The Times in what is a strange story in digging into Muchelle's personal history, records and privacy of BIRTH RECORDS, seems to be like a hound dog, but when it comes to Obama's little long form in Hawaii or Kenya, the Times dibs that British birth off limits.
The kicker in the Muchelle story is according to the Times one has to go back to pre history of Civil War TO FIND BLACK PEOPLE IN MICHELLE OBAMA'S ETHNIC HISTORY.
Then the featured real black person is Melvinia Shields who is the non direct relative of Muchelle Obama who was black.
Melivinia was worth a good price though at $475 which was excellent, so she apparently is the source of those big cotton picking hips Muchelle flounts around blowing air up her dresses.
The Times though degrades to making Muchelle a product of historical rape in Melvinia had a host of white children, even after the Civil War and freedom, so like all women, Melvinia, saw the better deal in nesting. As it is not rape when Donald Trump marries these Slavic poor women who are good looking, who are all looking for the better nest, all Melvinia was proving is that she was a smart capitalist looking for the best deal for her wares. Unlike Muchelle who is an idiotic Marxist who married for fetish the musky guy who had to sell him self to Arab slave traders in Chicago to slum lord black folks there.
I find it most interesting all of the Times article in making Muchelle Robinson out to be a complete white chic. To focus an article that the closest black folks for Muchelle was centuries ago, is a definite sign the New York Times is starting the purge.
The cherry on top though was the featured video capture of Muchelle, who if you have your monitor settings low has her looking like that ape chic from Planet of the Apes, who had the white folks attributes and if you have the monitor on high, all one sees are these big white horse teeth that looks like Muchelle could pick cabbage in her lead patch from the balcony.
As Carol Burnette once noted in comedy how black folks could be seen in the dark with those big white eyes and big white teeth, one finds in the Times the interesting racist schism, in the Times both is engineering a story that Muchelle Obama is white folks open to rabid political attack and yet falls into the dead pan patrician humor which New Yorkers attended in mass in stereotyping black people.
When one considers the amount of time invested in running video, pixel by pixel, in frame, the Times deliberately chose one of the most unattractive photos they could have of Muchelle in that ugly ghetto green, a massive low cut top showing off her non cleavage and hands up in posture saying, "WAIT AM I REALLY WHITE?"
All of that takes a great deal of time to engineer.
This seems to be the first test salvo at Obama in not attacking him directly, but softening him up by trying out the white folks bit on Muchelle first to see if it goes by the way without a protest storm.
This is akin to, if you ever saw that Kodiak grizzly on television commercials for beer and other things years ago, he was owned by a most interesting man. For those who have played with the Alaskan grizzly, they are interesting animals in it is basically only mothers with young or the teenage 2 year olds who were the problem.
Grizzlies actually talk to themselves as they walk and are quite intelligent. They are also massive animals capable of breaking a bull's neck with one swat.
In any case, the grizzly which most Americans are familiar with from commercials was an interesting creature in his trainer related that, "The Kodiak would come up to me as I was standing there and brush me out of the way like nothing had happened. Then he would look subtly up at me to see if I had noticed what he had just done".
That is a case of subtle dominance and in nature if you allow such things to happen often enough, said animal will maul or kill you.
This is what the New York Times just did. They brushed the Obama's in a clever story which states that she is nothing but a white person, and one has to go back forever to find any black in her history.
The Times also makes a swipe at Bearick in his "cluttered but well known past". That one line leaves open coverage for British citizenship and the implanted reality that Obama the tan guy is no more black than his white wife is.
I find this most interesting, that the Times featured the oddest of history in tracing a maternal link to the south for a non direct relative, when by random chance Mrs. Obama has to have just as interesting pasts with more direct relations. If not, then the Robinson clan has been apparently free in America as much as their Norwegian namesake was.
The northern black then in America is a completely different heritage than the southern black who only gained freedom when Republican Abraham Lincoln and Republican U.S. Grant freed them all at the end of the Civil War.
That is what the Times is setting the groundwork for and that might be a most messy reality as the Times starts the question based on, "Are you an Obama white folks or are you a real black?"
This brown paper bag definition has been the undercurrent for a century in America which the rest of America was not paying attention to as it mattered only to those tan blacks trying to pass as white people. Now though the New York Times in content is appearing to fillet the Obama's off from their black base.
As this blog noted, the only reason that would occur was to attack them and ruin them without upsetting the black base which these patricians control for power accumulated from their votes.
I am pleased and give all credit to God for that Insight in coming and while I always hope for immediate results, logic holds that this "white Obama" should not have appeared for over a year, but it seems to convey that the Times and liberals are setting the stage to try and save Democrats in Congress by turning this all onto white Obama the Bush 43 clone as the failure.
It appears the campaign logic is now to try and save a small Democratic majority if possible by ACORN fraud lists in dead folks voting, and, as the situation continues to stagnate around the world, to fully blame Obama and then poor all support into a new Democratic candidate to unseat him.
If this plays out, the people who were bashed around by Obama in Axelrod Inc. are going to have a sweet treat of it as the things done to Sarah Palin will be turned on Bearick Obama like they did to Lyndon Johnson, so Bobby Kennedy could run.
The candidate of choice seems to be Hillary Clinton, as the liberals can not throw that n*gger knocker Jim Webb at Obama without causing a backlash among blacks. Best to send a woman in to lay the wet pillow on the slumbering victim than bash him over the head with a KKK bat.
So it seems that the street whores of the New York Times have whispered that Tiberius is politically ill already, and that Caligula Clinton is going to be his nurse or the next President of ACORN choice.

That is a clever exclusion of white girl Muchelle Obama, showing a real black woman in Condi Rice, but that Mrs. Clinton is the only woman chosen by voters.
The masses are being manipulated and they had no inkling they were just circled for the pen. Do not feel bad as the Obama's have no clue either. It takes Inspiration from God to know the traps and point them out.
agtG 214, 274
a part of me has just been ripped
the pages from my mind been stripped
oh no i can't deny it
oh yeah guess i got to buy it
my blood runs cold
my memory has just been a sold
my angel is a centerfold
the pages from my mind been stripped
oh no i can't deny it
oh yeah guess i got to buy it
my blood runs cold
my memory has just been a sold
my angel is a centerfold