If people really could comprehend What the Bible is in all of the forms this Article manifests at, they would create hallowed ground around the Bible, consecrate the areas of their homes and would be in awe, in the literal word of terror of this Book.
The Bible is not just words from God. The Bible is the Word of God, as in the Bible is the Living Thought of the Father, Who is the Word of God, Who manifested as Jesus the Christ.
That Book is a Living phonetic, harmonic Signature of the very Essence of the Creative Living God.
It is not words, but Living Thought which transforms every language it is translated into, into an Instrument of the Living God.
As most people will not be egg headed enough to learn languages which would be a burden to them. They miss the entire satire, prose, turn of words, which the Bible, Inspired by the Holy Spirit, actually conveys.
There is an inner joke in Scripture many times which reveals God's Nature in the original Hebrew where God will word play in situations to convey double meanings such as people do now in Obama and Obummer, the O to Zero.
The Prophets continuously are using words which sound like an original Hebrew word. For example in Genesis 18 when the Lord visited Abraham before Sodom and the cities of the plain were destroyed the word translated as "outcry" is two words in zeaqa and seaqa. One means outrage and the other an out cry. As the cities of the plain were so wicked in subverting Justice, the double meaning is true as the outrage demanded punishment and the outcry was for punishment.
The Psalms are in this a myriad of Prophetic harp, voice, song, interaction between leader and faithful, ascending to the purpose of the celebration or prayer. One can read a Psalm and benefit immense comfort in a single voice, and yet when mixed with all facets of intended sound, the symphony of the many facets create a gem vibrational resonance which activates the Living God to whatever moment the human condition is in need of nurturing in.
What is remarkable is "The Lord is my Shepherd" translates with the same calming comfort no matter what language this Word is heard in, because the Words are frequency in the soul and Spirit and are felt. The Bible is a Living Emotion which is always in motion.
Every person who has been in distress can point to the miracles of being at their end, opening the Bible and by direction they will find the exact Words speaking to their exact situation. The Bible is a sensitive in the Word emits a constant song. People in distress ring the doorbell of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit guides their hands and the exact address of the House of Word opens that door with all inside.
The Catholics actually have a rite in gleaning Truth by opening the Bible. It works and is an amazing feature of this Book.
The Bible is an imprint of Life in Living Thought. The Word is multi dimensional in speaking to new situations with the same verse as a human grows in Spirit. This Word is so mathematically an imprint of the Christ that the frequency is fruitful and multiplies. The Bible actually has "residue" of all the knowledge of God, so that the Words actually touch all that was, are and will be.
The situation is akin to opening the room of someone you held dear who has not been there for sometime, but the scent of their presence, the feel of them, the things they experienced outside the room are still known by a person feeling the room in the imprint the person lived.
This complex Book holds secrets in codes of situations discussed in the present which some note are predictions, but are not. This Book is so sensitive that it in echo records the conversation of human events, like John McCain can be linked as President in 2008, but people will conclude incorrectly he was elected when the codes were only dealing with the event.
The letters of each word in all languages are of numerical value, just as notes in a song. They keep rhyme, rhythm and time. The beauty is not just in the prose of the Word, but the revelations of each letter forming the symphony of Words.
If people understood the workings of the Bible or the resonant frequencies of the Constellations which God painted upon the sky, I know they could discern the lottery numbers to the exact date and time of any event. The mystery is held in they will not hear, see or think the answers, but feel them and have to work in reverse from the heart speaking to the mind, with the Holy Spirit interpreting that conversation to understand the emotional signature they are feeling.
See it is completely backwards in the way humans process information here and designed that way, because the Way, the Truth and the Life is not physical, but an emotional Thought.
God is not a lottery number. God is Love.
Understand the mystery of the Bible, because God is teaching those who will listen how to utilize this Authored Guide in all of the Ways the Book is meant.
People have not touched the surface yet of all the Bible is.
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The Book is in your hands. Use the Book.