Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Kenyan Connection

I wonder if ferret, dachs hund or what term would best please those who are digging away at the Obama den of iniquity searching for all of his past?

I don't know if most people have ever had intimate contact with the canine class of predators. Their dens are an interesting Indian camp of poop, urine, discarded fur and piles of gnawed on bones with batches of fleas bouncing about. A person can dig in a den for allot of things, a ferret would do as much with a prairie dog or a dachshund with a badger, but sometimes if you just stand around, look about, you will find all sorts of information around the den.
You do not need to see the travels of the fox, because the chicken bones, duck wings and lamb fur all reveal where the fox has been, because the mates left home to guard the den get really sloppy about things on their home turf.

I was listening to Bearick Obama's stepmother, the noted wife of Bearick sr. who gave permission to Bearick to boink and marry Stanley Ann Dunham.
She is an interesting woman in being a 16 year old girl picked at a dance by Sr. for a dance and marriage in a few days. Sr. paid for Keziah 14 cows.
It was due to the depth of his love for her. Imagine if he had known her for as long as Stanley Ann, he would have needed all the cows in Texas to buy that kind of love.

What caught my eye were certain things which Keziah who was pregnant when Sr. left with their second child were the statements concerning money.

"He used to send me gifts, money and clothes through the post office. Many people envied me".

That statement is most interesting as Bearick sr. had no job and all of his funding was coming from American grants. There is a tangled web of misinformation and counter information in what he was paying Stanley Ann Dunham in her travels, but college for Bearick sr. was quite the paying proposition as he appears to have been embezzling money for gifts and money which were sent to Africa out of school finances.
This blog realizes the sweet deal Bearick sr. held out for which seemed to cut out the Stanley Ann ball and chain, but the history of this "on the government dole" seems to have been learned from Sr. and Stanley Ann and Bearick jr. learned the syphoning of finances well.

"Malik remembers who the US President-elect asked him on two occasions to represent the family at his functions in the US."

Malik would be the step brother to Obama and the occasions would be the 1992 Muchelle and Bearick wedding and the 2005 Illinois senatorial inauguration.
Malik Obama is listed as a businessman, but he is listed as only owning a small electronics show in Kenya.
In doing some simple checking, airline tickets out of Africa run from around $1700 to $9900 per person. As Gram Sara attended the 2005 event, that would mean plane tickets would be four thousand dollars alone.

Considering that brother George lives in a 8 by 10 foot shed and little businesses do not make that kind of money in Africa, the question is where did the money come from for all of these airline tickets that Barack Obama was handing out?
Seeing how tight the Obamas are in making the government pay for their dates, it would indicate that like the embezzling Sr., that Junior Obama might have gotten creative in finding ways for the people of Illinois to pay for air travel for his family coming to America.

There are two most interesting statements coming from Malik and Keziah in the Standard and Wikipedia.

Her eldest son Malik 50, is a businessman and frequently speaks with his stepbrother, Obama Junior, frequently.

During his brother's presidential campaign, Malik Obama was a spokesman for the extended Obama family in Kenya, dealing with safety and privacy concerns arising from increased attention from the press.

Long distance phone calls are not cheap. The money once again must be flowing not from the African end, but the American end. Malik definitely was speaking with Obama often, was coordinating with the Obama campaign and was the official Kenyan spokesman keeping a lid on a all birther things Obama in Kenya.
There is cousin Odinga who rules in Kenya, but now there appears a money flow to Malik Obama covering his costs.

As Jerome Corsi and his colleague found out in their detention in a Kenyan visit, the "security" was quite adept. The money flow question is now just how much discussion was going directly into the White House from Malik Obama and how much money and direction was flowing out of the White House into Kenya kidnapping American Citizens?

Is the infamous blackberry of Bearick Obama not his white New York girlfriends love channel, but is this part of the direct network in how Mr. Obama keeps running tabs and directs actions against Americans getting too close to the Truth?

As Tim Geithner's phone records are now subject to the public, it is evident by the evidence that the Federal Elections Commission needs to start looking at the long history of Bearick Obama in just who was purchasing thousands of dollars in plane tickets and who was footing the bill for an immense phone bill being created in Africa.

This is a real case of following the money as the spoken evidence by Kenziah and Malik Obama all point to cash flows, White House direction in thuggery for security in Kenya and communication links which the poverty ridden Obama family can not afford.

The bones around the Kenyan den all point to a greater fox in the hen house in illegal use of funds, as unless the money shows up on the Obama income tax records, that money was coming out of US campaign finance, which is not part of Kenya being the 57th state in the Union.

Some might call this an exclusive again. If you can not tell me what it is, tell me what it isn't.

That lil ole bone picker, me.

agtG 249

Kenziah Speaks

My brothers keeper