Monday, January 5, 2009

Obama's British Nationality Act, 1948

In the continued exclusive nature of this blog in revealing the legal nationality of Barack Hussein Obama, the following is offered to explain why he is legally disqualified from being President of the United States.

I doubt Phil Berg nor anyone preening over the Obama status in the courts has ever heard of the British Nationality Act of 1948, but it is the act of Empire under which Barack Obama Sr. was born and it was the act of Empire under which Barack Obama Jr. was legally bound as the British Nationality Act of 1965 had not yet been written.
For those who are unfamiliar with the 1965 Act, one can simplify it by stating that it simply mandated it being a British subject under stronger ties.

No one has in logic presented a more complete picture of the actions of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama in 1961 than this blog. Logic dictates a caring mother to be would not endanger her child, but have that child in Canada. Logic dictates if the mother is an obsessed female with a compulsive sexual fetish based in 3rd world dark skinned "pristine" peoples that she would subvert United States safeguards and enter into Canada, inform the British authorities she is the wife of a British subject of Kenya, therefore a British subject herself, and she will be flown home to Kenya to give birth to a British subject she is carrying.

The fact is plain under British Law. Birdie Obama is from conception a British subject. His father is a British subject and therefore forever according to British Covenant which can not ever be broken nor dissolved, a British subject.

The mandates of the Act of 1948 are clear, and, once an underage, then married wife of a British subject entered Canada to gain entranced to another colonial state in Kenya, flying through London of Britain, Stanley Ann Obama was a British wife, carrying a British child within her with full benefits and legal rights and responsibilities forever upon her and Barack jr.

The following Articles and subsections of the Act are specific and supersede American law due to the fact of the Act speaks of colonies. America was a colony of the British and although she gained independence, she is still if her Citizens marry a British subject mandated by British Law has no longer an American citizen alone, but a citizen and subject by consent of that marriage contract.

No one has bothered to ascertain that in legal British Law, Barack Sr. and Stanley Ann Obama, are both British subjects by legal definition. Barack Obama was born to two British subjects in August of 1961, in literal law no matter where he was born in Hawaii nor affirmed deliberately in Canada nor Kenya.

Section 13 of the 1948 Act are quite thorough and posted here with comment to reveal that this Act reaches to even non citizens, as once you drank British tea, you were British.

1. The law in force before the commencement of this Act relating to British nationality shall continue to apply to a person while he remains a British subject without citizenship by virtue of section thirteen of this Act as if this Act had not been passed:

Provided that—

(a) if that person is a male, nothing in this paragraph shall confer British nationality on any woman whom he marries during the period that he is a British subject without citizenship, or on any child born to him during that period;

(b) he shall not, by becoming naturalised in a foreign state, be deemed to have ceased to be a British subject by virtue of section thirteen of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914;

(c) so long as a woman remains a British subject without citizenship as aforesaid she shall not on marriage to an alien cease to be a British subject.

Section 13 shows in part A that a non subject can not transfer citizenship, but Barack Sr. was a citizen, so therefore his entire power within the Empire was transferred upon Barack Jr. and his wife.
Part B, is the all inclusive forever and ever British mandate in even if a subject becomes a citizen of another nation, they are still British. Hence, Birdie Obama, no matter what he states on his website, he was born under 1948 mandate and is a British subject no matter if he was registered Hawaiian, Indonesian or the king of cheese of the moon. British Law defines him forever as a British subject who is regulated by the Laws of Great Britain.
Part C explains Stanley Ann upon being married to a British subject, no matter if she married an Indonesian after divorcing the British Obama, is forever a British subject.

Do not miss in this the terms subject, they fully mean subject as in subject to the Queen, Parliament and all British Mandate forever and never a Citizen again.

In Part 2 of Section 16 there is revealed in the Act the one thing Barack Obama should be required to produce before Congress and the United States Supreme Court and that is what should be the issue of all these lawsuits.

Section 16 explains:

(a) ceased to be a British subject under the provisions of subsection (1) of section twelve of the

4 & 5 Geo. 5. c. 17.

