cathartic process in assassinating the United States by legislative liberalism for the nation he saw which murdered his family's dreams.
As long as one was not a woman or an American, the Kennedy's were a delight to have around. Bobby always had an edge, but Jack was a charming guy and Teddy was a keeper of the flame in stories of the old flame. Rose would swim nude around the Florida neighbors and Joe would trot out a film star tramp.
Teddy Kennedy was nothing English. He was simply an Irish guy in his basest form in being too drunk, too much penis and too much self absorbed drama. He was left in his 30's to be Joseph sr., Joseph jr., Jack and Robert. He tried his best, but set the worst of examples, but he was still Uncle Ted at the Irish best and Irish worst.
He would have benefited if Joan had a rolling pin knocking him out about once a day.
Instead he had to wait for a father figure in Republican Senator Orin Hatch to tell him after the rape carried out by William Kennedy Smith, to tell him to grow up and stop being a drunk.
Now though America is faced with the worst of Teddy Kennedy beyond writing a horrid education bill under George W. Bush. Now with Tedward dead, Democrats are going to in their necrokennedy, hitch Obamacrypt to passing it for dead Ted.
It is too bad for the good the Kennedy family tried to emulate that they are now linked to the death sentence which Bearick Obama has inflicted upon America.
If I could advise the remaining Kennedy's, I would tell them to run from Bearick Obama and the liberals now plaguing Congress in the Democratic Party as these NeoProgs.
I would tell them to hitch to Maria Schriver Schwarzenegger as a Republican senator from California and stop trying to make one step farther out in left field than Hitler, Stalin, Marx and Obama.
I don't need the fiction of the Kennedy's or the fiction of Camelot. God has His Judgment for such things, and, I do not sorrow nor take cheap shots at Teddy Kennedy, because I only pity that entire group of Irish patricians who tried so hard to get into the game to play and the elitists never let them get past the basement door.
It all now is almost like Othello, in the black guy Obama is strangling his cheating wife who never cheated on him.........that wife is the Kennedy legacy.
It never was Camelot, it was an English Shakespearean tragedy.
It would be nice if the surviving Kennedys actually told the Truth about who has been murdering the Irish potatoe pickers all these years as a real legacy to save America.
Aborticide, adultery, sodomy, removing God from the public, Marxism, plundering the Treasury are not what Good Catholics are supposed to be about.
hail Mary plenus of venia........
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