Friday, October 23, 2009

She packed my bags last night pre flight

Wet pantie Peggy Noonan decided to come out of her intoxicated Obamacated rants and decided to inform her lover boy that the White House is his and he owns all of the problems as his own now.

It was such a nice gesture from "the white wife" auditioner of New York.

The problem like all things this foul mouthed patrician meanders about in her brain is that she even got this wrong in being Obama's catastrophe.

See if Peggy Noonan was a Christian instead of a sailor swearing Catholic who gets her lily unctioned by meeting with Popes, she would know Biblical history.
Yes it might surprise folks that Bearick Obama and herself, Pegs Noonan are in the Bible as much as pre American history.

God has a policy of giving evil people free will to do all sorts of things. They can murder babies and call it religion. They can turn an entire female child group into whores. They can turn entire male child groups into sodomites. They can be cannibals. They can enslave, plunder their own people, threaten their own folks with pitchforks, but there comes a time when God comes down for a visit and has a reckoning for the benefit of the people who were squatters on His blessings.

The Hebrews were such a people in Egypt. God made certain before He drown that nation to oblivion that the Israelites took everything they had created in prosperity there as slaves.

These people were planted in Canaan after by martial force slaughtered the very spiritually corrupt people of Canaan, who were so perverse that even their livestock had to be wiped out and their evil aura was on their gold and silver which had to be refined to burn off that rebellious imprint they had put on those precious metals.
Think of it, a people so ugly in character that their resonant frequency had to be burned out of metals, because they were so inhuman.

Of course, the Israelites rebelled too and went on a horrid thousand year journey or so across India, Asia, Europe and then out into the colonial world as God predicted, but in each case this group of 10 lost tribes of Israel pounded the evil out of every empire they met and left a civilizing influence which bettered all mankind.

Americans, being of Joseph were destined to be where the eagles wings spread in America. They too were inheritors of God's destiny and took to the work of taking a new Canaan from the usurpers settled there.
All America is is due to the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac, Israel, Joseph and Moses in blessings.

America is in these past years repeating the horrid curse which brought down that people years ago. Foreigners now own the nation, the people are filled with violence and idolatry. They are a whorish majority and a minority enslaved by their own system which was to give them liberty.

Bearick Obama is but a manifestation this anti God, anti American and anti Truth Way. His very essence of calling hisself a messiah and a god is exactly what the perverse in America have been doing for a generation. Mr. Obama is but a spiritual sickness which infects the body of America.

This is the point where a political venereal disease like Peggy Noonan does not get the full responsibility of all of this, as God judges not just in national sins, but to the individual to their sins which create national calamity.
This Obama plunder of America, which George W. Bush has been proven to have FIXED before he left office, and left Bearick Obama even plans on Afghanistan to complete the win there, is not just Mr. Obama's pile of rubble. It is Peggy Noonan's rubble.

This rubble is Joseph Farah's "none of the above", it is Noel Sheppards and Matthew Sheffields in terming Conservatives suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome, it is Shep Smith dripping venom for his Obama, it is all those GOP voters in Congress and all of the ilk, who signed onto this Obama idolatry which was a slap in the face of the Heavenly Father, His Son, Jesus the Christ and their Holy Spirit Who Inspires and peoples the American land.

This is not about 2010 in Sean Hannity voting Conservatives back into power. This is destined to be larger than that as this is a reckoning from God. It is an age when a Gideon can be risen up to literally thrash the skin off of the base leaders with whips of thorns.
If as all events appear to be moving to this is the Great Tribulation, the Day of the Lord, then this is not a time of all whores on board can go back and be the good Catholic girls they were pretending to be before. That is what everyone in the elite circles is missing. They think this is a continuation of all events as usual in their unusual.
They do not even like Wes Prudin yet conceive that it was God's Angels of a better nature keeping the riot out of American's souls for generations to keep them from tearing down what God was giving in Promise as has been their nature. The very hands which gleaned Canaan to the highlands of the Indus, to the steppes of Asia, to the forests of Europe to the plains of America and Oz is that people who take a righteous lust in rectifying situations by brute force.

Why do you think the Rockefellers, Ashkenaz and all their puppy press are terrified of the mob? Why are they terrified of Americans in mob democracy they have created? It is because these foreigners know to their black hearts what this people is about when unleashed by God.
Try reading that Bible when Jesus was the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament in what these Americans are capable of.........and if you need a New Covenant refresher, check out that Soldier King on a white horse in Revelation Who has on His thigh, Word of God. That is the Jesus coming back and not this passive whipping boy the profane have tried to peg hole Him into.

The western Europeans, Canadians, Oz, New Zealand and Americans fool many people into thinking they are sedate people, but when they unleash they are the peoples who put the fear of God into savages and barbarians.

So if this is the time of the Day of the Lord, His reckoning, this blog has news for Peggy Noonan and all of those other Obama voters. This is not their Birdie's problem. It is their problem to their last nickel.
It was this patrician class who stole trillions from hard working Americans in stock bubbles to their ridiculous taxes. God is not going to forget that plundering of His children. Those accounts are still open and building interest in the trillion fold of interest.
The words of booty and spoil are recorded in the Bible, and that, is exactly what an entire reckoning is going to be in the same measure of Egypt and Canaan.

Therefore, for the children of God, I hope that these plunderers who think this is Bearick Obama's pile of rubble, the reality is Mr. Obama is but a festering cancer of their greedy souls rejecting God.
You want to see ugly? Just look at Barack Hussein Obama, because he is the manifestation of all these Obamaling voters. It is David Letterman perverse and Peggy Noonan profane.

So Peggy Noonan should keep her high salary and pretty things in order, because as reckoning goes, God reserves the goods of evil people for His children as God spreads the spoil around when He decides to redistribute the wealth in His order of change.

The debt is great and it will be repaid when God initiates payment. All of these peoples riches and powerful positions will not save them. It has no protection in this world from God and it has no help before the Judgment Throne.

While it is not this blogs purpose to advise the perverse of Obama, this blog would hint that like Andrew Carnegie tried to balance his looting out before he died by giving it all away in major proportions, it might be a good suggestion to wick away God's hot wrath if these obscene patricians of rapine who voted for Obama and are his benefactors to start the process of making the true possessors of this nativity guardians of all the patricians have stolen before God becomes involved in taking it all back.

The rich Obama voter will not do this, but they have been told the Way things are going to be. That is enough for now as one notes a dirty little whore calling her pimp of chaos the man responsible when all the pimp is........but a reflection of that prostitute's profane heart.

agtG 261

mars ain't no place to raise your kids

Wes Pruden