Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Burkaranian

I was wondering how many Muslim men get married and go home to unwrap the burka babe, and find out that instead of a Hillary Rodham, it is a Lawrence Sinclair gay guy that the other Muslim family has been trying to marry off.

Really, I am serious, how do you tell what you are getting with all of that woolen burka garb on? A woman could be 500 pound, have horse teeth and have a female appendage auditioning as a male appendage like Muchelle Obama.
Sure there are Muslims like Barack Hussein Obama who go for such things, but for normal Muslim males how are they to be protected?

Is this the reason Nidal Hasan went nuts after Obama lied to him? Did he live in burkaphobia terror of coming home and finding himself in a marriage contract to some lesbian male named Vhalid, like the hairy Pakistani college guy, Barry Obama was cuddling on a New York couch with back in the 80's?
Is this why Nidal Hasan was going to strip clubs after he bought a gun to enhance his manhood, in he wanted to get chics naked, so he would not be taken advantage of in a burka shotgun wedding later in his life?

Really, the people of this world need to stand up and fix Islam. It is all this male dominated doom religion of bombs and hell. Then the women get these men and turn them into subs, and the world is all in this turmoil.
Having seen some of these fury Islamic women naked, I can see why some of these men go bonkers and the women are always angry. Let us be frank in, how many western women would be more than 7 days PMS a month if they had a fur covering their hottest parts of their body making them hotter, and more odoriferous, so they felt bad about themselves all the time.

One sees this in the cranky women of Europe who never shave under their arms. They look horrid, smell horrid and therefore Tiger Woods goes out looking for clean arm pits to have affairs with.
For the sake of world peace and marriages, we need to find a solution for the majority of the perversion and violence in the world.

If Barack Obama would give me 50 million dollars, I would develop a real stimulus program for Muslims that would bring world peace and keep Tiger Woods at least limited to half the women of this world and most of the sheep.

I have always said Islam needs a female Grace, Love, Mercy and Redemption like Christianity and Orthodox Judaism. I would in my program hire a bunch of Islamic chics in burkas and redesign their costumes to include mini skirts. You can see how alluring women are with their mystery in being covered up.
Granted women with thighs bigger than Clydesdales as this blog broke in comparing Muchelle Obama's legs and a draft horse would have to rely on a Barry Soetoro, but most Semitic women have very nice legs and would benefit greatly.

This would bring world Islamic peace as Muslim males would be looking non stop at Muslim legs than building bombs. Women would be empowered in being women instead of being covered in wool. Marriages would be happy as men would know the legs they were getting before they took them home to find out a hairy gay Muslim guy was attached to them.
This too would assist the sodomite Muslims as how many of them are thinking they are bringing home a lesbian male and find out instead they got a lesbian female like Janet Reno. Talk about disappoint at the hajj.

If you toss in a nice lady razor to shave off the fur to nice trimmed patches, and I would even put in some cooling gel so the husbands could assist in the after trimming, there would be nothing but a collective sigh across Islam and a nice water pipe smoker.

Muslim marriages which were 30 years stale would be hotter than couscous on a Saudi July day as the men folk would get a new look at the goods, and seeing the old camel and chain, parading it around on the street being lusted after by Joe Biden, sure did Tareq Salahi good with his wife Michaele.

So give me a 100 million to run the program, make me Burka Czar, and I will send a shock wave of pleasure through Islam not seen since...........well never seen as Islam has been filled with people like Muhammed who liked sex more than Barack Hussein Obama, and have been denied their pleasure, so they end up like Nidal Hasan being disappointed by Obama.

Ask any Muslim if they would rather have Barack Hussein Obama lecturing them or hot sex, and they will tell you hot sex every time. Let us give Muslims what they really desire. Why make the men wait for death to get 70 raisins or virgins, only to find out there is no sex in Paradise as Spirits don't have sex.
Let Islam have marital sex now and the the world a silent night.

So let's bring Islam into the 21st century, make world peace not like the Nobel Prize awards and make a bunch of happy Muslim babies.

Your burka czar Lame Cherry awaits.
