Saturday, September 12, 2009

Judea Pearl's Vote

In the same way that our medical research institutions have declared a war on cancer—not on one tumor or another—your message should make it clear that America is not merely at war with al Qaeda or individual perpetrators of the crimes. It is the ideology of terrorism in its various incarnations that is our most fierce enemy.

Judea Pearl, dad of Daniel Pearl who was beheaded in Pakistan, to Eric Holder and the Obama administration

What is the difference between Saddam Hussein offering up sums of money to terrorists who murder people of the west and difference in Barack Hussein Obama offering up million dollar sums of money to nations to house freed Gitmo terrorists?

Money is money, terrorists are terrorists, dead western peoples are dead western peoples, so the answer is there is no difference between Saddam Hussein policy and Barack Hussein Obama policy as both of them reward terrorists.

I intend to tread lightly in this concerning the Pearl family, but intend to tread honestly, as in Judea Pearl reaching out to Bearick Obama on the issue of terrorism relates he most likely like most New York Times families voted for terrorist sympathizer Obama.
What needs though to be looked at is exactly what this blog has been warning of and calling for is coherent policy in dealing with terrorists.
Mr. Pearl's words are exactly the good terrorist and bad terrorist conviction against Bearick Obama and Eric Holder. There is no such a thing as a good terrorist. Thee only good terrorist is a dead terrorist to quote Phil Sheridan, as that is exactly what he was speaking of on the Great Plains when he uttered that about the terrorist Indians making war upon Americans in that 1870 period of rape, robbery, rampage and murder which included torture and cutting Citizens heads off.

Such things though are lost upon Hollywood and Obama in their trying to understand savagery and make it civil. This is the group who invites Al Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright into their spheres and never equate that a white, Asian or Hispanic would ask the question of, "Would Mr. Obama like it if David Duke, Tojo or Franco was deciding the fate of black people in inviting them into his Oval Office?"

I in not any way cast a blanket of blindness on anyone without blame. I have met with some of the nastiest right wingers in America who are as "kill em all" in hating Lynn Cheney as any Talmudic Jew spewing hatred in making Muslims into animals and any Muslim whose very breath is venom in hating themselves and everything that moves as less than human to be eradicated.
For the fact of the judgment, these peoples died long ago and are just festering hatred like the Obama administration in being drawn to their own terrorist kind. Nuclear bombs vaporizing them would be a kindness to the world and to themselves as sealing the deal, but that is what this blog expansively notes in what micro policy Mr. Pearl is pleading for in sound policy against savages.

Yet one can tune into Tavis Smiley in his blanket blindness for black or called black skinned peoples and have him searching for goodness in Michael Jackson. Smiley can not even be honest in Jackson was a pervert and there is no good to be emulated in a perverted Michael Jackson or a perverted Adolf Hitler.
One might as well when Charlie Manson dies look for the good in him in his "family of murdering terrorists" who carved up one of the most beautiful women to ever grace this planet in Sharon Tate, who pleaded for her baby she heard gasping for breath in her womb, because she had so many holes in her body as the child suffered a Manson abortion.

There are evils in this world and evil people. Those are the absolutes of this and one does not as national policy reward evil nor set about policies where that fanged evil is left with nuclear bombs after you are forced to strike them.
As stated, this blog has tried diligently to protect even the hate filled to give them time to repent in every nation, but the greater focus of the policy here is not making such inept Obama policy that people being vaporized is the only option left which is what Democrats have left the world. The reason being is the same nuclear end to terrorist states backing Obama's good terrorists, belch radioactive dust upon the peaceful Citizens of America and the world.

What Mr. Pearl in the Wall Street Journal have not figured out yet is Bearick Obama and Eric Holder cuddling with terrorists and befriending terrorist states gives the conclusion America is weak.
These groups then act out more belligerently and thereby force a strike upon them as Obama policy fails.

This then makes the terror states react in vaporizing New York City and millions of Americans.

That is inept and dangerous policy from Bearick Obama.

This is not about the farce of getting Sheik bin Laden. Everyone knows very well where he is. He is not in Pakistan, but in the Chinese autonomous hinterlands along with Zawahiri. China is providing him succor, Russia is providing him with logistics and weapons and various Muslim governments do not "see" shipments or communications to him.
Just like no one sees Islamocommunists flooding into communist states like Brazil and Venezuela for attacks against European and Israeli west.

This is a 5th column against the west that everyone knows is going on and everyone "because we have to have China writing checks to expand Obama's Marxist spending" looks the other way, just like Obama doesn't see Putin's nuclear subs patrolling in terror off of America as terrorism.

Judea Pearl can go public in his breach with Obama, but Obama has done nothing but sponsor and enable world terrorism which springs from his bowing before Saudi Mooselums to his writing love letters to Putin and sending Hillary Clinton to be the Pretty Peking Girl selling herself for Chinese checks.

That is the issue beyond what the Pearl family has experienced, because Bearick Obama has carried out policy which will now bring nuclear decapitation to the American head of New York.

America does not need a "new" terror policy structure. America needs to just kill terrorists wherever they are and inform China if they don't like American terror policy to suck on nuclear missiles as Obama is reducing the inventories any way.

Thomas Jefferson attacked terrorists in Africa. That policy is the correct policy. The reason Daniel Pearl was murdered was because he worked for a paper which sponsored and made excuses for terrorists and the reason New York is now in jeopardy is the New York Times is still making excuses for terrorist enabler Bearick Obama.

Obama's policies will bring about nuclear terror as that is what he fully intends to clean up his Brzezinski chessboard and to so scare Europeans and Americans that they will just make this ilk perpetuals Robert Mugabes terrorizing their own people by branding their own people as terrorists.

Judea Pearl is probably being reviewed right now by Janet Napolitano for his protesting Obama like the Tea Dunkers.
Welcome to the brave new Obama world Mr. Pearl in you are now deemed what you are fighting against.

The thing which the majority of Jews in America and Israel voted for, you are now Bearick Obama's terrorists who are expendable for his cause.


Judea Pearl