Sunday, December 6, 2009

National Repentance from Global Warming

There is nothing more alluring nor beautiful than an American woman in fur, specifically the fur of a red fox. The luxurious fullness, the stunning coloration and the aura it provides a woman is without doubt the epitome beyond mink, sable and beaver.........those three are male attire, and all gentlemen look splendid in a sport coat cut mink jacket to give them suave appeal.

I have a special love and hate for red fox. They are the cat of the animal world in reeking havoc among nesting birds, slaughtering bunnies and having a destructive affection for farmers prize cats and poultry.
Without being checked, they are the most deadly of creatures on God's smallest creatures.

I have met red fox close. I know there odor which is strong between their hindquarters where that fur is grey blue. I have been bitten by their fleas, brushed burrs from their fur, picked preacher's lice from their tails, been growled at by white muzzled old dogs caught in a trap and know the spongy feel of killing them with honor as one depresses their heart in a humane dispatching of life.
I love these animals and I know the destructive force of them when they are not controlled.

My Grandfather used to "walk up fox" in the early part of the last century with a settler friend named Fred. They would take a team of horses and circle sections of land, and trade off trailing them in deep snows, until they bagged the quarry with that rich laden January fur, before the thaws would start pulling the guard hairs out decreasing the value.
Fred was the original Rancid Crabtree of Patrick McManus' famed comic writing. He would eat field corn which was hard as rocks because he was hungry and my Grandfather finally found him one day in the house of a woman waiting to eat some cake she was baking while out on the hunt.

Of the few photos I have allowed on my walls, one is a photo of my beloved Uncle and my dad, my dad holding Fred's 22 rifle and my Uncle holding the infamous Savage 99 in 22 Hi Power which was the Star Wars weapon of that day.
I have the latter rifle and would never trade the big medicine of that gun for all the gold in the universe.
Surrounding the boys in piles of snow are the red fox whose trails I were studying this morning on a walk, along with the field mouse, the pheasant, one bunny and I saw where a deer had bedded down by a grove.

I love the nature of it all, from frosted hair in Arctic cold come too soon and the study of piles of carcases around a fox den, littered with scat and flies buzzing about, as that is the nature of this world in predators kill viciously numerous animals without care, in the consumption of life.

I have though never ever seen one red fox who ever looked as lovely as a woman in their fur. Although one did come close in a special cherry red, with a white stripe up it's side legs.
For those who do not know, all fur is different to region. The above furs the lady is wearing are that special eastern plains variety in which one has that cherry red. If they were Montana Alberta reds, they would be big heavy pales as fur does indeed match the floral arrangement of the region.
Give a fox a bland prairie background and they bleach. Put them into a more agrarian situation and one finds a more red color.
They are a wonderful creature in fur bearing animals which tragically are now being wasted to disease and road kill, which is an absolute sin in the dead these predators inflict on millions of birds and bunnies America can not ill afford to be dealing with now as West Nile is wiping out our pestilence stoppers in song birds eating insects.

It is all a cycle of life and death, and when humans disregard their God mandated responsibility in being responsible harvesters of all life, then horrendous results occur.

If you have not noticed yet, God has been speaking to Americans now for over a year on the subject of Global Warming and Climate Change. God knows full well that this is a satanic lie, which is being foisted upon the world, so a enslaving order will come into being, meant to destroy His western peoples whom He has prospered and built these hundreds of years.

It is not an accident, chance of circumstance of happening, that just as the Gore Obama adversarial quest against God's plan and God's nature is being instituted in Copenhagen, that God sent a crushing wave of cold air that now has it snowing in the southern United States.
Canada and the Great Lakes regions have record snows, and cold, cold, cold and more cold has been the average in sending a message to Americans how much of a lie this climate change is and how against God it all is.

For God to be deliberately doing this, means this is something God is furious about and He is definitely attempting to teach millions of Americans, that their leaders are lying to them and have betrayed them.

I do not invest a great deal of time as Rush Limbaugh in this global warming, because it was settled for me, I was one of the first voices to change the entire debate in noting by God's Grace that it was the sun which was affecting the weather and not mankind. So the subject is like discussing Monica Bellucci in how beautiful she can only do it so long, before you just want to brush her hair and partake of the communion of souls in listening to her voice and experiencing her like a nature's day.
I do not like looking out a window at things. I like playing outside. It is the same in once having concluded for myself the matter of the global warming fraud, it is a dead subject as more important matters are at hand.

My reason for addressing this is Barack Obama, Al Gore and his lying scientific crowd, are frauds exposed now. It is at this moment that the American people must be called upon to repent of this climate change and give all glory to God, Whose weather, sun and earth it is.

God prospered America and the west. He in mercy changed the horrid storms of past nester years into years of quiet and bounty. My Grandfather always told me that when he was a teenager that there was never such a thing as thunderstorms on the Great Plains. Yet, as I read Libby Custer's books, there were horrid storms.
He said the weather changed again in the 1930's and my dad always noted that thunderstorms then would come and fill up the sloughs in one "shower".

God visited His Israelite settlers He planted in America after harsh starts when masses of them started praying, worshipping and building Churches, which created a national appeal to God, Jesus His only begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, with God's Holy Angels to the be full husbandmen of the people of His pastures, the way people used to administer wildlife, including the red fox in America.
Great peace in weather and in community followed, so Americans were empowered to a prosperity never seen before since the days of Solomon.

Americans are being appealed to by God in the cold weather sweeping into America as His warning that what is going on in Copenhagen is not of God and will only harm God's children.

Americans must repent of this global warming, climate change or whatever else it is morphed into. I agree just as Barack Obama's Grammy which he stole from that idiot of Minnesota should be returned to Garrison Keillor as much as Al Gore's Oscar should be removed for his lies.

This blog stated that these international criminals, and that includes the people like a certain female snot professor in Wisconsin who was taking huge amounts of money to promote the global warming scam, by studying "the Great Lakes effect" on global warming (you might as well have studied your bathtub for all the waste that money went).
These professors are all thieves and should be held financially responsible as their universities.

I call upon Congress as I did years ago for them to seize this global warming scam money and to re direct those billions to United States homeowners, who as this blog noted, could be provided grants of 50,000 dollars to all build survival shelters, stock them and add additional property value to their homes.
This building of these shelters would then really fix the economy in providing good jobs. The purchase of appliances, food and firearms would boost the majority of the rest of the American economy and it would not cost the 13 trillion which Obama has stolen from the US Treasury.

This is vital now as Mr. Obama makes the United States a greater terrorist target for nuclear and biological attacks in people will need shelters to live in for their protection, and stocked with a 90 day supply of food and supplies.
This literally fixes the economic and security problems which have been created by "don't waste a good crisis" Obama.

America has many foxes in their hen house. They are slaughtering the chickens, eating the eggs, killing the babies and blaming their farting for it all, when the fact is this is rapine on a global nature led by Al Gore and Barack Hussein Obama.
The scientists in their emails have been proven frauds and liars. I plead for American repentance and I do this not for America alone, but for the animals now being stressed by frigid temperatures and will perish as this lesson Americans are too stubborn to learn goes on.

Let the west return to God, following God's Laws, and trusting in His mercy as it prospered the entire world.

Repent America to these national sins in a national rebellion. Tear down the idols in your pagan hearts and tear down the pagan symbols in the land of Jesus the Christ.
This is God's America, founded by His Christian peoples. Start fixing the problem to save yourselves while God threshes the foxes from the peaceful coop He constructed in 1776.

May God bless God's America and her Good in Jesus Name Amen.

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