Monday, November 16, 2009

Sarah Palin Presidential Leadership

I find it a euphoria to have the British Press noting the female firebrands on the right who are inspiring, leading and promoting the Conservative salvation for the American people in Gov. Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota.

While this blog has counselled that Rep. Bachmann is not nationally ready for the Presidential stage, I smiled broadly when at her tea dunker event with Jon Voight on the Capitol steps that the crowd cheered wildly for Palin Bachmann 2012.

This blog exclusively noted that in God's Grace for His chosen people that in this last age that a chivalry might be something God is musing over in as Adam was the creation of mankind and by Eve was sin brought into the world, and as Adam was the first Christ figure in taking of the fruit to save his wife, but weakly blaming her for what I believed was a God moved choice, that Americans might just have in God's plan a most precious birthing about to take place in God will place a Lady He has chosen to be the last Eve in ushering in Christ's return on this eve of the failings of humanities own governance.

That to me is completely exciting as there is nothing more wonderful nor interesting than an intelligent, strong and self assured Lady. To think that in the American midst are these gorgeous creatures being blessed on God's right is just the ultimate of Grace.
The adoration I have for the Israelite women from Eve, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Ruth, Esther, Deborah, the Mother of Christ, Mary Magdalene, Joan D'Arc, Elizabeth Custer, Laura Bush and now this coming tide of Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann is a dream come true.

I am never one to be satisfied. I am a quartermasters dream come true in I just do not have back up in storage, but have a back up for the back up, back up for the original, back up for the back up that might break and just a back up to make me sleep at night.
So when I had Ronald Reagan, I was not satisfied. I saw those British Israelites with that Margaret Thatcher and I was very jealous. Sure I had Jean Kirkpatrick and Linda Chavez, but the drought to Condi Rice was too much. I wanted, desired and yearned for a feminine Ronald Reagan in Maggie Thatcher in America's own, and it delighted me in Sarah Palin was called forth.

I laughed in watching the CBS evening propaganda covering Sarah Palin in her Reagan Blue State attire matched perfectly with Barbara Walters, in a coward of the McCain patricians said, "This book Sarah Palin has written is not one if you are running for President".

Oh my the talking vagina's of the McCain traitors are upset what Sarah Palin is up to. In this blogs judgment in reading Mrs. Palin's book, this book was exactly what the President ordered in her 2012 run, because it rips the covers off the treachery of the McCain Obama shills in trying to ruin Sarah Conservative Palin. The world now understands completely what was occurring in this betrayal, the same betrayal Linda Chavez experienced by Ed Rollins in her Senate run.

This patrician squat assassination of character has been going on forever. The Bush 41 trolls pulled this on tearing down Ronald Reagan. They approach Rush Limbaugh and say, "Can't you do something to control those Christians". They blew it for Bush 41 in telling the Christian right to shut up and go away.
They are pompous, two faced, double minded weak little hearts who have Peggy Noonan knickers on and Shep Smith roaches in their pockets for courage.

Heck fire, we even have that Noel the coward Sheppard coming out at Newsbusters now featuring that Al Gore TV was calling Sarah Palin a Gun Ho and TWILF. Sheppard is of this same Obama voter squad who only covers a story to degrade Sarah Palin by association.
This is the same patrician coward Sheppard who with Matthew Sheffield was terming Conservatives as suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome.
The difference is now though that the real Conservatives have looked under the blood skirts of Sheppard and Noonan to see the aborted Conservative movement they butchered and Conservatives are not going to be fooled again by the Obama ilk who think Newt Gingrich and Arlen Specter are the voice of the GOP.

That is what winning looks like people. It is these Noel the coward Sheppard doing his patrician assassins works. It is David the pedophile jokester Letterman carrying out Obama rapine on an American Lady. It is Oprah Winfrey lining up to have the most powerful figure in America to have on her program. It is Barbara Walters not dressing in Obama red, but in Sarah Palin blue.

It is the British international press noting that America's right has the feminine firebrands who are going to light this brier patch into an American inferno to usher in a new American age in Christ's return.

This is the coming dawn of real change all can believe in because it is America for all productive people to prosper in, live securely in and be cared for in as they choose.

The handwriting is on the wall people. Sarah Palin has the cowards in retreat and the liberal press giving way while Barack Hussein Obama is bowing to Japanese emperors.

It rains on Obama's parade everywhere he goes and the sun of the shining city on the hill is radiating upon Sarah Palin's America every step she takes.

I will take one Sarah Palin backed by God any day against the world than all of the Obamalings with nuclear firepower put together.
