Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wounded Warrior Project

This is not going to take long, as it is a wondering how one of the greatest projects going on helping United States and allied Soldiers is completely ignored by Bearick Obama, the dude in the White House, the entire American puppy press and every pundit of the Newsbustah clique.

Yet there sits Newscorp, Rupert Murdoch, in one of his British divisions called Page 3 putting out a pin up calendar which is donating all funding to wounded US and British Soldiers.
For those who do not know what Page 3 is, Page 3 was a genius idea of Mr. Murdoch in when he took over The Sun he decided to put women's breasts on Page 3.

It really was quite extraordinary as at the time most of the world had decided that England was home to these rather homely types and Britt Eckland was a freak of nature.
Page 3 was a wonderful success and has placed some of the most beautiful women in the world before the world. This is most interesting as American Hollywood seems to be only able to find the ugliest of creatures to put on display in an attempt to make American men all gay converts, the British in true Benny Hill fashion have become home to the vesture of what beauty is.

Mr. Murdoch was going to do the same thing to the New York papers, but his wife of that period forbid it. Ah alas, think how many pretty young girls were forced to have fossil sex with David Letterman in that pervert dimension of gainful employment, who instead could have grown wealthy in a Conservative paper, instead of just having sperm stains on there Walmart blouses.

This though is what the British have been busy about in the Help for Heroes project which went out and found amazing ways to reabilitate wounded Tommies and healing their souls. America has the Wound Warrior Project which does the same invaluable service.
The real tragedy is that little naked English girls with big breasts are doing more for the rehabilitation of United States Soldiers than Bearick Obama.

How many Veterans get invited to the mass Obama parties at the White House? Is there one Obamaling of Hollywood who has donated anything to these American Heroes and made their plight an issue.
I don't give a piss in the wind that Obama is funding out of the US Treasury more programs for his casualties of war. I do care about what a person in power DOES OF HIS PERSONAL TIME AND SERVICE though when he is causing the mayhem.

If Mr. Obama has any hint of human in him, that bogus million dollar check from his Nobel Prize should all be donated to the British and American wounded Soldier project.
I would bet that not one nickel will go to these Heroes just as Danny Glover, Oprah, Bruce Springstein, Dave Matthews and all the other Obamnics have given a penny or a thought to taking one Soldier under their multi million dollar wings to rehabilitate them.

Obama couldn't even remember the name of the Soldiers bracelet he had on in 2008 in the McCain debate. Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if those pompous asses in media and Hollywood each adopted as US Soldier and took care of their needs.

Rupert Murdoch and a bunch of lusting males are doing more for the wounded than the people leading America into the abyss of wars.

Conservatives in being perverted still find a way to do good, and Obama being a pervert just lusts after children and Letterman gets oral sex on CBS cameras.

That is my girl Rosie with a SAS toy. My kind of woman.


Rupert Murdoch