Saturday, December 26, 2009

Drunken Missiles

I am not surprised that in most things in this world, that this blog is the one which is an information analysis source on real issues and technical data while the rest of the monkey picking dates off their buttocks are waiting for any inspiration from here to filter through to them so they can look smart.

What has interested me is the absolute silence on the Buluva missile system which the Russians have been bragging about now for about a decade as the ultimate stealth and not being able to be defeated nuclear delivery system in attacking the United States.
Recently the Russians launched submarine based missile which shocked the Norwegians as it flew over their territory. Of course Russia denied knowing anything about it in the press, even though they alerted Norway of the launch, but as information progressed it was revealed that the Buluva system failed in the 3rd stage, with the first two stages complete.

In technical terms, 3rd stage is about the worst dud that one wants, as nuclear warheads are not armed in the first two stages in the event that the rocket blows up on the launch pad or arc. No one wants a thermonuclear bomb or a MERV with a half dozen 10 megaton bombs going off on their shores or in their atmosphere for an EMP pulse.
So arming engages in the last stages, but the problem then arises in if one launches 500 missiles and a majority of them a faulty, well for Russia, it would be Greenland and the Arctic which would be glowing with a full American arsenal ready to respond and respond again (providing idiot Obama doesn't have America disarmed by then of nuclear deterrent.)

So the Buluva system which has been touted as the ultimate Medvedev boogie man turned out again to be a dud. Medvedev was though once again as President of the Bolsheviks spouting off afterward how Russia would build these new advanced systems for their security.

As everyone always desires to know the real story in turning to this blog, I will assess the Russian hypersonic, stealth, nuclear missiles with the following laughing with disdain at their Russian idiocy, for if this is their doomsday machine, they had better be banking on dying from radiation poisoning as this system is a joke.

If one examines the Norwegian photographic evidence, one notes the spiral effect. This means in stage 1 and 2, the Russians missiles is launched to fly upward in a corkscrew trajectory to defeat US interceptors and Star Wars platforms.
The corkscrew flies in a clockwise pattern which is important information for neutralizing the missiles which I will divulge later.

In examining the ring pattern, it is deduction that when stage 3 misfired, the Russians simply blew the thing up as that is what appears to be behind the sonic ring pattern of the solid fuel having been ignited in a fail safe.
Makes a pretty pattern, but it is a pattern which looks like a pebble tossed into a pool of water, because that is exactly what the rocket is, in it is a pebble being thrown at high speeds into the liquidity of the atmosphere.
Never forget that there is no difference between fish or birds. Each swims through a liquid medium. The air around us is just a less dense medium in which to swim.

So in noting this, we know that this missile leaves a signature as it displaces the atmosphere.
We know the missile in clockwise corkscrew effect launches at a close 45 degree angle.
We know the pattern of the missile in flight at least increases in the spiral until it reaches either fail safe detonation or it in 3rd stage requires a straight trajectory once reaching the upper atmosphere for target acquisition.

In knowing the above, on the trajectory, angle, speed, rate of corkscrew effect, this Buluva system is actually easier to shoot down than a standard missile, because it leaves a bigger signature to acquire and it is flying twice as far to target in the corkscrew path.
Think of it like a drunk weaving their way down a sidewalk, certainly the pattern is not a straight shot, but it still is on the definition of the sidewalk, but it is taking twice as long to reach it's destination.

In short, one simply with a sonic weapon could in proximity knock these missiles off course or degrade them sufficiently so their drunken trajectory would be so wild that essentially a missile in Norwegian waters could in theory on loop strike Siberia or the Pacific.
If one simply had a proximity missile for defense, one could either put in an EMP to fry the Buluva's system or a large enough fragmentary blast to destroy the missile.

So this is not some wonder missile in the least. It is a nutty Russian idea that looks good on paper until the Americans looking at with light speed lasers note, "Gee whiz Ivan, your missiles pattern in a definite corkscrew which America can time by firing a five second pulse which the missile will fly into.
In waterfowl hunting this would be termed pass shooting, and if America would produce the rather interesting weapon I designed of a grenade missile, which would launch, explode and in the explosion launch smaller jdams to target a Buluva, one has dead Russian missiles on the cheap.
Of course, there are other "shotgun" lasers, pulse, particle and sonic weapon systems in my arsenal spraying patterns, ways to slap the atmosphere to ICBM's hit a brick wall and shields as noted here on the cheap, but the main point is after seeing Russia's new toy which was so devastating, I am reminded of their ferocious SAM batteries which were not defeatable, and the Israeli's using American systems seemed to blow up a Syrian nuclear facility without any problems with Russian systems.

As this is what Russia has, it is a joke akin to the 1950's hair brain ideas one came across which are laughed at now. What the Russians are basically doing is the same "wap" effect they spent a fortune on time in trying to figure out how to make an 7.63 x 39 bullet fired from an AK 47, turn and destabilize in flight so as to make a bigger hole in Americans on the battlefield.
I kid you not, the Russians were busy in the 1970's trying to find a way to thwart the Geneva Conventions on civilized warfare to make full metal jacket bullets create in effect expansion holes on Americans.

Americans already knew in Vietnam that their pissy little 223 rounds were what military doctrine warranted as wounding the enemy required at least 2 enemies to remove the one wounded enemy, thereby using up 3 combatants, and this progressed as more personnel are required to evacuate and treat the wounded for weeks.
Russians though were trying to kill Americans just like now by creating a bullet as warped as their thinking is.

So I heartily encourage the Russians to keep building the Buluva system and putting their faith in it. I hope they make Buluvas which fly through hoops, dance, fly backwards and fly counterclockwise and anything else they can figure out as all this does is make it much easier for American systems to destroy the Russian systems over their territory.

This is why this blog from the beginning was Inspired to expose the "experts" as that is what is wrong with this world in the world has Obama experts heading everything and they are all Pollocks.
Now, let me explain the meaning of this as all have heard Pollock jokes, but never understood the reality of them, as Fred Barnes was wading through this on Obama's problems and he does not comprehend what the problem is at it's base.

As my cousin once noted about the Poles, in the reason the jokes about taking 7 to screw in a light bulb, is that Pollacks are not stupid in the least. They are some of thee most brilliant people in the world, equal to Einstein in fact on the intelligence scale.
The problem is that these super genius peoples, like Obama is termed to be, is that they can figure out how to make a missile fly out of control in a corkscrew not in control pattern, but they are so inept they can't do what a mentally handicapped person does in changing a light bulb or making change.

These people are too bright, like in climate change scams, banking thievery and Buluva systems in they can make the project so brilliant that someone with not that much intelligence can defeat the system by pointing out the basics.

Obama's problem is he figured out how to scam the system and is an idiot on how to walk and talk. The Russian friends he has have figured out how to make a missile fly screwy, but have made it easier for America to destroy it.........if the this oddity ever can be fixed to fly as almost every test of this thing is a dud.

The only danger is if like Bill Clinton with a dud Russian missile that Boeing fixes the thing. That I wouldn't put it past genius Obama in doing in fixing the Buluva system for his Russian comrades.

Barring that genius act, I could not be more pleased for the Bolsheviks building the Vodka Missile System, drunken flight and intoxicated by DT's in destroying itself.

Obama's Marxist geniuses. Salute!

Obama' гении марксиста s. Салют!
