New Jersey in fact threw out the Obamite NeoProg who was taxing and spending on Obama scales in that state.
This blog sincerely hopes that the Democrats lie to themselves in thinking that their candidate in New York who won with 49% of the vote actually was an affirmation that Obama is still strong.
If one measures the facts, the "GOP" woman running that race was even more left wing than Obama, so much so that liberal blogs backed her over the Democrat in the race.
Even after this Arlen Specter traitor withdrew from the race, she then sabotaged the GOP by endorsing the Democrat Owens...........so ah, it wasn't Obama that got Owens elected, it was the treachery of a woman scorned.
Tellingly in New York's 23rd district 5% of the voters still voted for a candidate NOT IN THE RACE. Apparently being homosexual and butchering babies is more important than paying attention to who one should vote for.
This blog assesses that the terminator Obama, cheating, lying and stealing the 2008 election with Pelosi and Reid has now become the "obaminated". A programmed droid party, gutted of all it is, with only the betrayal of a Judas able to save the NeoProg as Obama certainly can not.
This is a stunning slap at Obama Pelosi and Reid, in all of their tax, spend and debt. The Obama budget boys still do not have any answers and economist Nial Fergerson noted that Obama has spent 10 trillion, but has America on the hook for 100 trillion dollars in debt as of today.
That is at least 40 trillion more than was assessed. The net result is the United States under Obama can either turn the Dollar into toilet paper in value which Obama is attempting or the United States can default like Argentina.
In all of that, it is lovely to see that the people of New York have sent another Obama voter to destroy America as Obama dangles from his hook as the transvestite droid waiting for his next hot date paid for by the American people.
The Republicans literally won in landslide levels in Virginia and in New Jersey, even if the Jersey vote was in the 5% range, as that state is so leftist.
But please Democrats keep focusing on the GOP "tearing itself apart", because the Conservatives are back and they are only going to gain strength as Obama's lies of jobs, economic growth and Afnamistan mount with each passing month. Unemployment at over 10%, growth at barely 2% and piles of dead Americans, are the reality that even putting in treacherous liberals into the GOP like John McCain will not win any victories in 2010.
The Conservatives will move forward. They will be joined by Independents and Democrats in growing numbers as the promise of Reagan is what America is searching for and not the fakery of Obama.
A New York Conservative just a short while ago was only to be the spoiler and that Conservative almost won the election and the Obama candidate in the liberal was thrown out of the race and only idiots threw their vote after this traitor.
The prizes are New Jersey and Virginia, not New York. New York will fall Republican in 2010 as the blacklash continues.
The 2009 elections were a resounding epic defeat for Mr. Obama and it is why Democrats are fleeing him in Congress.
This crisis of Obama making will only continue and it's infection is spreading to all Democratic candidates now.
Oh happy day.
Obama's lunatic fringe