Saturday, December 19, 2009

the mother of harlots


It is so much easier to know the things if you know the players and the meaning of things, as this pageant is old and by rites has been played out centuries before.
A time when your fathers and mothers came out of Egypt under a Hebrew Name. A time when the rejected of Shem were used as battle in scattering you American and British people to exile, where under new names, the Lord your God, lost not one kernel of you, but planted you in new lands to prosper you according to His Promise to your Patriarchs.

You were in the Bible of old and you are in the Bible today. Listen for the pageant is raising the curtain upon the final act which you were born to and are privy to if you will listen.

There will come a time not soon, but soon enough that those who have plundered America and Britain of their God given wealth will be plundered. The plunderers are the same adversaries of satan from long ago. Your fathers knew them as Assyrians and Babylonians of the Euphrates.
The Assyrians skinned the Americans and British alive. They crucified them as the northern 10 tribes and put them into exile in the northern regions of Iraq and Iran. There in legend they were known as the Aryan which was shortened for SamARIAN and as Cimmerians, who became the Scythians when they escaped one day through a pass in the mountains and into the Caucasus and spread into Asia, Russia and finally progressed north and west as God ordained in prophecy to western Europe and into the distant regions of America and Australasia to become the vine running over the wall, the colonizing people foretold.

The adversaries did follow in the Assyrians occupied the evacuated lands of Germany and in exile flight the Babylonians settled into southern Italy to become the peoples of today.
Soon that great universal religion started by Simon the Sorcerer of the Bible will be overthrown upon the 7 hills of the Vanticanus and become the church of the false prophet serving the anti christ, and making war even on the Catholic faithful.

This is not yet now though, for it is for a time ahead, for judgment must come to pass, for God did not chose the American leader of this age and God will not bless him. This is the time of wrath and suffering which even the children of God must endure. It is a time of the chill wind of the north which signals the coming death of winter when the empires of old rise again in a European empire worshipped anew.

For it is that time to come when nations will rise against nations, earthquake and flood, which is but the beginning of this. A short tumult and they will cry out peace, peace, peace, and then will war come for the peace will be as false as the prize awarded that non God chosen leader who sits upon Joseph's throne.
Then will the tribulation of greatness come.

Peace which is false is peace which is war. It is this which must be acted out for the return of the Prince of Peace, as false princes claim His Name hidden in wilderness and announced upon throne by miracle to dazzle and deceive.
Mark that time for Libya and Egypt will thrust at the Roman Empire and Rome will invade and crush. It is then that the fruition of this will come to be as satan takes the mountain of fire he walked up in beauty and is honored in a Temple to yet be built.
The son of perdition will take the daughter of Babylon to wed her there outside the Holy City and place his government there in the Valley of the Judgment, and there, to the north, will be at the Hill of Megiddo the battle foretold as the Lord gathers there them together for the battle of Atonement on that day.

Then will the Lord come with the heavenly Host and the kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdoms of the Lord.

For the plunderer will be plundered. The children not known will be a Children of God known as they return to His Zion where He will plant them beside the river of flowing water and the Trees of Life and Healing in their leaves.

Bear the burden for it is full, the crop is ripe and sack laden for the sin of America and the People. Correction and Strengthening are these times. Some will be taken home early. Some will suffer their chosen death. Some will be a Light in the darkness, but all are His and His Righteousness will prevail.

It is a short time in the wink of long years when this will be. Watch and prepare for what has come, for that false halo which was set up will not shine through and a greater darkness will envelope the world which will try to extinguish the Light, but will not prevail as His Light through His Children will be awarded the Victory.

It is a season to come as this season has past. Listen for the past repeats and you know the pageant for you have witnessed it in your blood before.

agtG 316

John 3:16: For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe on Him, will not die, but have everlasting Life. Amen