Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Obama Sheen

It has been reported that the Obama's finally attended Church in DC, and by remarkable coincidence the Church is apparently right across the street from the White House. It is amazing that it only took them almost a year to find one to attend.
The question though is why is the pin that Bearick wears, never looking like a US Flag when it shows up in photos?

But then considering how the Obama's dress to attend worship services, it makes one wonder if St. John's is a circus, because that is what the Obama's look like in Sloven's polka dot print with purple leggings, Queenie's breast enhanced red top, shale blue skirt, blue leggings and odd sandals, along with Michelle switching to cherry pie vomit pink and some leopard print tied about herself as her bondage belt has apparently been given back to Reggie Love.

I was always taught that in worship services the point was to give attention to God, but the Obama's seem possessed of a psychopathy of being the idol in services to take attention from God.
One dressed modestly, in modest colors and not performing as circus clowns.

Muchelle though apparently is auditioning for her mother as Voodoo Priestess in the White House, as I have noticed this monstrosity about her neck twice now. A sort of Star Wars, meets the Enterprise dilithium crystals and tawdry dime store junk jewelry.
I sort of feel bad for Muchelle as if one beholds her mouth, one can see that she invests great effort to keep her Mrs. Ed teeth behind those lips.
It must be a severe challenge for her to have those chompers, lips pursed and then have a hundred pounds of cheap jewelry about her neck to grimace in holding up.
This blog is fully aware the Muchelle has one 150 year old slave in her background for cotton picking hips to carry such loads, but her whiteness is seen coming out often in her inability to carry large loads of rhinestones and stainless steel.
It is a first for me to see faux diamonds mixed with some sort of blue thing, yellow thing and red thing, with an even bigger talisman dangling to one's navel.
Muchelle needs a wire cutters to lop off about 3/4ths of the gaudy garb as there is too much of her and if one adds more dangle it really becomes an event like spilling glitter over the eastern time zone.

The last intrigue of Mrs. Ed, the circus clown, the voodoo priestess comes from her anniversary night which has let me puzzled.
Either Muchelle Obama ladles on the Crisco lard or she is eating so much lard that it is exuding from the Obama's skins, as all of them are not glowing, but greasing.

The anniversary night photo shows Muchelle head to toe, simply in a sheen that is disturbing.
This woman either is using a gallon of baby oil after her bath or she as stated is ladling up with Crisco in some greased pig contests in the official home, or as stated she is consuming so much cherry pie that the lard for the crust is exuding from her pores now.

This is not normal for people to be this oily. One would leave horrendous grease spots if you rubbed up against a glass window, wore silk or ..........well if you sat on leather furniture one would stick and the hostess would need a spatula to get you free.
Perhaps that is Muchelle's next political statement in bondage spatulas.

All of the Obama's though now have become for this blog, not so much disgusting ghetto green vomit in policy or profane, but almost a scientific observation as one studies a probe sent to Mars and sees this multi colored, faux diamond decked, oily thing and puzzles over what type of life form or geological anomaly one is beholding.

Well at least Muchelle will not have clothes moths in the White House as that much grease in bedding, on furniture and in the wardrobe will kill them all. As for the jewelry, I suppose in Obama Wars, Muchelles load stones will provide the drive of some new green engine Bearick is cooking up, and the circus costumes...........well the Obama's are all set now for their future careers in Obamaling brothers, Barnacle jewelry circus will be the vocations they all can worship his haloness at.

Should probably start selling tickets now as even liberals are tiring of this Obama show.
