Who thinks the world scary
He's a poor little boy lost in his fears
Who is crying an ocean of tears
Wah, Wah..........Wah.
The world is seeing a classic Obama now in he tracks completely now like a computer given specific commands.
Readers will note that when Bearick was having a bad day early in his tenure, he ran off with Muchelle to be among his peers, 8 year old children.
Mr. Obama in being severely rejected by Americans in voting in Republican Governors, immediately responded with fleeing to Wisconsin, to once again attend an education function, whereby Barack Hussein Obama stated he would now save American via educational reforms.
All of that is North Korea, Iran, Russia taking psychological reaction notes in this, as in context when Mr. Obama is rejected and spanked in public, his immediate response is to "change" and abandon his stated absolutes, yield to the situation and come up with a new salvation to put before the public.
Not a week ago, Obamacrypt was being sold as the salvation of fixing America from massive debt and to get the US economy back on track, yet one day after epic defeat handed to him by the GOP, Mr. Obama now states educational reform is the answer.
I will repeat what this blog exclusively named Mr. Obama not that long ago in, he is Bearick Insane Obama, as he is not just delusional, but no longer dealing in reality.
Mr. Obama after defeat has an obsessive need to flee to people to cheer him, to validate his waning ego that sucks more need for adoration than his three gallons to the mile limo, and to re create his direction as he is phobic about failure.
Barack Obama is psychologically crazy.
What this 10 year old child has resorted to in Wisconsin is being seen by every enemy of the United States and they are taking absolute note.
Mr. Obama was driven to blame President Bush for all of his problems, and they are indeed all of his problems.
Mr. Obama focused upon two situations he states he inherited from President Bush. The situations being the economy and Afghanistan.
Quote: He said his administration had acted swiftly to save the economy from "imminent collapse."
End quote
As this blog has exclusively and factually recorded, in January 2009, in the first week, the economic data recorded revealed that President Bush, Ben Bernanke and Sec. Paulsen, had in emergency measures, costing just 350 billion dollars, stabilized the entire US economy, and that economy was beginning to expand again.
It was and is recorded, Mr. Obama, who then went on a pitchfork spree, attacking US bankers, the US auto industry, not wasting a "good crisis" who strangled the US economy from which America now languishes as Mr. Obama's "stimulus" was nothing but crony kickbacks to funnel money back to Democratic coffers with billions more geared into the system to pay out later, all the while Tim Geithner criminally manipulated the Stock Market stealing from saving investments to fund Obamanomics, while trillions were looted from the US Treasury and handed over to communist China and the European banking cartel.
So Mr. Obama, you are a liar on the economic front as you inherited a stable economy in recovery until you killed it.
As for Afghanistan, readers will recall that this was Mr. Obama's necessary war that he was prepared to fight as he was speaking about it for over a year.
Facts are that President Bush won Iraq. Facts are President Bush, after British blunders, took over operations in Afghanistan, and had only a few hundred terrorists to deal with as Afghanistan was a settled situation only requiring a mop up operation.
Facts are that Vice President Cheney reported that the Bush White House had given the Obama administration complete plans in how to deal with Afghanistan. To this, Mr. Obama and his cohorts instituted the Bush plan and then did nothing to follow through.
Mr. Obama had Richard Holbrooke, hosts of his advisers and even Sec. of State Clinton bullying the region, and to this, Mr. Obama had American Soldiers protecting ballot boxes for a fraud election Mr. Obama ran inside his Afnamistan, as that is exactly what Mr. Obama turned Afghanistan into.
Then while Americans are dying by the hundreds from Obama policy, he dithers in making a decision on his necessary war when war college plans have been forwarded since August by Gen. McChrystal.
On and Mr. Obama bragged repeatedly one year ago, that he knew how to get Sheik bin Laden.
The Sheik is still alive and broadcasting, even more effectively than when President Bush was having him hunted.
So on Mr. Obama's inherited Afghanistan, Bearick is a liar there too, as it was his hand that has seen Afghanistan turn into a slaughter pit for America.
Delusional, pathological in lying, obsessed, denial, phobic and with hints of schizophrenic diffusion of reality are what were on display in the Wisconsin retreat.
Barack Hussein Obama is no longer operating in reality. Those are the absolute facts as his mania quenches from the American public and swells within his own shrinking mentality.
President Bush inherited Sheik bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, an American economy in Clinton tax hike retroactive recession which collapsed into a global depression, with the Clinton police war on terrorism exploding into a war on terror, coupled with a Kosovo War.
Mr. Bush didn't run to a nursery school nor to Wisconsin. He fixed things in the only reasonable measures available.
That is what President's do. Mr. Obama is no President and has abdicated that office and is existing at this moment in land where he is king of the juveniles and his mental reasoning in delinquent.
The 25th Amendment needs to be enacted as the lights are on and no one is home in the Obama Towers, but someone sipping green kook aid (yes I mean kook) and wearing a tin foil hat.
Boohooters Obama