British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914 (which provided, subject to certain exceptions, that where a person being a British subject ceased to be such, whether by declaration of alienage or otherwise, every child of that person being a minor should thereupon cease to be a British subject),

Stanley Ann Obama as a minor, upon marrying Barack Hussein Obama Sr. of Kenya, a British subject, was British. She confirmed this by entering Canada and by going to Kenya on the testimony of British subject which is legal recorded confirmation by Birdie's African Grandmother.
According to Part 2, Section 16, Part A, Stanley Ann Obama was required to declare she was an alien. Until any written or recorded information in her own hand or voice states plainly, "I renounce citizenship in the British Commonwealth", Stanley Ann Obama IS a British subject under legal definition as a dual citizen and subject, exactly as her son, Birdie, and he is disqualified from being President, exactly as Stanley Ann would be under dual citizenship if she attempted to be elected to the Presidency.

None of this can be more legally clear. I have informed the people driving these cases they are backwards in thought and process. I will not reveal the correct lawsuit to file concerning Barack Obama, but I will state here that a lawsuit filed on another Obama, Stanley Ann Obama, demanding records of her renunciation of British subject and citizenship be produced, along with her entire passport manifest would be thee opening link to prove Barack Obama jr. is the offspring of two British subjects, and, according to perpetual British law affirmed by the Obama's, he is to this day a British subject as he is of dual citizenship which disqualifies him and has on his site stated his British citizenship expired. There is according to the Law he was born under in the British Nationality Act of 1948, never an expiration on British citizenship.

Once a British subject, forever a British subject as the mandate above confirms.

Enough said.

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British Nationality Act of 1948

British Nationality Act of 1965

obama's intelligence

Prime Minister Obama has now assembled his intelligence core and corp staff who will be looking after the interests of the United States and the world for the next 4 years. The positions are Attorney General of the United States of America, Secretary of Homeland Security, Director of National Intelligence and Director of Central Intelligence.

It behooves the United States Congress and American people to examine these choices Mr. Obama has made in all seriousness in this matter of intelligence, because a city vaporized by terrorist bombs as in New York, a government overthrown like Pakistan then launching nuclear missiles in a jihad on American bases or a ramping up of Russian forces for a stab into Ukraine as they did in Georgia all behoove people in charge so that another 9 11, Iraq War or World War III do not happen.

Leon Panetta is Mr. Obama's choice for Director of Central Intelligence. Mr. Panetta has served in Congress, served as the Clinton's White House Chief of Staff and turned a military base in Ft. Ord in California into a left win indoctrination center.
Mr. Panetta has absolutely no experience in domestic or foreign intelligence. He has never run an intelligence operation in his life and has never been a part of the intelligence community.

Janet Napolitano is Mr. Obama's choice for Secretary of Homeland Security. Ms. Napolitano's career started in being the woman who served as counsel for Anita Hill who was caught lying before Congress in a liberal attempt to lynch Justice Clarence Thomas.
For her reward, the Clinton administration named her US Attorney for Arizona where she was part of the Oklahoma City bombing sham investigation.
She was Attorney General and Governor of Arizona. Nowhere in her career has she had any experience in intelligence matters nor in directing national security.

Dennis Cutler Blair is Mr. Obama's choice for Director of National Intelligence. Former Admiral Blair is a Rhodes Scholar studying at Oxford in England giving him new world order credentials, is famous for trying to ski behind a warship he commanded, is detested by Indonesians for not informing the Indonesians to shut down their pro dictatorship militia, but did invite a thug general to Hawaii to be his guest, disobeying orders from civilian Presidential oversight in the Clinton White House which caused the deaths of Indonesians and for owning stock in the F 22 Raptor while associating with the acquisition of the fighter.

Mr. Blair headed up the U.S. Pacific Command before and during the 9 11 attacks. This is the same region of Islamic terrorism hot spots of south Asia including the Bali bombings which for some reason Mr. Blair who would oversee Naval CIA intelligence missed the entire expanding operations which led to the manifestation of the terrorist plume in south Asia.

Eric Holder is Mr. Obama's choice for Attorney General. Mr. Holder's claim to fame is serving in Justice and pushing through the midnight pardon for international money laundering criminal for the Saddam Hussein bogus United Nations oil for food bribery ring.

In the above it should be noted that none of the above have any intelligence backgrounds in the least. This blog has always been a champion of any American of legal age and meeting qualifications of not being a convicted criminal and of sound mind is qualified to any position to serve the United States Citizens.
This blog though does draw the line when people in these times of terrorism, Eurasian expansion and the need to "think out of the box" to deal with information to understand what it entails are necessary to at least have an association with the leading intelligence bodies before they head such groups.

