One can almost have leg tingling tinglers in this historical age of Obama. As the puppy press has been lax the past 6 months on neglecting to inform the public of Obama historical events, this blog now moves to once again serve our historical man Obama in recording his legacy for all the wonder he is.
In China, Mr. Obama was trumpeted by his Chicom comrades and yawned at by the common Chinaman, but the American press lapped on in stating Mr. Obama was following in President Nixon's footsteps.
This blog in exclusive while all the other press had turned off their cameras and were getting drunk on millet whiskey obtained this exclusive photo of Mr. Obama trumping Richard Nixon completely in Mr. Obama pissed over the Great Wall of China.
On this blogs return trip, aboard a super secret aurora surveillance multi dimensional aircraft, obtained this record breaking photo as Mr. Obama while in Asia recorded his 1 trillionth lie.
This lie was vital in it was the straw which tipped the Leaning Tower of Pisa to an upright position as it literally shifted the weight of earth and righted the tower.
The tower is now called The Obama Erection of Lies.
Sources indicate a new historical record in Barack Obama and Al Gore have now create more greenhouse gases than the entire world has in the past 6000 years, including volcanic calderas, meteorite explosions and dinosaur excrement in their frequent flier miles.
Mr. Obama might have lost his Olympic bid, but in super secret negotiations while Mr. Obama was contemplating his Afnamistan troop numbers, the Olympic Committee and Barack have created a new Olympic event called Roman Ass Watching in honor of Obama's Roman holiday.
Not to be outdone by the Norwegian Noble Committee, the Olympic Committee has awarded Obama Olympic Gold to honor him in this degrading of the Olympics.
Secret reports hint that Mr. Obama will join the coming Olympics in a new category he will alone compete in, in the Fairy Dance.
Finally, Obama has historically brought Islam into the 21st century in Dr. Zawahiri has written a "Green Appendage Koran" to the Koran just to cover the sins of Muslim Barack Obama.
The Green Koran is both useful as toilet paper and sopping up blood of Obama disgruntled voters like Nidal Hasan who were asked to assist Mr. Obama in the transition and then were pushed over the edge when Mr. Obama kept firing missiles at Muslims and deploying thousands of more troops.
The historical Obama is wonderfully now preserved upon these webpages for all the Obamalings to cling to in Mr. Obama's massive achievements far outstripping every leader in history for all the historical firsts this wonderful, halo wearing icon has brought to planet earth.
As Mr. Obama has oft been quoted, "I got to kill this planet to save it."
Coo coo kachoo Mrs Robinson.