Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You think you Know

Elmer Keith in his epic book, Hell I was There, told of a meeting he had with Zane Grey, I believe it was in the way old days.

Elmer who was one of the best long range pistol shots in the world was guiding the patricians and mentioned they had along some foul mouthed centerfold type babe as a "secretary".
Translation was she was the working whore of the bunch.

He just watched that woman and said, "I had no respect for her with that language", and then went on to tell the tale of meeting his wife at a dance where a matchmaking old gal asked him who he might be interested in.
Elmer said who he thought was a quality Lady and it wasn't that much longer until he married her, because she was a woman of virtue.

I see in this feminist age so many females who give women a bad name and that there isn't enough Oxydol in the world to scrub the word Lady on them.
The reason they get away with this in the west and especially America in being ball busters is most men in this age actually had a pretty decent June Cleaver as a Mom who never prepared them for the bitches out there.

I visit public sites to monitor the collective profile of classes of people as it assists in gauging what is really occurring in America. I see constantly these women who are flipping the bird to the camera, never bothering to answer a male who dares type at them, as their intent has nothing to do with meeting anyone, but their intent is to torture and punish men as a sport.
That is worth repeating to the Ladies out there who have been treated badly at times in life by men, because as long as these men were not manwhores, which every woman should be running from, it is these ball busting women who are creating men who take it out on other women.

I remember Johnny Carson long ago being lectured at by a woman about equal rights. Johnny just smiled and nodded as he did, but here was a man who had been taken to the cleaners financially by women in divorce and a feminist starlet had the audacity to even bring up the subject that he was some kind of pig in being a white male when it was women who had cut his testicles off and hung them on the wall repeatedly.

Women only get away with the things they do because men are quite stupid, will put up with anything for attention and basically are good natured in believing the lies women heap on them.

The modern Obama voting female is one who is lewd, has had more male penis in her than a New Orleans whore, and usually a baby with several abortions to go along with the flirting. These females after being impregnated by jocks or minorities, then cruise along for the nice dolts who match their lists.
I call them as most women are in "list women". Some women want a male who can be ordered around and some women like the athlete who they can then dominate. The point in the equation though is these men are all stupid and fit a profile these women have which starts with money, controllablity and the assessment that after maybe another child, they will divorce the dolt and go off to her screwing heart's desire again as the ex husband pays for it all.

In that, I have no idea why men do not run from women as the signs are on the wall like atom bombs going off.
I know of a young 20 something woman here who has 4 children, 2 of which are twins, and none of them are by the same father. The last baby was Mexican.
One has to ask where on earth the parents were in batting these horny males over the head to wake them up to child support payments.

There is not a person reading this who does not know the real secret of stretch marks, even if you rub olive oil on the stomach to prevent. Breasts have stretch marks as well as tummies extend from having children as well as Muchelle Obama's big butt shows up.
I realize that booze and horniness turns a great deal of ugly into desire, but in an age of child support, premie babies out of aborted wombs which cost a fortune and disease, one would think that somewhere in this a voice would say to a man, "Hey this is your penis talking. I do think for you, but dude I would rather go surfing in a toxic cesspool than get into that.
15 minutes dude and there goes our big SUV, our fishing boat, African safari while we sit outside the window as Suzy Q gets sexed by some black import".

So I pity men in being so stupid, that they can not tell a hose bag in bed, but can tell a lemon in a car at 100 yards.

I really would like men to start learning some lines when those ball busters started flirting with them, lines like:

"Ewww babe, that rotten blood from your time of the month has left a scent trail".

"Nothing like crusty undies from your being wet over Obama to make me want to vomit".

"Amazing how women looking so pretty today forget about that nasty yeast infection stink not that long ago".

See all the publicity is on how sugar and spice the female is, and yet in gynecology, one sees just how the American ball buster is no different than the swollen, draining ewe of the same American herd.
If American men would just dish out what they have been told in being "stinky"as Muchelle Obama dumped on Barack in public, it would not be long before these females started playing nice.

On the same website I was visiting, they were discussing the correct size for a man's penis. Note again the onus was on the male being correct and not women who have had vegetable produce shoved up their baby factory in being too flappy.
Men had to fit a certain dimension, but I started laughing when I read several females noting that, "What mattered most was if men knew how to use their thing".

Excuse me, but where in the sex manual of these females does it state in mutual sex that they get to lay there like boards? Those women must have been really wonderful experiences for the poor horn dogs who succumbed to them.
For the record you ignorant males, women have hips which move, women have muscles which move, women even have complete bodies with brains where orgasms take place. It is not up to the male alone to "give an orgasm" nor does moving their thing around move alone with the female who is not a board moving her thing around too.

All of these Obama females are just like all the liberals in setting the state that white America is evil for being successful. It is all sloven, blame game, toxicity heaped on nice folks, who never consider that all of that feminine hygiene products are there because what happens down below on women is quite the unsanitary mess constantly.
If more men simply could get this through their skulls, then the nice guys would be treated nice by the females with problems and they would then not learn horrid trends to treat nice girls with disrespect in revenge.

Oprah Winfrey once said she interviews big celebrities by picturing them on the toilet just like she was that morning and it really leveled the playing field.
For the good of western civilization, western males have to start picturing all those pretty, profane Obama feminists in all their odoriferous unattractiveness, because that is what they are 7 days out of a month, and the ones who are lost in Jungle Lust have it 40 days out a month in the scary things leaking out of them.

The facts of how all humans are makes for a very polite society as whenever you see some ass treating others like they are better than them, just repeat the words, "Sanitary napkin" in women and, "Jock itch", for the men.

Amazing how a few facts change how the world rotates.