Furthermore, this blog has agree with John McCain that Congress should approve appointees that any White House offers as that is what winning the White House means. There are caveats in this that Mr. McCain I hope has sense enough to agree too.
First, there should not be in any intelligence officers background racist political railroading of Clarence Thomas, thee pardoning of an international criminal in Marc Rich, the condoned murder of Indonesian citizens nor the chief connection to intelligence being you converted Ft. Ord where you were "chief of intelligence and planning" to covert it to a left wing school preaching hate American Californian indoctrination.
It is bizarre that Ft. Ord had intelligence and planning as who were they going to invade, San Diego? Who were they watching in 1964, Ronald Reagan?

None of these people have the remotest inclination to being intelligence assets of the United States of America protecting all of this nations vital interests. There are at least a few people in the Democratic circles from Sam Nunn to Zell Miller still around who should be the nominations. Wacko Wesley Clark would even be better than any of the above Obama picks, providing you kept him away from the Russians and Chinese, along with nuclear weapons as the last time he was in charge of anything, he bombed the Chinese embassy and tried to start world war three by ordering the bombing of Russian soldiers.

It is the duty of the Congress of the United States in that it has already committed treason in supporting a British subject for President in Barack Hussein Obama, to at the least uphold the advise and consent clause and advise Prime Minister Obama to fish in a new hole as his entire intelligence choices lack intelligence.

In this case, smiling nice for photo ops and assisting Birdie Obama usurp the White House are not qualifications for the job of intelligence chiefs. The majority of the American people can be duped, but when you are dealing with Russians, Chinese, Islamocommunists, terrorists, French, Israeli and Saudi intelligence it takes more than a pretty smile as those people kill their own people when they make mistakes.

Enough said.


Obama Disclosures or lack there of

Yesterday, Jake Tapper of ABC's Obama's suckling pig media outlet did such a wonderful job in mathematics in revealing that Birdie Obama was going to hire 600,000 more people into government in a Soviet style system to implement the last phases of Marxism into the United States.
Tapper then slumped back into nipple nipping with being Stephanopoulos' twin in being a Noel Sheppard parrot in repeating the Obama staff line concerning Governor Richardson that, "Governor Richardson had not been forthcoming" in Richardson doing what all politicians do for states in taking money from some billionaire company and then awarding them contracts in New Mexico.
Richardson being investigated in this has nothing to do with the gravy train, but has more to do with him p*ssing in the Clintons tent after they gave him a bathroom pass to the White House.

This is just poltical payback in one does not screw over the Clintons as they still have people in place to make your career a retirement experience. It should be noted so far that 2 out of 4 Governors who have jumped into bed with Obama have legal problems dealing with money.

In this though concerning Richardson is the rub, because the world has seen how the Obama, Axelrod camp deals with Hispanics and I hope Hispanics noticed. Obama by an Axelrod mouth comes out and blames Richardson for not being forthcoming and tosses him to the side of the road.
This opens the door to the question as I put to Jake Tapper, "If it is a bad thing for Richardson to not be forthcoming to Obama concerning political finances, it is an equal bad thing if Mr. Obama did not brief Bill Richardson on ACORN'S vote fraud, Penny Pritzker's money fraud and Rahm Emanuels' Senate seat purchasing power fraud."

Did Birdie Obama brief Bill Richardson concerning the Obama campaign being investigated by the FBI and US Justice or did they just allow Bill Richardson to be brought in and his reputation sullied by association in this betrayal by Obama?
Hispanics should be furious over this ruining of Bill Richardson's reputation by the Obama staff.

That goes to the same matter was Obama forthcoming to Gov. Blagojevich in the FBI looking at Barack Obama?

Then there is the matter of the whining British liberal press about Birdie's silence concerning what is going on with the Philistines. As this blog predicted and is now confirmed in the British liberal press, al Jazeera and the Muslims are furious over Obama's silence over the Israeli state attacking the Philistines in Gaza.
The Muslims are dumbfounded in Obama had promised them things, they laundered money for him into his campaign and he was supposed to give them cover to blow the bajesus out of Jews. That is what Jimmy Carter's little money gathering or peace keeping operation was about in December when Hamas told him to stuff it about any ceasefires. Hamas had it on good authority they could blow Jews to dust as Obama was their man and the Philistines and neo Syrians were going to get Jerusalem and all of the West Bank.
Yet, there is chirping Birdie only complaining about his restrictions in eating snow cones to the press while silently playing golf as the Philistines suffer and die.

Was Barack Hussein Obama forthcoming in telling the Philistines they were going to die, die, die, as he played golf and the world watched the Israeli Defense Forces smash into Gaza?

