Sunday, November 29, 2009

Obama's 5th Column

With the remnant of loyal United States Intelligence Agencies begging someone in the press to break the real meaning behind the Salahi event at the White House, it is time to further explain the real meaning what this Barack Obama 5th column was really accomplishing as they gained access to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Perceptions are all in the nuance of the event. Readers will remember Mr. Obama showing the sole of his shoe to the Jews while he was on the phone with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Such events are not by chance no more than Mr. & Mrs. Salahi meeting Sen. Obama in 2005 at a Polo match (now why was Obama there?) and the Salahi's stating they were indeed on the invited guest list as the White House scrambles to cover up what happened.

One needs to return to the distance past of the 1930's when Austrian Adolf Hitler started a maniacal rise to power exactly like Barack Hussein Obama, another non native import.
Mr. Hitler was the first architectural political genius of the modern age. He was a true artist at heart in understanding the complete envelopment of the German psyche.

There was nothing which national socialist or Nazi Adolf Hitler did not invade in his Germanic culture. The stirring operas of Richard Wagner stirred the soul, the Valkyrie gave his cause epic proportions, Darwin gave him the science of a master race, antiquity provided him with the Aryan mythos, the Babylonian Mystery Religion gave him his cultus and all of the pageantry of the SS gave him his noble knights.
People miss that aspect in the mystique of Hitler in his German elite were indeed knights. Himler had secret orders with rites and this was a calling for Hitler.

Adolf Hitler designed everything from the Germania Reich of 1000 years from his city of the future he designed down to the incredibly beautiful SS uniforms which still inspire today.

In all honesty, only the United States Marines dress blues surpass the Nazi SS uniform. The SS was cast as both beauty and dread and Hitler crafted that guise so well that it still inspires Star Wars to the evil on the wonderful series Firefly.
Think of that in not one SS soldier is uniformed today and yet those uniforms of Hitler still make the world fill with awe. They were artistic perfection in indulging all that was rapine in the human soul.

I remember the old Germans speaking of Hitler in phrases like, "Yah yah, you listen now. We will sing our songs. We will march to our music. We will do as we please".
This was what Hitler tapped into, instead of a national apology for an enslaved German people, he inspired them by making it a wonder to be a German again.

This psyche was not alone a German order. Italy would be swept away by this and Imperial Japan would have it's own master race order. The Hitler mystique would inspire the Persians under British mandate to change their name to Aryan or Iranian which they are not, but just to gain sympathy from Hitler so he might give them freedom when he defeated the English.

In Egypt the order would travail in the form of the bana Nazi and after the war, transcend into the Muslim Brotherhood. As time passed Sheik bin Laden would lead the Wahhabist order of the Islamfascists and the Egyptian would lead the growing order of Islamocommunists in Dr. Zawahiri.
In Palestine the Islamocommunist Hezbollah and Hamas, are at odds with the Isalmofascist Fatah.

In America one finds the two Juniors, Ellison and Obama, as they hybrid Islamomarxists of black power. In Persia, the Islamocommunists are led by a growing Emmanuel Kant, a German again, infusing a sort of prime directive of all is legal as long as the ends justify the means.

All of this is fueled by the Muslim oil cartel finance structure. It has been busy building mosques around the world churning out maniacs to the bana Nazi order.
That is who Nidal Hasan was, a terrorist soldier not of the United States, but a terrorist soldier of the Islamic order. He was created, groomed and activated in his field just as certainly Mr. and Mrs. Salahi are created 5th column operatives.

To explain this is to understand Kaiser Wilhelm's infamous insights into the world order which destroyed his Christian Germany twice as the Germans were an impediment to the central European financial cartels communization of the world, starting in Europe.
The Kaiser noted that with John Wilkes Booth that it was always easy to find some lunatic to pull a trigger. The finding was by the European cartel who assassinated President Lincoln and who did start the Civil War to accomplish what Barack Hussein Obama is now accomplishing in the devastation of America.

One must understand that there are moles and sleeper agents, but in a group of 1000 people there are Nidal Hasan's who can be programmed and there are operatives like those in CAIR working on self gratifying political motives, there is an Obama kid to be funded and groomed in Chicago, there is a Tony Rezko making money off of blacks as a slum lord and there are Tareq and Michaele Salahi, who in Washington Redskin cheerleader uniforms, part of the affluent Virginia polo set, just have that new venture of the "sex me up Muslim" that is so appealing to an American market who just have had it with these wooly turban heads they don't understand.

