Remember that Letterman swore to the world that he had stopped sexing vixen Burkitt, but now in diary entries, Letterman has been shown hauling the nubile sex toy to her home in Connecticut from New York and from New York to Letterman's Montana ranch for 2009 getaways.
What this means is as this blog noted, David Letterman is in multiple count violations of the federal Mann Act, which makes it a crime to take any person across a state line for lewd acts, perversion, illegal sex as it is human traffic.
See when pervert Letterman was paying Stephanie Burkitt as an "employee" and sexing her, across state lines, that is federal prostitution. Letterman went so far to even try and keep her on his payroll as the good times rolled as his "personal attorney" when she graduated from university.
The fact is in this that the Montana District Attorneys, New York District Attorneys and Connecticut District Attorneys all have a Constitutional mandate now to file multiple federal charges against David Letterman for trafficking in sex.
Perhaps if Letterman's jet touched down in Minneapolis some over zealous Obama liberal there can now even file charges as they set up Larry Craig for. A case could be made in any state now that Letterman's jet even flew over, as he violated their airspace in criminal acts, that they could by any grand jury even on a county level file charges on David Letterman.
As Joe Halderman's attorney has revealed, there is a great deal more to this case than the smear David Letterman and the Manhattan DA have libeled this fellow CBS employee over.
First, we find that Ms. Birkitt while living with Mr. Halderman was cheating on him with David Letterman for an extended period of time.
Letterman pursued his young woman like a hound in driving her home from work, seeking extended employment, taking her on vacation and having her lie to Mr. Halderman that "they were just good friends".
Friends with benefits as a matter of fact as while Joe Halderman was being a good parent, faithful partner to Ms. Burkitt, she was lying to him in bringing home David Letterman's sperm inside of her after a long day's "work".
Second, Ms. Birkitt was involved in what appears a the most freakish David Letterman event yet. See Ms. Birkitt was trying to get "pregnant". She was telling Joe Halderman in their relationship that, "She would become pregnant, have the child and with this high paying job David Letterman was providing, that Mr. Halderman could then stay home and play Mr. Mom".
In translating this, it appears David Letterman was part of a Mt. Everest size cuckold scheme in he was not just getting off in humiliating Joe Halderman, but as past fatherhood presents itself, Birkitt's great boss as he was sexing her, was probably going to be the sperm donor in actual sex, and Joe Halderman was going to be forced to raise David Letterman's bastard, all the while he continued to sex Stephanie Birkitt at the office with Halderman trapped at home.
One thinks that things in this Age of Obama can not get any more perverted and then Letterman with his old fossil trying to get it re hydrated in the lily spring of Stephanie Birkitt, is not just cuckolding a fellow CBS employee, but events are staged where the faithful partner is going to be raising Letterman's bastard.
As Mr. Halderman's attorney states frankly, there is a great deal more to this story. The fact that Joe Hadlerman who is part of a criminal investigative team would be caught extorting money is ridiculous.
I would submit that Mr. Halderman was emotionally raped by David Letterman and was simply extracting humiliating justice from the pervert who tried to cuckold him with the love of his life.
Revenge in that mode is not illegal and there is no jury in this world who is going to convict a man or woman who finds out the person they love, who is telling them they should become parents, is bringing home geezer sperm as their paid whore every day, and chances are that child which you thought was your child, turned out to be the geezers.
From day one, I had stated that David Letterman would rue the day he exposed this and that 2 million dollars which is beginning to look more and more like, something Letterman was fostering along, along with illegally recording Joe Halderman in order to smear him to deflect the criminal things Mr. Letterman was engaged in, that Letterman should have just paid the money in buying the script, apologized and buried it all.
The reason being that when Joe Halderman gets off on this he is going to have full scorched earth power to sue CBS, Les Moonves and David Letterman for billions of dollars in emotional stress, psychological torture, slander and financial ruin.
The female employees at CBS have a billion dollar lawsuit as Letterman smeared them all in not noting which staff he was prostituting.
This is why CBS pulled their feeds from online, as Letterman on national television just told any enterprising attorney that lawsuits galore awaited for their profits as Letterman admitted to sexual harassment and pimping and pandering. Now we know from the Burkitt diary entries that Letterman violated for certain the Mann Act.
For over a year now David Letterman has been engaged in the wholesale political rape of Sarah Palin and her family. After this broke, he was still slandering her and assaulting her ability to earn a living in mocking her new book which is going on sale.
In noting that, it appears Sarah Palin as a Christian has a real Avenging Angel in Jesus the Christ, because after Letterman engaged in the pedophile impregnation humor, this seems to have all started to fall apart for him.
So this blog looks at Joe Halderman as a sort of Gideon with tarnished armour risen up like Babylon to do God's bidding in a beginning recompense on David Letterman.
For the record, Mrs. Letterman has now been exposed to all the people Stephanie Birkitt had sex with, Joe Halderman slept with and Joe Halderman's wife slept with. An intelligent wife would get out while her health still prevailed in taking the mansions, the ranch, the hundred million in settlement and several million in alimony yearly to raise the child she had with Letterman.
The reason being Letterman has a long history of adultery and fornication in preying on one type of employee who he prostituted from movie sets to CBS, and that is young and attractive women, who seemed to be attracted to rich, powerful, OLD, funny, authoritative males, IE, Letterman has been for the past decades screwing pseudo daughters in an Oedipus Rex complex.
No wife with any sense should in a world of aids, hepatitis and crazed scorned stalkers who Letterman dumped by the side of the road, needs to expose herself and her family to that.
That also brings up the question now if the stalker of David Letterman who was crawling over his wall, if she in fact was telling the truth of having some relationship with Letterman as he has just been caught bald face lying about his criminal activity with Stephanie Birkitt.
David Letterman as this blog noted in his cocktail crowd is a sexual predator. It is why he had no problem with Bill Clinton assaulting women and he has no problem with the perversions of Bearick Obama.
They all enable each other and all use sex as a weapon on other humans.
A grown man who spends his life in daughter fetish sex, abusing women who need a good Pastor counselling them is not someone who should go unpunished. I sincerely hope that Mr. Letterman is arrested on his crimes and tried. I certainly hope Joe Halderman is found innocent on these charges as he was under severe emotional torture and it remains to be seen how much further lying Letterman was conducting concerning the "blackmail". In that, I hope Mr. Halderman sues CBS, Moonves and Letterman for billions and he will win that suit on emotional trauma.
Mr. Halderman has now lost his name, his employment, his son has been moved to Colorado far away from him. This is the actual cost of real human life being ruined by David Letterman's perverse sexual pursuits.
This is not over yet, and Letterman should have just paid twice this 2 million and made it go away. Now may it never go away and may it hound him for the pervert Obama voter he is to what he did to Joe Halderman.
agtG 335
PS: Maybe Letterman should invite Muchelle Obama over for a little lap dance as she had her nipples exposed and erect in Copenhagen during her Olympic pitch in a speech concerning sitting on her daddy's knee and violently punching male children as her dad taught her.
Sounds like a match made in hell, Letterman's little girl daughter complex (gee is that based in his pedophile humor) and Muchelle Obama with erect nipples excited about sitting on daddy's lap.
The creatures and their cumforts.
Letterman's daughter sex, cuckold, pregnancy........no joke
Letterman violates Mann Act