Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jane Fonda Obama

As we now know that Muchelle Obama is a political animal in having Inspector Generals fired, staff replaced and hired, trips to Copenhagen, and, the infamous "bondage attire", it behooves a political nation to inquire completely as this blog has started into an investigation of just what kind of political statement was Muchelle Obama sending when she wore "blood camouflage" to attend the Memorial honoring a fallen United States Soldier receiving the Medal of Honor.

This blog will not repeat that Soldier's name, as this blog is not about to associate that Soldier in some scandal which he nor his family had any part in.
The questions in this though are is what Muchelle Obama wore a political statement? What was that statement? How much does her husband agree with what this woman did, and, exactly what was the intent of wearing a cocktail dress in a snow camouflage pattern, which looked like it had been soaked and smeared in blood?

This dress just did not happen. As one can view Mrs. Obama from her white fingernail polish, her diamond accessories, her expensive corpse colored "blank" me high heals, to her hair, all were perfectly done in being planned.
Would anyone deem it correct to wear a cocktail dress to a funeral, to a solemn religious service or visiting the sick? The answer of course is a resounding NO, and yet the Obama's chose this medium to convey a message.

The world has seen Mrs. Obama's aversion to wearing patterns of drapery to table cloths. She wore a fire hydrant yellow to gain attention in Rome. She bares her shoulders often even in frigid winter conditions, which is not fashion sense nor common sense, but seems to point to a person uncomfortable in her own skin in clothing feels binding to her, as in her psychology she feels in bondage by the situation in her life.
So attire is a definite psychological platform for Mrs. Obama as much as Bearick showing his manboobs after the election was a definite political spin to seduce already gay and Peggy Noonan type women to come along for the ride in making Obama the narcotic of addiction for the masses to bring about his political policies from a drugged nation.

There needs to be inquiry and answers as to who created this blood camouflage pattern. The designer who chose it, and the political thinking of Mrs. Obama in wearing something which is akin to her dangling body part earrings or the braided hair of the slain enemy on her wrist as was common in old tribal cultures.
The dire reason this must be investigated is that Mrs. Obama was not attending the funeral for 3rd son bin Laden. She was not with her husband's TalEEban. She was not at a Gaza funeral. She was not at the memorial for Christians locked in Kenyan Churches where Cousin Odingo was locking the doors and burning the people alive.
Mrs. Obama was at a United States Soldiers national Memorial to honor this Hero of America.

Does Mrs. Obama wear red otherwise? No is the answer to her color choice patterns which were previously green, to black and horrid prints. This was not waterfowl green print camo. This was the winter snow pattern camouflage which I happen to have in an M 65 field jacket for mountain warfare.
This begs the analogy as stated in Afghanistan is mountain warfare with horrendous mountain snows. Blood is being shed in this Obama War, but the question in this bizarre dress pattern is, "As Obama is conducting this war, what on earth is Muchelle blood camouflage protesting about it for like Jane Fonda?"

This blog looks for patterns then. This blog finds them in a continuous pattern of hatred and humiliation for the British, who are the closest of American allies. Prime Minister Gordon Brown, his wife, his children and the entire British people have been constantly humiliated by the Obamas for psychological reasons the Obama's have not shared, but have made public in action.

As this is a pattern, the question then comes to fruition was Muchelle Obama degrading the United States Military and especially this honored Soldier by her choosing that dress?

The political leanings of this designer of cloth pattern, the designer of the dress added to the known political leanings of Mr. and Mrs. Obama in their "change America" statements and not being proud of the United States, all form a pattern of "bondage belt" statements.

As one overtly makes political statements with clothing, then certainly Mrs. Obama makes covert statements as much as her husband wore a matching red tie for his wife's chosen attire.

Mrs. Obama's dress looks like a crime scene cloth from a murder scene. Mrs. Obama is attracted to this radical pattern. What is the psychology in that, that she finds allure in this type of a bold statement in demanding attention be paid to her, when the attention of the event was to be for a slain United States Soldier.

None of these observations with past patterns and conduct by the Obama's offer any reasonable doubt that this dress choice just happened. Nothing in this appears to be an honor for the Soldier, his family nor the US military.
This is not a matter of someone any longer with no fashion sense, once Mrs. Obama strapped on her bondage belt degrading the entire black slavery experience. Her attire by her definition became a political statement meant to be heard around the world.

Who would find delight in Mrs. Obama wearing blood camouflage?

Who would be pleased at Mrs. Obama wearing this to a ceremony honoring a US Soldier?

Who would see a hidden coded message in a camouflage pattern created in America, common in America, what looks to be adorned now with bucket splashes of blood, worn by Mrs. Obama, to an event in which Muslim terrorists murdered the honoree in a US Soldier?

All of the above point to Islamofascist and Islamocommunist terrorists would see a political message in what the Obama's just did in slapping US Soldiers sacrifices by wearing something that Khadaffi, Ahmadinejad, Sheik bin Laden, Dr. Zawahiri, Mr. Abbas and Mr. Asaad would all judge as whorish attire and have Mrs. Obama arrested.

Tradition, custom and etiquette the world over, in every society, culture and primitive people notes that one wears black in mourning the dead. The Obama's instead to choose as a couple to wear blood red.
Soldiers are afforded that red badge of courage as they earn it on white linen gauze. It takes on a entirely different meaning when someone else does it. It becomes mockery and when a cocktail dress is added to it, it becomes sleaze.

So what was Jane Fonda Obama really doing with that blood camouflage as this entire leftist fashion show just did not happen by accident. Time was invested in hours of design, shopping and consultations at the White House at the highest levels. This was deliberate and planned.

......and as the questions are being raised, this blog would appreciate a statement of protocol in the handling of the Congressional Medal of Honor, in if it was ever left alone with the Obama's before the presentation, because in noting their past cherry pie gluttony, one can presume they actually were wearing this medal in modeling it.
I wonder if the Obama's DNA is on that ribbon which holds the Medal around the recipient, who EARNED it's, neck.

Just a few questions no one is going to ask. What is Muchelle Obama hiding in plain sight?

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