I wonder how one loses their underwear. Certainly, a married person would have many excuses to their spouse as perhaps a hurricane blew them off, perhaps a squirrel ran up their leg or perhaps they were composed of dark material and of such gravity that they simply sank to the floor like a black hole.
I found a pair of underwear today and stole them from the fate of garbage. It is not like they were really underwear, but of these new types which look obscene worn without underwear and look too not swim trunks to wear them to the pool.
I also found a penny in the lane which was complete chewed up from being run over. Added to that my riches were enriched with two cent found in a public washing machine.
The laundry has a special place for me as I observe the rich washing filth so dirty they would never put things like that in their machines, but yet expect the poor to put their clothes they have to keep buying, because they keep losing them.
The same people who will have poor babies laundering their pink precious things will have them touching cat poop in their cat bedding washed in the same machines, but will donate expensive bedspreads to a charity which smell of perfume and cat piss for these same poor people to use in their clean homes.
Ah such is life in our Holmes world, that I come and clean too in finding choice Jehovah's Witness literature always placed to snare some traumatized soul to becoming a slave to denying Jesus is THEE Son of God.
I remedy such measures in ripping up said English and Spanish Watchtowers and add them to the carbon footprint landfill.
I have special rights in this as the Jehovah's Witness stole my inheritance while my Grandfather lay injured in hospital in his late 60's, they ensnared my Gram by using her brother, and she sold the rock farm out from under Gramps and the money went to Kingdom Hall.
Added to this almost a dozen years later, my sister suffered homicide in riding with a young man named Dennis. He had been drinking as youngsters do and fell asleep. To which the 66 Mustang left the road and it smashed a railroad post used as fence brace which took the top of her head off.
Hell of a burden to have an accident and mistake have you at 2 in the morning holding a bleeding girl as she is dead already but her brain stem does not comprehend it yet.
To this the Jehovah's Witness swooped in and preyed on this young man. I pray for him and hope in Jesus that Dennis is free from them or will be free. There has been too much loss in this and I will not have this now elderly man not in heaven over a mistake.
So I have a debt in this with the Jehovah's Witness.
Americans know too little in their hearts about suffering, because they do not cherish the suffering that matters in running from it and instead feast upon the worst kind of tortures all their lives in guilt in being robbed in taxes which are immorally high now and refusing discipline in too many children turned into sexual refuse, denying them responsibility in thinking that burden is nothing a human desires.
I refuse to wear safety belts, because a safety belt held my sister in place to smash her skull. Every time I hear the control freak liberals extolling safety belts, I smile in knowing that the real reason is not in saving people, but that there is no profit in traffic accidents as people die and it costs insurance companies.
The same is true in cigarette smoking as Rush Limbaugh noted in people who smoke, that smoke just like in meats is a preservative against harmful germs and he never got the flu while smoking. Healthy people do not go to doctors, but people getting sick over long periods and then dying from cancer or immune diseases caused by the poisons slowly fed to mankind is the profit margin in shearing the diseased sheep of their working wool yearly, until the great slaughter comes when the insurance runs out on catastrophic disease.
There will be no sermons here about what Americans should do as Americans are in the trap of their good natured making. I have not been immune as the government invaded my property this past summer and today I found a bill for that invasion of destruction demanding payment or it would add to my property taxes.
I have considered reporting these officials to the EPA, because in their operation which was based upon some big agribusiness interests, they happened to destroy habitat I was preserving for a very rare snake species which would probably bring millions in fines on this group, but as I type this I recall today speaking with an old truck driver telling me, "You know I drove to the city today and I looked down those soybean rows and all I saw was blue."
See all that blue is rain and my big agricultural interests are finding God's recompense in the balancing act. Do not rob widows, orphans, the destitute, or me.
A Christian has no need. A Christian only has a requirement from God to avenge, act and protect.
There are far too many good people who have allowed all of this evil enslavement to be entrenched into America. Some for example like those people at Newsbusters in that Mr. Sheffield who needs a shampoo and that Mr. Sheppard, are just too patrician connected by old money that they have never had to wear a dead person's clothes, because they were never that poor.
It makes no difference to them if gas goes up a dollar a gallon as they have enough like too many of the people ensconced on the right and left, who either claim affinity or claim charity for the poor, and yet have never walked a mile in the shoe which does not fit the foot as it belonged to a dead person, then donated to charity, because their little feet can always afford the expensive
LL Bean clothes.
The rich enable the Obama Marxism, because they never fell the pinched heart of reality in bills which do not include restaurants, cable, jewelry on birthdays and 600 dollars for marigolds in their front lawn to impress the neighbors.
I have no problem with rich people spending money on what they care to, but I have a problem when rich people enable NeoProg policy, instead of livening up the poor masses by screaming for them that, "Spending and debt is big of a burden on people who will never have the money for a trip to Hawaii or are competing now with Mexicans for a job".
Americans are in the position they are for being too nice and not pleading with God for an exodus out of Egypt.
America is a wonderful place and she needs to be protected. She needs a people of self discipline and prayers for new leaders with actually God Inspired ideas to bring about the solutions so that Americans when Christ returns are not going to be 300 million Citizens competing for a lost 3 cents and stolen underwear.
There is just not enough cents in America to go around now and not enough underwear to cover what is the nakedness being exposed in the impoverishing of the citizenry.
It is written that My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. God gives freely as James was moved to write, all who ask Wisdom.
I have already had enough of the Obama's dirty underwear and being made to think Americans should be thankful for pennies tossed in the street.
America needs to change the underwear and start moving on the vaults of where those 12 trillion dollars Mr. Obama and Mr. Geithner just looted from America, and are sitting in banks overseas.
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