Monday, November 30, 2009

Obama Afghanistan Salute

I see that after dithering from all of August, all of September, all of October, all of November, with Obama dead now topping over 400 US Soldiers, at home at Fort Hood and in his Cold Sore Wars, that the great one, the epitome, the noted one, the I WON, is going to trot in Republicans to the White House led by John McCain to coerce them into signing on this Obama death trap called Afnamistan.

My advice to Republicans is simple. They should listen politely and then on the steps of the White House John McCain should remove his jacket and shirt showing the scars from torture he endured.
Senator McCain then should state the following:

In 2008, I informed Americans that Barack Hussein Obama was clueless on military strategy, operations and tactics. With hundreds of Americans dead for his Afghan fraud elections, Mr. Obama has now deemed it necessary to try and give hisself cover by bringing in Republicans when his own party will not back him nor US Soldiers.

As a Soldier, I back American Soldiers completely, but I will not back Mr. Obama in his incessant ignorance which is getting US Soldiers murdered at home and abroad.
US Soldiers are placed in valleys unguarded while terrorists fire at them from mountains in kill zones. US Soldiers are under orders to not raise their weapons at terrorists unless terrorists raise their weapons first in firing.
Chicago Police have more war footing and protection than what Barack Obama has afforded United States Soldiers.

Mr. Obama has dithered, and while he dithered, Pakistani terrorists flushed from Pakistan military operations have now poured into his Afgahnistan War which has become a festering sore under Barack Hussein Obama.
I will remind Americans that President George W. Bush with US Special Forces and Afghan fighters toppled the Taliban in weeks and blew Sheik bin Laden out of the Tora Bora caves, liberating all of Afghanistan in a Mission Accomplished.
It was not US Soldiers who lost the Afghan liberation, but it was US Soldiers re entering that war after winning Iraq in the Surge, who had Afghanistan stabilized in 2008 when Mr. Obama took over.

Mr. Obama mocked President Bush that Afghanistan was the correct war to fight. President Bush formulated a war plan which Mr. Obama did not implement until months after taking office in the spring of 2009, and now has decided to change his mind and come up with a new plan as American forces sat exposed under Obama policy.

Now America is in an Obama War in which his performance and lack of leadership has had victorious officers and Soldiers in Iraq performing like fish in a barrel to be shot in Afnamistan.
I will not as a Republican sign onto to vacuous policy as this nor will I agree to placing my reputation behind a policy which looks like it was drawn up in the Kremlin for the Taliban.

Mr. Obama stated over one year ago that he knew how to "get bin Laden". Mr. bin Laden is still loose and Mr. bin Laden is a much more comprehensive threat today, equalling September 10th, 2001, all due to Mr. Obama being exposed as I warned Americans in the 2008 debates.

If this is deliberate on Mr. Obama's part in what he has done in the theaters of war, he is a traitor on top of being a usurper. If this is ineptness on Mr. Obama's part, he is guilty of war crimes against the Soldiers of these United States.

Therefore the only vote I will be pushing for is one in the House of Representatives for the criminal impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama on crimes against humanity, failure to uphold the Constitution and the Office of the President of these United States and aiding terrorist like Nidal Hasan who were working for Mr. Obama.

The best and only solution is to remove this entire heinous group of Muslim Mafia enablers through legal impeachment starting from Mr. Obama, Mr. Biden, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Gates, to Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Reid in order to effect policy change and save the most wonderful and heroic of Americans, the United States Soldiers.
To take any other direction would be treason on my part, and I will not again cause Americans to suffer through a global whipping of the United States which I and other POW's endured to attempt to keep America from liberating oppressed peoples, by slaughtering Americans in mass in senseless actions without one shred of military planning meant for victory.

Mr. Obama's NSA staff was caught in Asia stating he is looking for an exit strategy. That is a losing, cowardice retreat by Mr. Obama, and, all Americans should rise at this time to note that as Barack Hussein Obama is running from his Afnamistan War, Americans are not going to be standing by while he shoves tens of thousands of more Americans into that abyss.

May God bless America and work through His chosen servants as the ones He has not chosen are either traitors or cowards.

It is past time that Republicans have not stood up to I WON Obama, call him for his murderous policies, and force the issue to making Americans decide the direction of this rampage either continues under Democrats or this starts being fixed before the 2010 and 2012 elections in Americans taking responsibility for the greatest mistake they ever made as a people in electing this fraud Barack Hussein Obama and his communist horde of czarist dictators.

Come on John McCain, give that speech.

May God bless, these United States of America, and protect His children in her, in Jesus Name, Amen.
