Thursday, December 17, 2009

Specimen Cup Obama Voter

I came across a specimen cup Obama cup Barack Obama voter who I have been studying like a moldy veggie one keeps in the back of the ice box as the fungus is such an interesting pattern. The subject is human, Jeremiah Jere Gettle who is of the melon head fringe vegan group who concludes they are superior than all other human types in not eating meat, yet enslaving chickens for their pleasure much to the disgust of fellow Obama voter Bill F Word Maher and of course being Obama maniac voters.

Hillary Clinton voters will recognize the subject Gettle type who remained silent as Obamaniacs savaged them.

Mrs. John Edwards will recognize the subject Gettle type who remained silent as Obamaniacs destroyed her husband while she suffered with cancer.

Sarah Palin voters will recognize subject Gettle type who remained silent as Obamaniacs committed gang rape on Gov. Palin and her children.

Some might recall masses of Germans remained silent over Hitler's antics and many liberals claimed never again would they remain silent, and yet.........silence occurred, unless there was cheering and fist bumps over Obama stealing the American Presidency.
It made them feel good, so what does moral standards mean when one is slaughtering cabbage while putting lipstick an American Lady and terming her a pig.

With that bit of understanding the delusional Obama voters of 2008, we can now observe subject Jere Gettle.
Mr. Gettle in his 2009 garden seed catalogue was simply dripping with all things Obama. It was Obama euphoria in his praising Obama, to the extent of having to note his daughter Sasha was not named after the Obama children. I am certain that millions of customers were hanging on that very explanation before they could decide to order turnips or beets.

In essence, like Chris Matthews, Jere Gettle seemed to be auditioning to be Barack Hussein Obama's third testicle in 2009.

2010 though in the new Gettle catalogue only speaks of his opening a new store in Noel Sheppard's Obama voting enclave of San Francisco. No mention of any support in the least for Bearick nor his derrick.
There was not even a mention of Obama strangling the US economy which George W. Bush had revived from two 9 11 style attacks from Obama European benefactors.
No mention of the over 400 dead US Soldiers in Obama Cold Sore Wars.
No mention of rationed death to Americans from Obama.
No mention of hundreds of thousands of dead black babies from Obama aborticide policy.
No mention of Obama bowing to everything in Asia and apologizing to everyone in the world for how rotten America is.
No mention of Obama telling Jews to wait around to be Persian nuclear crispy critters nor in Obama finding Jews disgusting.

Odd isn't it how in 2009, Jere Gettle could not ooze enough Ovama and yes I mean Ovama into his catalogue when Obama was the promise of change, and when the Obama reality was destruction, rapine and death of America and the world, in 2010 Jere Gettle is silent on Obama.

So does Jere Gettle like blowing up Muslims and Americans facing Fort Hood massacres or what is the meaning of this silence concerning the Obama murder policy he was bragging about not one year before?

One does see that Jere Gettle does send seeds to Muslims in Asia. That of course is a mystery too as on one hand he has Barack Obama blowing up Muslims in bunches making horrendous war, but on the other hand Mr. Gettle is sending these Muslims seeds.
Is this a guilt offering? I mean is it not kind of insulting that an Obama supporter sends Obama to Washington and is blowing up Muslims, making friends with terrorists, releasing terrorists to Libya and importing Gitmo terrorists while running torture out of the White House, and all these people in Afnamistan get is a packet of seeds.
So does this mean that people in Afghanistan's lives are equal to vegetable seeds?

Is this the old a child is a dog, is a rat animal rights analogy, now taken to people in Afghanistan's children are equal to a sack of seeds?
I mean it is fact Obama sends Richard Holbrooke and bombs and Obama voter Jere Gettle sends a shipping box and seeds later.

Know what the cool part is in this? Obama has American's paying for these bombs for his war and if Jere Gettle donated these seeds, in a business tax deduction, you the American are paying for these seeds too.
Ain't that a hoot in the old hooterville~

I really do not understand these Obama voters as Jere Gettle has this yummy wife, a real Virgin Mary, down on your knees to God in thanks, like Patricia Blagojevich.
Emily even likes chickens, so she must be a real American girl. Not like Hannah Giles who shoots her own pork, but then Ms. Giles is not married to Obama's third testicle which has rubbed off on her.
One would think if a man was married to an Emily Gettle that man would be eating beefsteak for breakfast, noon, lunch, dinner and after sex, as a real woman brings out that craving in men it is said.
I don't know, maybe Emily is one of those castrating females who finds some Hawaiian shirt wearing skinny grinner guy that looks like Elvis came to town and made a sperm deposit, and in her Missouri Taliban dresses from the olde homestead is dominating her mansexual just like Muslim women do in their burka's or Muchelle does in her blood camouflage costumes.

It is all so confusing as Muchelle lets her Ovama eat Japanese beer beef, but there sits the superior Jere Gettle, eating no meat pies and still voting for Blood on his Hands Obama.

I don't eat meat, but I do enslave chickens. I send seeds to Asia while my Obama sends bombs. I have a baby while Obama aborts 1 million black babies in Africa. I yell Obama from my catalogue in 2009 and yet am silent on Obama in 2010.

I bet Noel Sheppard and Peggy Noonan would understand this as they seem to have the same hypocrisy, or is that, understanding of the nuances of being an Obama voter.

Guess it is just easier being a Conservative who gardens, shoots things, eats beef, keeps chickens, votes for John McCain as McCain wasn't lying to not get elected and Sarah Palin is still my gal as she is only getting better.........unlike Obama who is getting worse, and the strange schizophrenic silence engulfs the choir of Obama who are silent in there silence over their mistake.

Peyton Manning once joked in a commercial to rub some dirt on it for an injury to make it better. I guess the Obama voters rub a seed packet on all the Obama death being spread around and it makes it all better.

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