Monday, October 26, 2009

The Obama Connor Chronicles

I really do not buy into the Bearick Obama drama involving FOX News, because right before the big Obama blow up came about, there was Roger Ahles of FOX meeting with the ever lovely David Axelrod, who was then appearing on 60 Minutes with the weeper of featuring his sick child.

Nothing disgusts this blog more than Tim Johnson using his wife's breast cancer, the Obama's their children of Axelrod trotting out the sick child to gain empathy with good hearted voters who then figure that it is ok this bunch is robbing them and stuffing them into their graves as they have problems like the rest of the world.
Try calling up Johnson, Obama or Axelrod with your sob story and you will get told to go and die.

In that, this blog would remind about the FOX Obama drama a few facts.

People will remember the ravishing Rupert Murdoch backing Bearick Obama for the White House. The owner of FOX News backed Obama.

Then there was the ever glistening Bill O'Reilly who was having his legs tingling over Bearick and his derrick in the 2008 election.

Viewer will remember the sparkling Chris Wallace in love with Obama and the absolute glowing, orgasmic, rut appearances by Shep Smith, who later went on the attack against Americans on the Birther with slander equal to Noel "Obama Derangement Syndrome" Sheppard over at Newsbusters or when Sheffield and Sheppard run things it looks more like Newsbashes against the right in America.

The lovely Greta van Sustran is a big star over at FOX now with certain right wing types. The problem is the reality she was apologizing for having anything to do with Sarah Palin in caveats and if one remembers all the stories she did on Lawrence Sinclair.......oh that is right she talked to Lawrence Sinclair, gleaned information on what he was doing like all in the media were doing and then fed it back to the network of Axelrod Inc.

See, except for Sean Hannity who like this blog voted for John McCain because Sarah Palin was on the ticket, I really do not see anyone over at FOX who is of the right wing in being fair or balanced Beck until he informs the world he voted for McCain Palin with proof, is as suspect to me as the orgasmic Shep Smith.

So what is the real story in this? Conflict of course. Conflict drives the right into a deeper hold by FOX which has betrayed America's interests completely by sticking Obama into the White House.
Obama waving the red meat of FOX, Hannity and Limbaugh in front of his reactionaries stokes them up to appear on webpage commentary backing his Marxism.

Never forget the reality of this blog in noting that Keith Olbermann was a washed up sports guy until he came up with the idea to be anti Limbaugh, and then he became a star.
The same drama is Bill O'Reilly and David Letterman. This group of patricians beats upon each other to keep the masses stoked into thinking they have a voice, while Dave is out cock tailing every college child he can get to Monica his cigar.

So was Axelrod threatening Ahles if Ahles didn't back off or was it a matter of coordination between Obama and his tan network?
Just because people worked for Ronald Reagan means absolutely nothing. Peggy Noonan wrote Reagan's speeches and everyone knows the monsoon she has in her panties for Obama.
Her "WSJ posts" now are as fake as she is in trying to get her way back into the right wing in America after sticking an Obama kobe steak knife into the right's back when it mattered most.

The shills at FOX News by majority voted for the tan man. The leaders at Newsbusters voted for the tan man. World Net Daily voted for none of the above, which was a vote for Obama, and they went out of their way to take cheap shots at Sarah Palin.

So I don't believe any of this, as FOX is more in bed with Obama than Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. I have more faith in the Democrats who Obama screwed over in Eliot Spitzer and Rod Blagojevich than I do in believing a thing what the bought and paid for leaders of FOX are broadcasting.
I know these shills as when one has the talent, I could turn loose on anyone with the same Keith Olbermann style, but my pieces on Sarah Palin, the GOP would be backed by reasoning which was not a rant, but sound.

I once heard of a preacher who needed a job and the Church asked him what his views were,"He said whatever I'm being paid to preach I preach".

That is exactly how too many people are in this world and it is how one gets the big dollars in this world. I will always note the 60 Minutes interview of Rush Limbaugh where he admitted that when things ran out he would go onto something else. It left the clear impression he was a stage act that fell into a drama which paid well.
Events though like the Presidency for real Americans shaped Mr. Limbaugh where he had to become an adult as the sincerity of Americans on the right got to him, and he became Ronald Reagan true.

This other group though is about as honest as their million dollar paychecks allow.

I was listening to late night talk radio last evening and I found something quite interesting in the womb of America. I found late night callers were women in the 40 plus age group and they were angry and upset about where America is being driven to. I believe this group is going to be the group which elects the 2010 Congress and if America is still a viable nation in 2012 will elect the next President.
These are the experienced women who have been assaulted their entire lives. They were lied to by feminism, lied to by Obama type males and lied to by the government. As this class is not sleeping at night in being so upset, and have the finances to not sleep, this means this is the group which will carry the weight in discussing the future of America as they bore America and will birth a new American nation.

So I do not quite care for the FOX programming starring Bearick Huxxxein Obama. It is allot like Fox's boring Sarah Connor Chronicles with that odd leftist mommy going nuts in every program.

Obama attacking his own Judas goats who are herding Americans to follow their Marxist. That makes perfect sense.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.


Question: Is Ruth Ginsburg really dead as she keeps falling asleep in public or falling out of seats in airplanes?
Strange if this was Clarence Thomas how Pelosi would be demanding a competency hearing making him run 10 miles, do 500 push ups and stay awake for a week to prove he could be on the Supreme Court.
I heard some wheelchair dude was run over in Rapid City, South Dakota. I thought perhaps it was Tim Johnson as there was an ad for a used wheelchair for sale too, but alas it seems it was not Tim as the police said that the driver who hit the wheelchair was in the right for doing it.

Wonder if Sen. Johnson knows South Dakota has an open season on him. We don't have donor exceptions on our licenses, but for 20 dollars more you can get a run over a wheelchair guy to make a donor.