Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy new year 2010

Let me be the first to say, I hate Roman New Years, as it is filled with nothing but cold and drunks like Moscow in winter, and if one is at a David Letterman cocktail party, it is filled with cold belligerent drunks pretending to show human remorse in not laughing at Rush Limbaugh dead guy jokes.

I have never liked New Years as being drunk, and attempting to celebrate something that has no meaning as nothing changes in a day, is pure folly.
I would much rather have the God instilled Hebrew spring New Year as flowers blooming is something pleasant, and even the now observed Jewish Babylonian autumn New Year is at least more pleasant as wonderful things grown by the buds of spring are ready to replenish that which is gone with overflowing joy.
Instead we are stuck with the worst month of January which is long, too long and too big, with nothing in it, but neo faux holidays like Martin King day which no longer matters as blacks stepped on him to have Obama every day, or it is Indian day in some states who have "native Americans" who are imported just like the rest of white Europeans.

I have actually contemplated a way of just slicing out January and putting it into other nicer months like August which would prolong summer, but that pesky moon gets in the way and as global freezing has come back, one can not fool people as January cold is still cold if you call it Big February.

So in that we are stuck for now with retched New Years, which only means one day closer to the horrid things which Obama has clucked into existence in all the naive eggs he has laid, which will hatch economic malaise, terrorist attacks, an impoverished America and people not having as much enjoyment out of life.

The odds are now that by the end of this cold in winter, that hundreds of Americans will be dead from Obama policy who are alive now. al Qaeda got a start in blowing up CIA agents in Afnamistan in one of Obama's glorified latrines on the Pakistani border.
We know for a certain that more US Soldiers will be dead from his Afnamistan troop dither, and we know equally tens of thousand of babies in the womb will be aborted by Obama policy.

Nothing is going to be fixed in health care as that is not the intent to fix anything as it doesn't go into effect until 2014, after Obama is voted out of office for creating the disaster.

It is all just the beginning of more sorrows for these United States and western Europe.

Mid summer 2010 might be the year that New York City if vaporized as the European oracles predict. It certainly is going to be the summer Obama infests Illinois with Gitmo terrorists with a nuclear power plant nearby.

2010 will be the continuing saga of the Obama cover up in what the al Qaeda Nigerian terrorist was doing with a bomb in his underwear, as Obama covered up what happened to an Indian led away in handcuffs after a bomb sniffing dog sniffed a bomb upon him.

This is what 2010 will be for America in 2008 were the lies of Barack Hussein Obama, 2009 were the catastrophic deliberate failings of Barack Hussein Obama and in 2010, Obama will be busy covering up all of his involvement and responsibility in the destruction of America.

The back drop of course will be Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Ben Nelson, Stephie Herseth and all the Democrats acting like American Patriots when even the communist Chinese have defined what Obama Inc. is doing as going to extreme even for the Maoists.

Elections? What difference will they make as I have not seen one push by the GOP to promote Conservative candidates to undo Obama, but instead warnings from the patricians to....... just get along with who can be voted in.

So I do not see a bright future in 2010 for America, as every Obama policy brings only death, enslavement and destruction.

Iran is not going away, the neo Syrian Philistines are not going away, Kim Jong Il is not going away, al Qaeda is growing, the central European bankers are not going away, Putin is coming back, Chavez is seizing more power, Castro lives on forever and Barack Obama is at the head of his Obamalings just wishing that if Rush Limbaugh was dead, they would somehow win something of a victory, but still be the same heartless scabs they were in thinking voting for Obama would change their souls.

All twinkles bright in 2010 though, as Joe Scarborough, the 3rd breast of Mika Brzezinski chimed in how politics got so personal when it wished for Limbaugh dead.
This coming from Joe who degraded all Republican women by referring to Sen. Fred Thompson's wife as a pole dancer in a strip club.

Calling the tan kettle black there eh?

I though am not the least bit discouraged nor down in all of this, even if the blog sounds that way, as all it means is mankind is exposed even further in how much it needs Christ's government, who Janet Napolitano has on a terror watch list in His children.
The worse it becomes, means the days are closer to Christ coming. That is the good news which I look to as I pass through this mass of drunken, ill mannered, cold hearted Obama voters........

If I had the smell of fish, I would swear I was in the seal exhibit feeding chum to the critters.

Merry Christmas and Happy Roman New Year. 2010 and Obama awaits his destiny of the abyss he is plunged America into.

agtG 257

PS: Did I hear right in Fort Hood gets Obama on New Years? Will the wonders of Festivus ever cease in first they get Nidal Hasan, then Obama, and now Obama returns just like a bad penny.

Happy faces all, as this is the face of America's national leader, Barack Hussein Bowbama.