Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Obama helps wipe our Iranian Freedom Patriots

As this blog exclusively reported, Barack Obama in his "Twitter Revolution" which was set up to put pressure on the Persian Islamocommunists for nuclear negotiations, but in reality was an exchange in Obama assisting the decapitation of the Iranian Freedom Patriots, now has come full circle in the coming execution of 5 Iranians who were that nations best hope to rid itself of Brzezinski Ba'athism, because that is exactly what Zbigniew Brzezinski birthed there in Marxism and Barack Obama is nurturing.

Think of the brilliance of this in Obama, Brzezinski and the central European axis in they used this Twitter revolution to cause mayhem against Christian Greece by Muslim communists, but then turned it around to assist the Persians to slaughter the Patriot problems in their Marxist land.

This is more blood on his hands Obama policy in the deliberate betrayal of the Iranian people.

Charlie Rose this past summer was literally wetting hisself with the Twitter founder and other internet webmasters thinking this was the real way that despots could be brought down. Now Rose looks like the fool he is, in Obama and the very creatures Charlie Rose voted for were part of this scheme to round up Iranian Patriots.

Don't think Obama would betray people perform such treachery? Was it not Obama that placed American Veterans on terror watch lists and the same Obama who just betrayed all of eastern Europe to put it all back under Russian dominance, all for Iranian nuclear policy.
Understand the hedge people, Obama finds the Jews disgusting, those are his own words. Obama's own people cheered the Persian communists in getting the nuclear bomb to offset the Jews.
Obama has done nothing to stop the Persian nuclear program and deliberately sabotaged the French President Sarkozy outing of the Persian nuclear bomb program at the United Nations. Obama made Sarkozy wait and the next day, here came Ahmandinejad blowing Sarkozy's big surprise.

So chalk up another murder spree to Barack Hussein Obama. He is slaughtering American Soldiers in his Cold Sore War Afnamistan, had his buddy Nidal Hasan murdering Americans at Fort Hood and now has helped Ahmadinejad to murder the Iranian Patriot Movement.

81 Iranians sentenced to prison for trying to be free and 5 sentenced to death for trying to live.

Another successful policy brought to you by Barack Hussein Obama, where freedom loving people are criminalized and terrorists are called "leaders".

agtG 318

Obama Twitter Executions