Friday, October 30, 2009

Obama's Criminal Money Market Scam

If you haven't noticed, the Obama Geithner machine which has been plundering the United States Treasury has been funneling money into the globalist stocks inflating the markets there artificially to an amazing 10,000 points when the rest of the United States is in Obama strangulation.

Think of it, Obama has allowed the US Dollar to be collapsed, is allowing the Dollar to be replaced as the currency of trade which will destroy America, oil is driving to the hundred dollar range, America is having massive military set backs, and yet the Stock Market is rising with such supreme confidence as gold goes through the roof.
That all does not add up in the least and it means that Tim Geither is manipulating that financial insitution and the only people being rewarded in that are the same robber barons who raped America for Obama's benefit the first time.

You probably missed too that Obama is dumping 11 billion dollars more in borrowed debt into the housing market, because that market is falling apart again.
What you probably didn't find out though is the mortgages Obama is backing IS FOR PEOPLE BUYING SECOND HOMES.

Second homes and Obama is funding that? Oh yes people the Obama Pelosi fix in this is to Barney Frank the housing market again in Obama is initiating house flipping again which was at the root of this entire housing problem.
It was not all these Mexicans buying houses with no money, it was all of these real estate speculators buying numerous houses and then inflating prices, flipping them and in the end going broke.
Bearick Obama has just passed a bill giving RICH PEOPLE $8000 if they buy a new home and those homes include SECOND HOMES which will start the flipping of home again as house shortages crop up. The problem is these houses are going to be purchased and not flipped as consumers are now wary of these Obama bubbles.
Yes Obama is creating a housing bubble again which will last into the spring of 2010 when his funds run out again.

That is exactly what is happening now too in the auto market as just as this blog predicted consumer spending fell dramatically this month just as the cash for clunkers surge ran out.
Remember now the facts in this of the news reports from the puppy press that the recession was "over" just this week, and yet now the real data shows consumer spending has fallen, prices are rising, debt is increasing massively, and there is no appreciable growth.

Obama and the puppy press are rigging the numbers and the data to make it all appear that something good is happening, but the only thing happening is Obama is shifting funds to his benefactors so they will glean huge amounts of money again, IE, Tim Geithner rewarding the robber barons of Wall Street, the car rebates to the rich who bought Obama cars and now the housing bubble which means that 11 billion, plus interest, will reward the same crooks who were flipping houses in 2008.

Hey Obama voters, this wasn't George W. Bush doing this in 2006 to 2008, this was Obama in Congress and now Obama is doing the same rapine again in 2009.

For those who keep lying to themselves that the constriction of 2008 was Bush43's fault, well guess who is repeating the same criminal rapine, but Bearick Obama in the White House that he helped set up from 2006 to 2008 to crash the American economy.

I did a search for Obama 2001 and found it interesting that the related searches were not that flattering for Mr. Obama. The American mindset seems to be flowing to a new venue where all things associated with Bearick Obama are Marxist, usurpation and criminality, which is the seed of weeds Mr. Obama has been busy sowing to the ruin of these United States.

If poor Barack Obama inherited all these problems was the Obamalings excuse for all the bad happening, then what is the Obamaling excuse when EVERY OBAMA POLICY IS REPEATING WHAT GOT AMERICA INTO THIS MESS?

Reality is a problem for the Obama voter when they are faced with the Obama facts.

Consumer spending falls, American incomes flat