Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pushing Back

With another political whoring of the Barack Obama administration underway in payback for illegals installing him into the White House, by Janet Napolitano, head of the sleeve snot Homeland Harassment department attacking Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, it is time to revisit this federal prostitution ring of human trafficking to get slave labor and fund Obama programs through over taxing these slaves in what counties can do to recoup their losses.

I have numbers of Mexicans in my community to which I delight in observing. I also have a few Spanish mules I notice from time to time who are part of an effort to settle the illegals who speak no English and usually hide in corners in stores I meet them.
One couple, I presume are a husband and wife are interesting as they have been in my locality for a number of years. The wife is quite attractive, has two children who grin at me, and she does her best Mexican impersonation of being Bruce Chilton vacuous of thought. I can tell though in our last meeting that she likes me as when our eyes did meet they were a fiery glow of being glad to see humble me bumping about the fruited plane.

What most folks do not comprehend though is not all Mexicans are Mexicans. The light skinned Mexicans are Spanish elite who rule in that socialist cesspool and rarely does one see them in the United States as they own all the cookies.
What America gets are these masses of literal Mexicans who are the product of local Indians and the lower Spanish classes who did more breeding than work. The net result was this massive slave class who were like sheep and still are like sheep on the American side of the border in grazing the States down to nothing, before moving on leaving local debt.

The solution to the Obama, human traffic, enslavement ring is simple. Local law enforcement and their respective governments have these idiot federal rules placed upon them for detention length of time etc...., of course the feds never pick the people up or do anything, so their is not any incentive to round up the slave labor.
Instead, I submit that the illegals should all be rounded up and kept inside the states. If the feds do not want the illegals, on illegal immigration, then the states should arrest the border busters on breaking squatter laws.
The local businesses as in hospitals, hotels, real estate etc.... who are being fleeced by illegals, including cities who have these dump houses they always have to hire people to mow the lawns of illegals for, simply start filing bills locally against the federal government.

They could do this against the state government too if necessary.

Of course the feds will try and retaliate in IRS audits and withholding funds, but that is fine as the federal taxes being taken out of communities will then have leans placed on them, from excise taxes on fuel to other funds, and the counties start recouping their losses.
Local ordinances can be passed requiring all businesses which employ green card immigrants to come up with a ten thousand dollar license for each illegal employed to guard against the immigrants not paying hospital debts, and if said hospital or business is fleeced, the local ordnance will place an immediate levy on that business to recoup their losses.
A Mexican runs up a hundred thousand dollar bill for a baby they have, then let Walmart have that added to their local taxes.

Businesses will soon enough comprehend that hiring Americans for a few dollars more is more profitable than hiring slave labor costing them hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In this 10th Amendment combined effort, the federal government does not have enough court space if the majority of counties start recouping their losses in dealing with illegals.

As for the illegals in detention, they are not going to sit around in nice jails, but can be put to work doing manual labor in county upkeep or loaned to businesses to do menial jobs from weeding farmers fields by hand to mowing grass with push mowers to save the carbon footprint.

It is a guarantee that when enough counties in states implement the above, the Mexicans will no longer be a problem for states and the federal government, robber barons and human traffickers will have no more revenue making the illegals something they can not use any more.

Mexicans once they find this out that working for oatmeal for breakfast, peanut butter sandwiches for dinner and bologna sandwiches at night will at their first chance, flee that state and never come back.

This is how one solves the illegal problem in America. It is simple, actually brings in money and will have the ACLU and feds in fits, because it breaks up the slave labor ring.

Isn't that the strangest of things now though in the ACLU and the federal government are in the slave labor business. My how liberals have sunk so low in the human misery food chain.

It would be lovely for Arizona to put a $50,000 excise tax on all federal employees and force all federal employees to be licensed with a state tax of a few thousand dollars like a duck stamp for states to recoup losses from the federal government.
Federal government can't beat on states if their agents are not there to do the beating.