See the Salahi's are on their own attention whore mission like Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame in being close to the cause, but not high enough in the global cause to get the seats at the main table.
Information from American intelligence is going to have to be more in depth, but when the Salahi's are part of a group which was run by an Obama terrorist in Mr. Khaladi, meant to circumvent Jews out of their territories for a Philistine state, the Salahi's are the sexy 5th column to what CAIR is doing through Junior Ellison in Congress.
See Tareq Salahi is what Americans can understand, and is they mission they will sign off on, because just like Joe Biden was horn dog over her, the current Obama voter who was wet pantie over him, can say that good Hugh Hefner sex is good no matter if it is getting bushels of Jews slaughtered and bushels of Gazites under rubble.

So when Mr. and Mrs. Salahi say they were on the guest list, it means they have the influential terror backing friends who are the same friends who built Barack Hussein Obama from his communist organizer kit.
Stevie Wonder suspicion though leads one by the Secret Service reaction in begging the puppy press to figure this story out as beyond a security issue, that the Salahi photos were just as planted as Obama's showing the shoe to Jews photo was.

It is a well known fact that Mr. Obama used Twitter with the Iranians to foment a revolution there, so that Iranian Patriots would be exposed to be captured and executed.
The Greeks discovered this same Twitter sphere was being used against them by Muslims. Yahoo is now being source for the same upheavals.
So is it just chance that people connected to the Philistine takeover of Israeli territory and Jerusalem, happen to get into the White House, happen to be photographed with important Jew Rahm Emmanuel drooling over Mrs. Salahi, find themselves fondled by Joe Biden and then the Obama White House releases a photo of Mrs. Salahi having hand sex with Obama as the husband glowingly pimps his wife who is clearly in control of Barack Hussein Obama...........

OK now in this photo op, just what message did Bearick Obama send to his Palestinians and Muslims worldwide as they released the photo deliberately. Bowbama wasn't bowing this time to a Saudi King, he was being hand serviced by the harem girl in an oasis of ecstasy.

That Salahi message was seen all over the Middle East Islam connect and it's message was Muslims and their cause are in control of the White House Oval Office, Vice President Joe Biden and Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel.

Weigh the depths of this though in this was the Palestinian Islamomarxist cause invading the Hindu Indian main event. The Indians are in a terror war within their nation and against Pakistan.
The Indians are running their own terrorists against Muslims, and here is Barack Hussein Obama, having the blonde benefactors of the Palestinian mandate fondling themselves all over the Indian state dinner.

Nothing in this news media happens unless it is generated by the patricians. The Salahi's could have had their pictures online for a 100 years and if the White House didn't want the story run, that story would have been shut down by the puppy press.
This was a directed event of manipulation, cover up, lies, and this blog concludes a desperate plea by loyal security service members who know exactly what this 5th column of Obama has been up to.
What Nidal Hasan did in Fort Hood is what Tareq Salahi did with a slinky red dress in the White House.

There is definitely security personnel who are begging for someone to expose this full story who are loyal to the United States. They know a whole lot more what the Salahi event is about as the tip of the iceberg and more is to come if someone bothers to do the digging.

I know I am right on this for numerous reasons. This was the honeypot attack which the Soviets utilized so clumsily in corrupting US Citizens for generations. It is only fitting as the Hitler bana Nazi has degraded to the control of Dr. Zawahiri and his Russian Bolshevik KGB and FSB operations that Marxist Obama would be part of this group which is sexing it up for an American message from the Islamocommunist 5th column.

The fact is the United States has been infiltrated and corrupted, the Salahi's are proof positive of this. They were being used in their own attention whore schemes. The message has been sent, condoned by Barack Hussein Obama and Axelrod Inc., and, another terror attack upon America has gone unnoticed.

You have to get the point children, they are not going to do this with bombs and bullets alone. This is a new game and sexy chics are as much a facet as million dollar donations to Jimmy Carter Jew and American hating Carter Center propaganda.

Start viewing this from a new perspective and you just might start seeing things more clearly as to what the news really is showing, this was a Tokyo Rose broadcast.

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