Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Throw Away Things

On my desk sits a collection of Wedgwood china, antique party tea sets for girls on one extreme, to the collection of cicadas, the series of olive oil lamps I created, to a pile of books, some rare, some common, to little tins filled with memories of others that have been thrown away, and I cherish.

In my travels, I have come across a gem..........well actually two gems, one was in a bag of sugar to which I baked into a cookie and bit upon thinking I had broken a tooth, and spat out a rather cheap diamond which must have fallen out of some unfortunate maiden's ring of marriage.

The other sparkles up in my journey from time to time often enough that I have noticed and contemplated from a distance. Local dialect would term her, "not all there", but I watch this 20 something gem follow her mother around like a well trained pet.
She has never spoken as far as I know, but she did speak to me the other day.

What is interesting to me as I observe her is I can not discern her completely. Sometimes I concluded she is on medications, like someone with autistic tendency or those like a friend of mine whose daughter has epileptic seizures and takes so many pills, I'm surprised she does not rattle when she walks.
Then at other times she seems more aware, but she never strays from her mother in being beside her at almost an exact 29 inches at around 35 degrees. She is her mother's shadow.

Her mother has that brassy Louisiana accent, which speaks of too much liquor and cigarettes in her more salad days, and a loudness like a New Orleans brass band at a wake.
She is not coon ass, I believe (for those not familiar, coon ass, is a local slang for cajuns) as the French lilt is not present. She is very close to Lake Charles accent, as I have some wild female associates there I am on friendly terms with, and Lord do those good Christian girls make one's eyes wide by the naked stunts they pull as married women. (Probably is why they have 6 marriages between them.)

This gem though surprised me this past week in I was making a purchase in another store and here popped up the brassy mother, complete with big wavy hair pushing in, and catching me by surprise as I waited for change was the gem.
I have had children look at me at times like a Biblical character in a trance studying me, and gem was locked onto me and our eyes made contact for a few moments as I tried to find her in them.

She has the most beautiful translucent blue eyes. They are an even more rich blue than Paul Newman's with even more glint and sparkle in them. As I have never been known to appreciate blue eyes, this impressed me as these eyes were like looking into the swirling depths of a liquid galaxy from a deep space vantage.
The situation is though, I still do not know the person I was speaking with in I am quite certain she is there and as she looked me directly in the eye, she understands and comprehends, is quite strong intellectually in fact in character as only self assured people and animals will make eye contact with another human.

As this is an age of being discreet, I will have to allow this play to story out in where God takes this, as one just can not walk up to strangers now and ask probing questions, even when you are harmless brainiac with too much curiosity in all life in wanting to know the light within others when I see it.

I will presume the mother receives some monetary compensation from the government, so she keeps her daughter close. I see that though as both a benefit and a problem.
See too many families can do not enough, but to dump their "problem" off on the governmental institutions. Granted some are very wonderful in bringing out an associative benefit, but it becomes further and further between visits until the only family these retarded minds have is a ward officer hired by the government.
Others smother the child and they never have the opportunity to interact with those they can attach on levels where voices do not permeate.

The gem though has stirred the quiet pools of the Spirit in me that she was enough to comprehend her in who special she is. Quite like the smallish mongoloid I see walking on a street with definite purpose on his own. A person like Trig Palin will be one day, such stunning presences in the world, complete in their ownself and free from the world at large which imprisons millions.

As this story has enveloped the reader who would about at this time start to realize this blog is a romantic vision of those not yet fully developed, sometimes termed mental retards, sometimes handicapped and sometimes derogatorily "Special Olympics", but here I see them as a romantic mystery of Alice in Wonderland locked that only they visit and see in the nocturne hours of the outside world's slumber in not seeing their benevolent blessing spread upon this globe.

The gem is a beautiful woman, but is not encumbered and held back by it in the least, like numbers of "beautiful" people are. She simply is and she actually saw me in the store for who I really am, which is a thing few people will ever realize.
Such a gifted person as this surely would be considered Noble Prize winning on an awards scale on how she perceives people for who they really are.

........for who they really are.

Barack Obama in stealth operations with Congress is on the cusp of forcing through their death panels on a parliamentary maneuver it is being reported. That matters to me for all the dead that sentence from Congress is about to unleash on the infirmed. Gem will be one of these people in my world whose life will be deemed to be snuffed out.
No one has yet understood the degradation which always happens in liberal programs once they unleash on society.

Yesterdays Medicare is soon enough dehydrating Terri Schiavo to death.

The yesterday eugenics of exterminating and sterilizing the "lesser human" for the greater good which was stomped out of life by a horrified American public of Christian virtue, now faces a respawning of this in, "How long do you think it will be before "stem cell" research on infants murdered will be deemed to be transferred to "the greater good" of the public in people like gem?"
No I do not speak of "wasting" gem on stem cell research as the Obamalings will be too sophisticated for that. Instead a time will come that some smoker like Bearick Obama will require a few replacement parts as his kidneys load up on heavy metals from tobacco.
Then Pelosi jr. who will be then in power will deem it a matter as gem has two kidneys, she will be required by law to give one up to Obama.

Yesterdays, using aborticide in cases of rape, becomes a choice for murdering babies because they are little girls.

How long will it be before these gems are rounded up and used for a heart transplant, ending their lives, but prolonging the life for Muchelle Obama?

These liberals are all takers in this life. America is in financial ruins and the Obama's can not run from their own skin often enough in jetting around the globe costing Americans millions of more in debt in every "sacrificial" olympic venture.

All of this should bother people who are human, because in looking into the eyes of these people relates they are human and deserve the respect God made in creating them. It does not matter if the lights are on and no one is home in the brain, because in humans the soul is still locked inside and functioning.
Ronald Reagan in his dementia was reported by his family quite lucid in eye contact as he was passing from this world. The Spirit in him was breathing free from that brain which was dysfunctional and the Ronald Reagan within glimpsed the world again in that moment before he left.
I have an aunt who was in coma from a botched operation, and she heard every word in the doctors telling the family to pull the plug. The family refused and she recovered and is more lucid than those in Congress today.

So the mind of gem and others might not be completely functioning, but the soul inside them is. I know this for certain and I know once they leave this world that God will restore them to perfection as all will be.
Gem is here to teach greater lessons than MIT or Harvard will ever contemplate and it is up to all people to protect these children of civilization, because only in civilization can these people be protected and prospered in becoming the fulfillment of all God intends them to be.

agtG 281

hanging out by the state line
turning holy water into wine
drinking it down.......
i'm on a bus on a psychedelic trip
reading murder books trying to stay hip
thinking of you out there
say your prayers....
say your prayers.....

for those who wonder what I speak of in mystery

The state line is the place which America is hanging in crossing the border of criminality. Turning the holy into drunkenness in profane miracles. Drinking it down into vomit retching drunkenness.
Bearick is on his trip on his mind altered bus of destruction and is reading the Pelosi murder books of death to America law.
The astute are thinking of all out there and in admonishing to warn the profane that God sees all of this and they had better become right with Him.

Never thought Billy Idol was a prophet in writing a song for the 21st century from the 20th century. I doubt he knew how fitting his words would be either.