There is no cheating death and that defeat is was attaches to this world the grim reaper of making a sunny day after weeks of tormenting storm, not so sunny after all.
On another part of the world though, an ailing patient is now gasping for life, and was ministered to by a select group of heroic Americans who gathered anywhere from twenty to almost fifty thousand Americans on the Capitol steps to protest the death measures Barack Hussein Obama is attempting to euthanize America by.
This gathering started through a call by Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. Yes it seems impossible, but good does reside in Minnesota in the land of Al Franken stolen elections.
She was on Sean Hannity's program and asked Americans to come and protest Mr. Obama's death panels and confess their love for America.
From this the wonderful American Jon Voight phoned the Congresswoman and promised to attend.
Along with Mr. Voight, the brave John Ratzenberger, came and spoke to of his love for these United States of America.
Mark Levin, the noted intellectual and author also spoke loving of these United States.
As I am still typing this, thousands of Americans now, each carrying a ripped off piece of Obamacrypts 2000 pages of death are walking the open hall of their US Capitol demanding their members of Congress explain the bill of death to them.
Congresswoman Bachmann sincerely believes that this is the moment, and if her prophesy is correct, that if Obama Pelosi can be stopped in this, that Obama communist care will be dead for a decade and not attempted again.
If enough fear can be put into these liberal Democrats and faux Republicans, this can all end right here and now, because there is no way in any election year that Democrats in Congress are going to keep subverting the United States Constitution as the Blue Dog cowards will be running for the liar shed to try and con their idiocy in Conservative states who vote for them like those dolts of South Dakota in Stephie the baby butcher Herseth and those Al Franken Blue Dogs from west central Minnesota and the minions of Nebraska.
I will digress here as this little point is sweet of the sweetest..........
If you recall Tom Daschle, Bubblehead Tim Johnson and the "pollster" who worked for Obama who has been banished back to South Dakota, along with various nefarious idiots like the dead Tony Dean who was making a 2 member "sportsmen for Obama" before God struck him down to that fossil communist George McGovern, all of their propaganda was run out of KELO television in Sioux Falls. I have it on good authority that this multi million dollar Democratic propaganda station has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Too bad a little group of rich Americans would not swoop in and buy that station by Young Broadcasting and make it a hammer on the communists of South Dakota.
Good things are happening in that corrupt state.
I stop digressing.
The hope is that the most hated woman in Congress in Michele Bachmann will indeed have pushed through the nail in the coffin to stop the ghouls of Obama from rising to slay the United States.
Not enough gratitude can be expressed to Ms. Bachmann for the hell she has been put through in being slandered as bad as Sarah Palin, Mr. Voight and Mr. Ratzenberger in risking their careers and Mr. Hannity and Mr. Levin for their continuing work of the Founding Fathers of America.
Why is it that it seems the name Voight, Ratzenberger and Bachmann are that great Germanic Israelite people standing for America, along with Jewish Levin and Irish Hannity?
Why is it that these people are risking all for America after having their heritages slandered by the Washington elite time and again?
Where was Bill Cosby as he was receiving the Mark Twain award with hosts of liberals?
Where was Michelle Malkin or Joseph Farah or G. Gordon Liddy for example?
If real Americans could fly from across America, could not the beltway crowds who live and are awarded in the District of Columbia find a few minutes to actually attend an American gathering for the nation they are taking things from?
That is the reason this blog notes the above heroic Americans and salutes them sincerely as they are doing this not for fake peace prize awards, but doing this out of love for America in risking all and suffering slander.
May God bless and keep them in His Name. Amen.
PS: Mr. Hannity will have this gathering on his FOX program as he recorded it all as the rest of the press was for Obama Marxist sympathetic reasons not there.