Friday, November 20, 2009

The Barack Obama Felonies

Sen. Charles Grassley has bravely laid the groundwork for the criminal indictment and impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama in his uncovering that Mr. Obama deliberately fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin when Mr. Walpin uncovered that Obama's friend, Kevin Johnson and his girlfriend were using public funds to cover up sexual harassment of women Mr. Johnson was assaulting in the work place.

This is a growing list of the impeachment crimes of Mr. Obama and the criminal crimes which started out with the Blagojevich affair when Gov. Blagojevich was arrested for selling the Illinois Senate seat previously held by Mr. Obama, and Mr. Obama and Mr. Emmanuel were warned off by "someone in government" in trying to buy it for Obama crony, Val-erie Jarrett.

The net result in this was Patrick Fitzgerald who arrested Mr. Blagojevich, but not Mr. Obama, was later hired by Mr. Obama to oversee all US Attorneys in Washington.
That is bribery and subversion of justice.

Then there is the case of Sen. Tim Johnson, Democrat of South Dakota, whose little boy was hired to be US Attorney in South Dakota for all of Mr. Johnson's crucial votes to back Mr. Obama when his state by majority is in favor of nothing Mr. Obama is putting through Congress.

Democratic Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu has now been snared in the Obama bribes motive of operation in for her vote for Obama rationed death, she is promised 100 million dollars in the same bill.

Then there is Timothy Geithner of Treasury who has been outed in not negotiating settlements in the bailout of the finance industry, but simply awarding huge amounts of property and cash to his cronies.
That is criminal graft and misuse of public funds all at the threats of Mr. Obama to the banking industry to have it attacked by pitchfork mobs Mr. Obama would unleash.
That is terroristic threats by Mr. Obama.

Then there was the destruction of the United States auto industry, whereby Mr. Obama in threats not only forwarded his people, but sold General Motors to his union backers, sold General Motors Europe to his European benefactors and then one of his economic advisers in Warren Buffett signed a deal with Chinese automakers to have General Motors import and sell his cars.
That is pure thievery and piracy of the American auto industry.

All of these events listed are criminal. They are the worst of 3rd world bribery, scandalous graft, rapine of national industries and graft. They are all impeachable offenses and it is past time that the United States Congress start upholding it's Constitutional checks and balances and start investigating for impeachment trial of Barack Hussein Obama.
It is past time that the FBI under the Director, implement investigations not only into the criminal conduct of Barack Hussein Obama, but as to why Attorney General Eric Holder has been taking part in this conduct as he hired Patrick Fitzgerald after Mr. Fitzgerald's apparent pay and play reward in not arresting Barack Obama and Rahm Emmanuel in the Blagojevich affair.

There are indeed high crimes without misdemeanors as was the case with Richard Nixon. Mr. Obama has just been busy committing only felonies against the people of the United States.
