Sunday, October 11, 2009

Damn the Americans, Full Death Panels Ahead

Contents here are going to be satirically graphic.

What America is faced with is a situation with the NeoProg Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Bearick Obama leadership of damn the health care full death panels ahead.

The question is when the American majority is not in favor of this Draconian rationed care from the rich to the poor (The rich knowing 50 million more hogs to the trough means they too will be rationed and the poor comprehend that once death panels are invoked that they will not be treated and someone else will pay their bills, but they will simply be told to die.) just why is this mania gripping Democrats?

Ronald Reagan explained the reasoning for national health care in the late 1960's as it was a means to do to the rest of the American population which welfare did to blacks, and that was turn them into perpetually impoverished peoples who sell their votes in mass to liberal Democrats in exchange for pauper rations.
In understanding this motive for power which rests in FDR's "great society", one then has to ask the question again, "Why push this so hard in a mania now when the majority does not want it?"

Consider the leading Democrats behind this in now refusing to even post this monstrous bill online for the public to read it. There reason is, "It is too complicated for stupid Americans to read and comprehend".
That brings to the point the reality of, if Democrats can not create a bill which is simple to understand in marking payments, care and life for Americans, how are hospitals, insurance companies, government employees and physicians going to understand what the genius NeoProgs in Congress can not even read nor comprehend?

This mania over death panels has a psychological reasoning in these liberals know their time is very short. They know that if they do not strike now when the American economy is strangled that by the next election cycle, Americans will gravitate toward Conservativism again and destroy the Marxist created opportunity for another 50 years to enslave Americans and the economy to this basic culling of poor people by not providing them health care.
That is the reason for the mania in this. The Democrats fully realize they are going to loose Congress and in 2012 Obama will be so defeated in a landslide or limp into office that the American stagnant economy will provide a stalemate to Marxist policy. If NeoProgs get this bill passed now in any form, this cancer will eat it's way into the entire American system and it will never be able to be touched or removed, just like Social Security or Welfare can not be touched, but just continue to grow to the ruination of all.

If one listed the denial of human life, the slow tortuous death of Americans, the impoverishing of America, the circumventing Constitutional process, one would judge correctly that would be crimes against humanity and high treason, and that is exactly what Pelosi is initiating in Obamacrypt.
If anyone in America, denied food to a person, told them to go home and starve to death, started collecting food out of other people's houses so they starved and forced farmers out of growing food, and doing it all to gain power circumventing the Constitution, it would be the exact crime which Obamacrypt is on the American people.

There is no difference between starving people and denying them health care. One can promise kobe beef and Belgium endive, but when the policy is calling saw dust bread and sewer sludge butter, people are going to die from eating the poison, just like people are going to die from Obamacrypt.

Frankly, this is no longer going to be resolved by impeachment, recalls or marches on Washington. This blog instead advocates the responsible Governors of their states with their Attorney Generals to indict all members of Congress who vote for Obamacrypt on high crimes of treason and crimes against humanity.
The appropriate punishment after conviction would be that which the Nazi was sentenced to as were enough communists when the Iron Curtain fell. There is absolutely no difference in what Obama Pelosi are doing than the grand slaughter of denying life to the Ukrainian Citizens in which tens of millions perished.

THIS IS what has to be comprehended about Obamacrypt in the government of the United States is no more acting in the best interests of the American people than the Nazi's were with the Jews or the Soviet Bolsheviks were acting against the Ukrainians.

This is the Americans killing fields which these same Marxists carried out in Cambodia.

Denying health care to millions of people, means millions of slow deaths. The poor will not be treated and those insured will be told they are too "sick" to continue care for diabetes, enlarged hearts, dialysis or heart surgeries.
The only bonanza in this is going to be for morticians and the casket industry in what Obama is creating, but as that has now become a racket, America is going to have an Auschwitz fat scented soot cloud hanging over it, for all the bodies cremated.

America is going to be just like Korea, but instead of souring cabbage buried in kimchi pots brining life to those people, America instead will be a nation of porcelain pots buried across the landscape in people Obama and Pelosi tortured to death.

There is no denying any of this nor the results. This is a deliberate leftist attack upon the United States and her people. Obama Pelosi are criminals and should be indicted by the respective states on treason and international crimes against humanity, as a forever lesson, that the American people when they have their government usurped will indeed under the 10th Amendment restore their powers and their sovereignty.

The Constitutional mandate for the Federal Government is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not death, slavery and the pursuit of torture.
