Saturday, August 8, 2009

Some dumb asses shouldn't be allowed to fly

With the current news in New York of a helo and plane finding a way to connect in mid air for a crash, the relevant issue is stupidity, because even in random chance the odds of hitting an object when you are flying and not paying attention are impossible. It is hard enough for Patriot batteries to do it, and yet one has two humans both trotting about the air not paying attention to their sphere and finding a way to die quickly at a thousand feet.

Life is so much easier when one knows the rules and plays by them.

One requires 360 degree spherical vision when one is flying. In normal driving, one should have 360 degree circular vision in driving for the other driver or objects that like hitting cars like deer. In war situations, one needs 360 degree spherical and in certain limited situations one requires 360 arc.

All of this is quite elementary as in plotting a course to the belt of Orion. One needs to factor in warping agents as gravity. Space can warp, but only at light speed or approaching that envelope. Once one progresses beyond the speed of light, then just like in atmospheric travel where sonic booms are heard, light photon flashes occur as light is broken or disrupted.
One never aims at the target but it is necessary in trajectory to hit or arrive at the destination where Orion's belt will one is seeing where it was when it was created basically by God.

All quite antiquated travel compared to the instantaneous travel by "thoughts of light" in which leaves this dimension for the God overLord matrix and then pages though this puppet show appearing for all of time and simply jump in and out of the 360 degree space, time and matter junction of one's choice.
No space to warp when one is outside of space.

It is allot like Obama in his own space between his ears, a delusion in his own mind, occupying the space of negative energy and consumptive forces. I warned of his gluttony and here is now going out and making meals of those who disagree with him. Not that he is anything more than a fart being unpleasant to those around them, but not stinking to the producer, Obama will rip the fluidity of the fabric of this time and that fabric will wash back over to the nothingness he was and heal itself.

This is interesting, so I think I might go on by God's Grace.

See Obama is a negative, a nothing. He is not zero in non balance, but is a negative in not existence. His entire properties are that of consumptive. He was ejaculated by the consumptive eating away at the productive of the planet and he was a perpetual abortion event of his parents which neither his parents or the dope head succeeded at. His entire motive of operation has been to destroy the womb which produced him in America being that female reproductive organ.
If one notices though he is aborting black wombs in Africa to a million genocidal infants, but no Arab wombs are so scarred. To that pelvis he just bows to Saudi kings.

This blow fly which Obama is is a carrion eater, a feeder off of destruction, a maker of rot to exist upon. That is why the blow fly he killed was attracted to him. It knew it's beelzebub source in the lord of the flies.

What this all means in dynamics is there comes a time in this dimension when that which is destroyed bursts through and brings life again like weeds in a field. A time of destiny when that which is robbed is dissipated.........the ocean robbed of water is not forever held in the skies, but little by little rains fall into torrents flowing back in rivers to source.

In this Age of Obama, the resistible force of Obama has reached the movable object of the mob. Violence will beget violence until the balance occurs. Aborting nations is an immense undertaking. Empires have attempted it and yet the people's remain in new and more expansive forms. The Caesars and Khans are dead with their empires gone, but the exiles and aborted nations continue on.

Barack Obama will fail in utter ruin. The Laws dictate as such. That which was rapist Bill Clinton in sexual orgasm of women moments ago is now Bill Clinton posing with the midget of North Korea looking like the old plough horse ready for the glue factory.

There is no changing the grids of the sphere as the clicks always remain on target. It would be so much easier if the negative forces would understand this and fly the skies correctly, even when on the White House grounds.

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