Monday, December 28, 2009

Obama's Muslim Harem of 3rd World War

With the details now coming out in what this blog exclusively exposed in the attempted downing of Flight 253 was a direct message to tan man Obama from a real African Nigerian Muslim from al Qaeda concerning Obama's warfare in Yemen on certain "bad"terrorists, it is at this juncture before this all blows up for Americans to be reminded, have their Obama voting noses rubbed in it and hopefully be roused enough to stop the idiotry of what Barack Hussein Obama has been up to.
In short, America, you either impeach Obama, or the Obama Muslim 3rd World Tribal Warfare he has been engaged in, will not just be Nidal Hasan in voter rage or a Nigerian terrorists murdering 300 people, but Americans you are going to have masses of Americans dead in the thousands.

Only this blog warned America in 2008, that Barack Obama was taking funding from terrorists overseas to the amount of 300 million dollars in campaign contributions.
Current assessments in this international money dry cleaning Obama was conducting, is that the reason Barack Hussein Obama was so intent on keeping the cocaine running Marxist el presidente of Honduras in power, is Obama was taking money from nacro communist South Americans too.
This is why Obama was taking so much abuse from Danny Ortega and Hugo Chavez in he was getting drug money from these communists, who just happen to be taking money from the Persian communists Obama has been allowing to build more nuclear bombs.

Only this blog noted that after Obama's people met with these Latin Americans in promising he would be elected in 2008 to the White House, that a massive new cocaine supply route opened up in to West Africa and southern Europe.

The warning is that when Oliver North in trying to free American hostages from this Muslim Mafia, that he had intermediaries to keep a distance from the real thugs. The Bush family abides by those same rules.
When Bill and Hillary Clinton were in office, they broke those rules and Vince Foster with others were eliminated.

Barack Obama has no buffers and has been dealing directly with terrorists all through the Middle East taking money from them and has been dealing directly with the narco mafia in South America taking funding from them.
I warned of Obama running torture operations out of the White House, using the US military as a murder squad to kill "bad" terrorists while Obama cuddled with his "good" terrorists and the advent of rewarding terrorists like Libya, Iran, Syria and North Korea, that the Obama policing of terrorism would become Obama's war on terror brought INSIDE THESE UNITED STATES.

This has happened exactly as exclusively noted here. The California wild fires were proxy set by Mexican mafia for the Muslim mafia Obama is dealing with. Nidal Hasan, the murders in Arkansas by Islamists and now the Flight 253 bombing is just the start of this.

To put it plainly, Barack Obama is a 3rd world Muslim who has been dealing with other 3rd world Muslims and what is breaking out is a tribal warfare he has initiated and he has dragged these United States of America into his 3rd world turf war, and the terrorists are now coming inside America by the droves.
The uninformed who make excuses that Obama is not a Muslim are ludicrously inept. Khadaffi defined it in Obama once a Muslim is always a Muslim in every Islamists eyes.

What Obama has done is no different than what Northern Ireland was engulfed in Protestants at war with Catholics. Obama is a Muslim in these people's eyes by definition and he has gotten America entangled in an all out jihad or holy war between feuding factions.
That is why al Qaeda in Yemen chose a black African to send a message to a tan African Arab called Obama with a terror event. These 3rd worlders are communicating in terms they understand while the Obama voters in America are like chimps picking their excrement dates off their behinds and chewing on the Obama treat.

Iran now has in Obama dealings massive blackmail information on the Obama administration. This is worse than what the Muslims had on Bill Clinton in his Saddam Hussein bribes and Marc Rich money laundering.

Who do you think provided Iran with the Twitter Revolution in absolutely no support for the Iranian Patriots who are being murdered in droves now by the Islamocommunists there?

Who do you think told Iran that President Sarkozy was going to out their nuclear weapons plant, allowing Iran to steal the French thunder? (Why do you think Sarkozy can't stand Obama any more?)

The number one suspect in this is Barack Hussein Obama implementing Zbiegniew Brzezinski plans concerning his coddling called the Iranian communists. Brzezinski with the Marxist infiltrators in London MI6 are the ones who brought Khomeini home to Iran, and Khomeini is a communist from the same party Saddan Hussein ruled from.

This is what stupid American voters, thinking in voting for Obama in fetish or historical moments without looking under his tag to see this 3rd world pervert, have brought upon these United States. They are responsible for bringing 3rd world tribal warfare into America when George W. Bush had it stamped out.

For the record, whatever happened to Obama police powers in arresting terrorists? Remember how his righteous war in Afghansitan was going to read the rights to terrorists?
Well look at Obama in Yemen blowing the bamahadi out of terrorists there.

If you have been in a glass cylinder Obama voters, your Obama has a war raging in Pakistan. He has had India which is fomenting a terror war against Pakistan for a state dinner. Obama has now Saudi Arabia and Yemen in a shooting war against Iran and al Qaeda in Yemen..........all while Obama's buddy in Russian Bolshevik Medvedev has promised help with Iran while the Persians are building more nuclear Dr. Khan warheads for their Shahab missiles.

It only gets worse as these Obama wars engulf, because it is going to graduate from snap, crackle and pop soda bombs on Nigerian terrorists who are now numbering close to 50 due to Obama's actions in downing American planes, to the warm glow of nuclear weapons as the Perisan communists decide an vaporization of New York will even the playing field for America to withdraw from the Obama Cold Sore Wars and for the Russians, Chinese and Iranians to rule Asia as this is all intended.

America you are being warned, either you impeach Barack Hussein Obama for these crimes and put into the White House someone who will diffuse this 3rd world Isamo narco tribal mafia warfare or masses of you are going to be dead and not see the 2012 presidential elections.

What do you think Obama is going to do in the Flight 253 event? He is going to unleash harder and drive all these terrorists to new areas where they will strike America harder.
Their benefactors in the Persian communists will reach a point to have one of their Russian uranium traced warheads (two in MERV) which will be detonated in New York City, so Iran can salvage it's place in the Middle East.
Iran at this moment is speaking of warfare with America and Israel as an event which will come.

Do not expect the Persians to sit around like Saddam Hussein and wait to be taken out.

This is the witches brew all of your arrogant Obama voters brought on yourself and the West.

This will only be measured in degrees now of death from tens of thousands to millions due to your historic Obama.
Obama is not going to stop this as he is the catalyst for it all as he is one of these 3rd worlders. His very "piss on the world" attitude is what brought this canine making of territory to this point and America is in the process of being marked by Muslim terrorists, who the Obama media will not even define as terrorists or Muslims.

So you Obamalings have two choices in doing nothing and die, or impeach Obama and hope now that the numbers ONLY reach a few tens of thousands dead in Americans. But you Obama voters enjoy your choice, because if you hadn't allowed Al Franken to steal a Minnesota election or voted in Tim Johnson, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu and all this Democratic ilk, you would not be facing death or impeachment now in if you try to save yourselves.

I know none of you will do a thing and as time expires, you then can expire as your Barack Hussein Obama blames "terrorists" he is dealing with for the attacks, but never mentioning this is an Obama 3rd world tribal warfare he engulfed America in.

This is his Obama harem of death.

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