Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Obama's Dead Babies

Somehow trusting a palm dribble of Democrats to stop Obamacare is.......well like Nebraskans trusting Ben Nelson was pro Life, trusting Obama is really American, trusting Stephie Herseth Sandlin that her deflatable breasts are real and trusting Barney Frank didn't know a male whorehouse wasn't being run out of his basement.

It is interesting though to hear Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak noting his 64 Democrats who voted for Life in his amendment, now sound more like the 64,000 dollar question in will they vote for it now that the Peggy Noonan vote is to be cast.
It all looks like a cross town bar fight, with all the macho Democrats talking brave, and then the bill bully from the Senate Democrats shows up and Rep. Stupak then acknowledges, "We have 10 or 12 members who will vote for Life".
Strange how if one says in a difference of 2 people turns into the nuclear bomb missed New York by 2 miles seems quite a large distance of life and death then, but somehow Mr. Stupak's loyal to Life following seems to be more prone to Ben Nelson filling the life of cash into his pockets than in keeping babies safe.

What amazes me about Bart Stupak is in a place called America, where my relative signed the Declaration of Independence, served as New Jersey Representative, a place called Liberty, that the only thing Bart Stupak and maybe 12, maybe 10, maybe 5, maybe the Ben Nelson 1, only are upset about taxpayer funded aborticide murder.

Bart Stupak and multiple hundreds of other Democrats have no problem with killing off invalids, handicapped, donor recipients, cancer patients, elderly, poor and non patricians in Obama rationed death.
Mr. Stupak knows very well that half a billion dollars is being gutted from Medicare and Obama is dumping 30 million more Americans and then 40 million more Mexican amnesty illegals into that pool, which means humans are going to die post birth abortions of equal murderous torture, but none of these Democrats see a problem in that.

Not one of these Democrats has a problem in Obama ordering businesses how to spend the money they earn. None of these Democrats has a problem with Obama ordering people to have their money confiscated or they will be made immediate criminals for not funding Obamacrypt.
None of these Democrats has a problem that Obama has been bribing Congress people with money, jobs for children, jobs for their sex partners, and whatever else is yet to be discovered.

Criminality, theft, treason to the Constitution, mass murder of adults outside the womb have not one red flag problem with any Democrat in Congress, but 12 or 10 or 8 or maybe 1, have a wavering problem with baby butchering.

That is the rub in this as Ben Nelson put in shady language about a fire wall to keep tax dollars from being used in murdering babies. Odd thing as all the baby butcher Senators are voting for this, apparently there is some big flame hole in Nelson's provision, or it would not be running through the Senate like crap through a goose.

So there is Rep. Stupak and his wavering bunch, being threatened and pressured, to keep silence (wow like Noel Sheppard writing me notes in censorship) while a committee decides how best to iron out the differences between dead babies and alive babies.
Perhaps we need Dr. Howard Dean to quantify this, as I didn't know there was a difference between dead babies and live babies that language could iron all this out.

Or is it some provision that Bart Stupak will have in thousands of pages of Obamacrypt that no federal funding of aborticides to find out on page 2, 341, that abortions are going to be free, and the cost will be passed over to adding another tax on hearing aids for the deaf.

For those putting their faith in Bart Stupak, his position sounds a great deal like someone hedging for a way out and that Rahm Emmanuel either has the fix in or is going to play this for all it's political worth as this blog exposed in exclusive as pro Life people standing in the way of health care for millions of Americans as a 2010 election issue.

None of this though as stated takes into account the realities which this blog has exclusively been writing about in why Democrats have no problem with all this criminality, why Democrats have no problem with American's having liberty ripped from them, why Democrats have not addressed how 30 million Americans showing up with the same number of doctors and nurses are going to receive any care and how Obama adding 40 million Mexican border busters are going to have room for David Letterman to get his viagra shot.

It would be nice if one Democrat and all the Republicans just installed an amendment now to make certain that everyone in Congress and the Obama's gets put onto the same waiting and rationing list as the poor in America.
I would like to see Tim Johnson in a worn out wheelchair and some poor housewife in a tens of thousand dollar chair like Johnson's which the taxpayers purchased.

All of this comes down to Bart Stupak, and in being lied to by the patrician Noel Sheppard types, lied to by Democrats, lied to by the leaders of the Birther movement, I am at a point in looking at Bart Stupak like Bart Simpson in having the same faith that either of them are no more than cartoon characters.

So if Rep. Stupak and his quavering few stop Obamacrypt, then how wonderful...........

But I still want to know why the other Nazi death camp, Robert Mugabe rapine, Castro human rights violations and Hugo Chavez dictatorial mandates in the Obama Pelosi Reid bill, are things which Bart Stupak and every Democrat has not one problem with.


Bart Stupak, can you hear me now

how high's the water papa
4 feet high and rising
how high's the water mama
he said it's 4 feet high and rising

...the rails are washed out north of town
we got to head for higher ground
5 feet high and rising