Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Obamataker

Today I saw something really disturbing. No, it wasn't the death of Rod Blagojevich's genius money collector in Christopher Kelly, who seemed to have committed suicide by taking aspirin.

It was quite novel in a married man in Kelly, called his "girlfriend" who then met him on a street corner, where Kelly puked. They then went to the apparently only hospital outside of Kenya which did not have a trauma unit.......why at trauma unit was necessary, because he was not beaten to death or suffering from injuries in a traffic accident..........but apparently the hospital had no idea how to pump some one's stomach, whereby they shipped him to another hospital which did have a trauma unit where Mr. Kelly instead of being saved, died.

The "girlfriend" after hauling him to the hospital did her public duty and phoned the police. That is a job which the hospital is responsible for, but the duty bound "girlfriend" was busy dialing 911.

Now it is quite novel in dying from something which comes from willow bark which no one dies from. I suppose that dying from lead poisoning like Donald Young would have been a bit obvious, but then who knows, perhaps some Obama connected associate might blow up next week instead of talking for taking nitro heart pills by running into themselves.
(For the Obama people, that is an impossibility.)

Rod Blagojevich had probably better stay away from the M & M's or he might die from chocolate poisoning.

Nor was the disturbing scene at the US Women's Tennis Open of one of the black Williams girls throwing a tantrum and loosing her match by double fault the worst that the news had on.
In seeing this "Obama Tirade" which has plagued blacks in thinking they have a different set of rules than the rest of Americans now, is quite degrading as throwing a tantrum in thinking one does not have to follow the rules because Obama is in the White House is ridiculous.
Obama does it and the black world concludes it too does not have to follow rules.

What was really disturbing was a feed I was watching out of Minneapolis in which Obama was ranting at the microphone about Obamacrypt was going to be done his way, the only way and the rest of America should shut up and go along with what he dictates.

As Obama was literally bent over humping at the podium yelling loudly, I honestly thought his brain had reached meltdown, as his eyes disappeared.
What I mean by this is in Professional Wrestling one of the performers there that I enjoy watching for his acting is a person named the Undertaker. He has a gimmick where he rolls the colored part of his eyes up into his head and all one sees is that spooky white eyes with nothing in there.
This is what I saw flash on the screen as Obama was bent down and yelling. It was creepy and not cool when the Undertaker does it. In witnessing that, Obama is coming to the point of not being there mentally and is beginning to wink out.

Think about it in who gets so wound up in screaming that their eyes disappear like some Friday the 13th special effect?
Obama does and the way Pelosi looked she is going through the perpetual change of life, Obama is reaching a mental breakdown.

I warned of this in past blogs that Obama can not handle these amounts of stress or the denial of who he is (the White House is his not being abandoned as a child, but he is now being abandoned by the American nation due to his crazy Marxist laws.).

I have never seen any human do what Obama did in Minneapolis. It was disturbing..........but then maybe with the dead African babies, the dead American geezers Obama is going to kill with his rationed care, maybe Obama is auditioning for the role of Obamataker for the millions of dead he is about to heap up.

Christopher Kelly is dead because of Bearick Obama. He never would have been arrested if Obama did not have Patrick Fitzgerald hounding Rod Blagojevich over Obama pissed off that Blago didn't put Valerie Jarrett into the Illinois seat.

People who commit suicide do not take aspirin, do not meet girlfriends on street corners and hospitals do not ship them out to other hospitals. Like all Chicago it doesn't make sense and it looks a great deal not like the official record is reporting.

Chris Kelly is silent now like Donald Young. Looks like the Obamataker wins again.

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