Sunday, September 27, 2009

The crumb not nibbled

I was reading a MEMRI report online of an English translation of Sheik bin Laden which was most interesting to this blogger as he actually spoke of a US operation to assassinate him and told his followers that he is immune to death.
This all happened in the the Sheik's message to Europeans and is an interesting taunt at Bearick Obama and NATO with a glorious revelation to Muslims about bin Laden's destiny.

It is typical it seems in the cover ups and the ineptness that such a glaring statement could be overlooked by persons on the right, but there in the Sheik's rambling prose one can hear the Ahmadinejad talking points of innocence and rightful place, before Osama bin Laden states, "I was a witness to the bombing in northern Afghanistan where the civilians were killed."

Elsewhere in speaking of al Qaeda terrorists being loaded into train cars and dying there, giving the hint of Nazi Germans exterminating Jews, the Sheik speaks of it in terms of hearing the information. The massive strike though which killed a bushel of civilians in northern Afnamistan, Osama bin Laden tells the world he was there.
That is most interesting in scope as Bearick Obama missed the target, and it means that the Sheik like a wolf might take the hospitality of the chicken coup villages, but he remains beyond the perimeters of the village house while he stays on his sojourns out of China.

I would submit he has a special camoflague tent with reflective coating to stop heat signatures for his summertime wanderings among the faithful he bribes, but the Sheik just told the world the Americans slaughtered a bushel of Afghani civilians to get him, and the US missed the person of interest.
Sheik bin Laden is not prone to lying on matters like this and it is a taunt to his invincibility that Obama's focused billion dollar Afnamistan War can not get Osama bin Laden in his mystic Islamic protection.

On this I desire to visit another exclusive here........yes the above is an exclusive story broken only here too for God's Glory by His Inspiration, but it is the fact that this blog has counselled that these mystic Muslims, whom the Islamocommunist Ahmadinejad is one of, actually desire a war to come in their apocalypse of the mahdi.
This is hinted at in the Sheik's message to Europeans in he speaks of just and unjust, the gang of guilty and the innocent. He is laying the foundation of what Ahmadinejad is needling for in a guilty America and Jewish state will attack the innocent Islamocommunist state of Iran and the Persian communists will then have "divine" retribution as their eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth in retaliating with nuclear arms.

These Islamists of the mystic order are zealots who do not process information as normal people would in a secular world. They view all as divine protection and will.
The Sheik was moved into this attacking America over being humiliated by the Saudi government in laughing at his call that he should be the one to fight Saddam Hussein alone with his bands of Muhajadeen.
George W. Bush smashed that faith in Tora Bora, but there are now mystic hints in this that the Sheik's dreamers have returned and they are processing an outcome with information they now believe will bring them victory.
The base being innocent Islamists attacked by the satan west and Jews will be obliterated by the mahdi in the bastardized great Muslim war around Jerusalem.

This is what Ahmadinejad has been instigating. His sect has been promoting the mahdi and is driven for this coming war to be led by the mahdi. (Islam stole this from the Book of Revelation, but it is what this group believes like zealots.)
This is why Ahmadinejad and the Supreme Council is in this push the buttons to get the west and Jews to attack them. They are begging to be struck as they know in Judeo Christian warfare they will absorb a merciful attack with rules that the kinder and gentler warfare of Obama Powell will only allow, and, will limit what Benjamin Netanyahu will be allowed to do.

This group thus surviving will then in leisure under the protection of Russia, China and the rest of the world's scorn at being attacked as innocents, be afforded carte blanche to prepare for nuclear terrorism on their own terms.
The area of Judea is one of Hiroshima bowl valleys which in correct detonation will scorch the Jews in a real holocaust fire just as Ahmadinejad desires, while leaving the Philistine neo Syrians to obtain the prize after dying from radiation poisoning and cancers.
It is a certain the Jews will hit Damascus which will wipe out the Iranian counter to them, and in short in his mahdi no man's land they will rule from sea to sea.

This type of nuclear pollution with have the Democratic Congress as predicted here screaming for American withdrawal and in time Iran will use nuclear terror on American cities, for what will Obama do? Bomb nuclear rubble twice?

All of this is being lost on the professional experts or is deliberately being covered up as this pattern in speech and the method to their non madness transpires in greater plumes every day.

Dr. Zawahiri is on this page in his taunts and diatribes, which means his statements of Obama being defeated by a Muslim nation, means his fellow communists in Iran have informed him of a strategy which is in the process of being worked out.
Sheik bin Laden has this same information, but there is something different about him and the way he is handling this as he is reborn as Saladin, the mystic poetic warrior from his youth. I have a feeling in this that the Sheik and his dreamers are having confirmed in those dreams of these events which are about to transpire. There is that type of confidence in their message now. It is a serene mood of staking oneself out in front of their enemy and knowing their bullets will have no effect.

That is what the European message had hidden in it for the mystics like Osama bin Laden. They are faithful in this devotion and look for signs, prophecies and dreams. They believe the mahdi will spring from a well in Iran. It does not make them insane, but makes them believers like kamikaze warriors in faith overcoming all, a faith in the darkness which they deem light, but this is a spiritual warfare and this is where all of this is being fought out now with information flowing in.
Sheik bin Laden adheres to his and American leadership is void of God's Dreams.

These Islamocommunists and Islamofascists are ramping up events as they desire to be attacked so they can nuclear counter punch.

It is all interesting as America, western Europe and Jews now face an enemy who believes they know an outcome they will become victorious in and believe they are immortal mortals in death can not shroud them.

The American majority made a fool's mistake in trusting in Obama. He has tried to bribe his way to an apology victory with Islamists who are mystics and are luring Obama into a trap he has only arrogance in, in stepping into that abyss.

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A note to Mr. Netanyahu: If you strike sir, hold nothing back in your thoroughness, because death is the only peace you will have with these zealots as they will bring nuclear anihilation to all doorsteps in this if left to fight another day.

Sheik bin Laden's revelation