Friday, October 9, 2009
How dry it is
There is an interesting situation which is degrading to a developing situation as it has been a decade now that the area east of the Israeli state is now suffering through massive long term drought.
Reservoirs have shrunk and the populations are feeding upon flat bread and boiled lentils for their constant diet.
This has now started to reach into Turkey, which has a series of massive dams it has been constructing, flooding some ancient ruins that it has been a shame have been lost. These rivers are snow fed, and a drought in Turkey will only provide an easier highway for military invasion from Asia.
While another sob story of people suffering will have most people shutting off in this posting already, the focus of my observations is a small Biblical prophecy concerning the kings of the east.
Revelation 16:12; And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
The entire Middle East, Judah and Israel proper has been under a massive drought situation for centuries. That is why all that sand hardly looks like something fertile or which was a land of milk and honey. Yet that region at one time was so perfectly planted and abundant that God had His Garden, Eden, planted there.
When God divorced Israel and Judah, it completely ended the ability of that area to sustain huge populations based on those nations ability to produce all of the food for their own people.
Saudi Arabia is about to end wheat production as it wastes too much valuable water to grow wheat in that region where rain does not come.
This is the situation which is worsening in depleting water resources in the above decades long drought which is expanding.
What is of interest is the great rivers of the Middle East come from the Turkish region where snows fill the Tigris and Euphrates. Those rivers are a natural barrier to any invasion for any military from the east.
The stage is now being set by long periods of drought for the fulfillment of the Armageddon prophecy where the kings of east are gathered for that great battle, due to the Euphrates being dried up.
I was reading the historical papers of my area this past week and found that the regional lakes and rivers were being lamented as dried up just a hundred years ago. For those who think that great rivers can not be dried up, it has happened in the United States and other locations.
It certainly happened in the Red Sea during the Exodus by God's hand, so a God Inspired vial poured out certainly would make the Middle East rivers dry too.
These are just various small signs which are all coming together as the Bible predicted.
I ponder in any event how a 200 million man army would be supplied in such a drought location. That is 200 million gallons of water a day just for drinking, and in a week's movement that is a billion gallons of water. A truck carrying 10,000 gallons as a milk semi truck does with those stainless steel tanks, would mean it would take two thousand trucks a day hauling water alone.
This blog has offered that China if it can not feed it's people will have to march them out to war, and, in logistics, it appears a merciful God will simply slaughter them as they would dehydrate in a miserable death before they could return, from the river of no return.
The signs though are building more and more with Biblical hints. Libya mentioned and Libya is building it's place on the world stage for the first time in history. War fires are brewing again so a false peace treaty by the newly ascending central European leadership will be in place.
I do not in any way mean to convey this is going to happen tomorrow or months from now, because the false peace treaty is yet to be signed and that period is 7 years in the final cycle.
I do though point out there are numerous signs building for the first time in history of necessary situations are in place to fit all the Biblical prophecies.
Christians are warned to watch. They have a responsibility to correct and be the teachers of the Master while they are here in this world, so that when people are searching for answers or scared, a Christian can relate things to look for to calm people.
Information builds faith in the sloven who have been chasing this Obama world while others have been busy working and preparing for years.
The signs are more interesting as the months progress.
agtG 261, 267
The Virgins had better trim their wicks and have their lamps full, as the Master is providing more and more signs that this is the coming time which America is about to be plunged into.
Syrian 1999 Drought
Syrian 2009 Drought still