Birdie Obama has a long history of not being forthcoming in his real nationality, screwing Lawrence Sinclair over in bogus lie detector payments, money fraud, vote fraud, hiding he is a Marxist, a bi sexual of sorts who hates gay males and now it is venturing into the terrorist and atomic realm where he is betraying and not being forthcoming with people he has promised a great deal to after they bought a piece of the Obama pie.

Bill Richardson will take this to his oblivion status. I'm quite hoping that Hillary Clinton remembers her water boy stooge Tom Daschle and plucks his feathers too in ruining him as Communist Medical Czar as Mrs. Daschle got a pass when she was at FAA and her philanderings got several people dead in a plane crash which is called manslaughter except if you have Clinton connections at the time.
Gov. Blagojevich is doing a supreme job in defending himself against the charade staged against him because he wouldn't BOHICA to Obama selling the seat Illinois has cheap to Birdie.

The Philistines though are another matter as the liberal UK press is figuring out. It is over 1 billion Muslims now who are hearing from their press that Obama has screwed them over.
Obama can putz his "1 president at at time" and it runs thin when he has been talking as President since June of 2008, making economic policy since November 2008 and is trying to stage a Soviet impregnation of trillions of dollars and almost a million more Big Brother workers as "Office of the President Elect".

Dead Philistines though don't lay on the ground unnoticed, because Obama shills for money but will not come to the aid of people he promised things to when they bought him.
This is a great number of maniacs equal to the Obama hordes in America who believe all sorts of wacko things and they are becoming completely convinced Birdie betrayed them.
Obamaniacs, you just wait until Birdie dumps in 30,000 troops to kill Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan as the al Jazeera, CNN and BBC blares that across the globe to Muslims as the featured story.

Barack Hussein Obama, Khaddafi's (yeah I know it is Gaddafi currently, but Khadaffi is more Muamar manly.) own Muslim brother, was not forthcoming to Muslims. I warned Jews, Muslims and the entire world what a cesspool this guys policy was as he went into every conference and would mirror the emotions of the people he spoke with so they thought they were being understood and Obama was promising them the world. He did this and now everyone wants the piece of the world Obama promised them all in the same piece.

It is not going to take that long before Muslims figure out George W. Bush was an honest broker and all those fictional dead Muslims their propagandists came up with were lies, as they see before their eyes dead Muslims in Gaza and other nations.
It is not yet surfaced in the mainstream press, but I know the conversation in the Middle East has begun in, "Obama, hmmmm, he is nothing but a patsy for zionists in Emanuel and Axelrod".

No, Birdie is a globalist Marxist as are all his benefactors, but the semite terms will be employed as I have noticed neo Syrians posting have already played the race card.

This is though ABC and the entire media's fault as they allowed Obama to play this course, claiming birdies on every hole. I put in the effort to a major media figure to try and convince John McCain's people via him to invite in the Libertarians and Constitutional parties by offering them a seat at the cabinet table, but as he recently posted in "not having anyone in the race" and the old stage line of "Obama and McCain are the same", just proves all of these people are all the same profiteers and answering to the same ego call.
There is vast difference between McCain on foreign matters of state compared to Obama. Just ask any Philistine currently experiencing an Obama silence after a lengthy August conversation promising them the world.

Obama not being forthcoming to the Muslims is going to bring not lawsuits, but Muslims coming forth with murderous plans on United States soil. I know what they can do in the scenarios and with low technology they can pull it off to make the Obama voters in the big cities bleed and scamper through rubble like the Philistines are doing.
Then once again it will be David Letterman demanding something be done just like he did with Bush 43. As the liberals have stated we have no military as it is "expended", there is no diplomacy as they stopped talking under Bush 43 and there are now no Muslims who will be talking to Birdie after the silent treatment he gave them, which will only leave Birdie's nuclear option which this was intended by Brzezinski all along.

Such a pretty orgasmic mess the Obama jungle fever bed has espoused to whore the world to his mahdiship. The Muslims are one click from forever shutting down to Obama.

These people do not forget being betrayed and America will learn that Russian Bolsheviks' Chinese Maoists, Islamocommunists, Narco Communists of South America all have a stake in assisting a massive strike on America, to which the globalists will implement more Marxist driven agendas for power in allowing them to occur with the net result nuclear strikes and war, war, war.

George Bush kept his word and killed his enemies to obtain a simmering peace paid in blood. Obama has lied to everyone so the only option will be everyone lashing out in war.

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