Sunday, September 6, 2009

Valerie Jarrett's daddy dearest

It is strange in ways that Chicago, the hog butcher to the world has lain there next to America's freshest waters, the second city to New York and it is an enigma beyond Mrs. O'Leary's cow, 1930 Italian gangsters and that priestess of pontification Oprah Winfrey.

No one knows a thing about Chicago, their criminal fiefdoms extent, it's control over food and the mob which it has sent to Washington in the form of Axelrod Inc.
It is as if this city went to New York, caught a venereal disease, went home and it became a national genital cancer.

While people know of Rockefeller control over education, business, medicine and government, the Pritzker family controls an equally nefarious criminal block of the pie in Chicago.
Shake Obama's bagwoman Penny Pritzker who was collecting and dry cleaning funds from outside America from the Middle East and the elitists of America, and telling the world it was all 5 dollar contributions from Obama's masses and certain things start shaking out.

Shake the Pritzker medical school and a big tuna foams to the top of the Great Lakes froth in Dr. James Bowman who is Valerie Bowman Jarrett's father. As has been noted here Bowman is a pathologist, a studier of human diseases, which is why it does not make a great deal of sense why he ended up in Iran where Valerie was born, in charge of an Iranian children's hospital.

That is a question in this globalist infiltration of 3rd world nations in "conditioning their leaders", just what a person who is promoting hisself as an expert in human transmitted genetic diseases is poking about an Iranian hospital for babies.
Things like that do not add up no more than any of these Ford Foundation Stanley Ann Dunham types who are anthropologists ending up running Indonesian banking.

Dr. James Bowman seems well respected and praised by his peers, but then his peers are those same peers who are churned out from the Rockefeller and Pritzker schools whose mandate is physician poison, burn and cut thy patients, charging exorbitant funds, bilking insurance companies, until the money runs out and then bury the tortured buggers.
Bowman though in his writings has a fixation on mass population testing of Americans for diseases like they are all a herd of cattle.

What is troubling to this blogger is Bowman will post 3 paragraphs analyzing how nations in history culled the "inferior", how those practices are now in place in America in ridding the nation of little Trig Palen types or winking out Teddy Kennedy when he can't anchor's away anymore with a quick poison, and, then ending his thoughts with;

"Since we are now in the same boat, scientific advances in the understanding of the human genome may be one of the best defenses against a coercive eugenic society. We rarely discriminate against those who are "like ourselves."

What sends up the red flags with me is always these adjectives which these leftists drip into conversations quantifying their judgments.
Dr. Bowman speaks of the societal defense against murdering the unfit, but then adds COERCIVE, which is to pressure through physical, mental or necessity people into doing things they would never do.

My judgment is that one does not need to add coercive to Stalin's coercive mass murder, Hitlers coercive working to death of Jews or Obama's coercive listing of Veterans and Christians on terrorist lists. Murder of the body and one's liberty is not in need of a blinking red light to note that it is a horrid thing, followed by a little recording which says, "The red light is blinking, so that is a bad thing".

Dr. Bowman is an egghead who likes to in his writing prove he is not stupid, which means he quotes allot of other sources and is quite phobic about how ignorant he is.
His main psychopathy is blacks as an underclass and experiments at Tuskegee, but he invests as stated paragraphs in speaking about mass murder by governments as a historical maxim, but only invests a few words in seemingly sounding like he is against something.............which he is busily rounding up and supporting mass testing of humans to get the death details on them so groups which gain funding from these same billionaire elite will funnel funds to the aborticide industry to make the money train go round and round.

I wonder at the flat world of Dr. Bowman's quite Dr. Mengele views when he speaks of defenses against coercive eugenics, but is so completely silent when it comes his daughter's employer, Mr. Bearick Obama in carrying out the extermination of 1 million black African children, and hosts of poor Mexicans in Mexico, and hosts of more poor black people in America.

Mr. Obama, in Illinois where Mr. Bowman resides and is speaking to his daughter Valerie Jarrett, has the widely known support of infants pulled by metal tongs from the mother's womb, until the head is out, and then a huge needle is plunged into the living child and the brains are sucked out, murdering that life in a late term aborticide.

Yet these coercive eugenics are supported by Dr. Bowman, against groups of people he claims as his own in blacks.

I would note though that Mr. Bowman, Miss Michelle Robinson, Miss Valerie Bowman did not make a choice in marrying an Oprah Winfrey type nor a Van Jones types, no they married "up" to the tan skinned variety of genetic material covered with monetary green and connected with soylent power.

All of it adds up to is Mr. Bowman's Greek Guardian Class funded now by Obama's benefactors and Mr. Bowman's benefactors are regulating, enslaving and murdering the American sub classes who do not look like them.

Mr. Bowman, and I do not use the doctor title as his Hippocratic Oath like all physicians now is hypocrisy, quotes Socrates in, "A life spent in the doctor's hands is not worth living".

That sounds familiar from another Chicagoan in Mr. Ezekiel Emanuel of Death Panel fame writing the Obama doctrine for coercive eugenics of Obamacrypt.

The birds of a feather flock together, Chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has a brother writing death policy and auditioning Chief of staff Valerie Bowman Jarrett has a daddy laying out mass death policy for a eugenic society.
Guess it is like Obama's good and bad terrorists, eugenics is only coercive when it is killing you in Chicago, but it is just eugenics when it is exterminating black babies around the world.

Another Obama 486 blockhead programmed computer in the guise of James E. Bowman, daddy dearest to Valerie Jarrett.

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The Road to Eugenics

thy puddle pisseth over

There is something to watch in the coming cycle as the press hints Obama needs a catastrophe to pass his Obamacrypt, because the liberal press desires nothing to do with this rationed health death.........not because it is going to murder people, but because these liberal elite know that dumping 50 million more people into the system will mean these liberals will have to share medical treatment......and these selfish asses as not about to do that.

In that, the liberal puppy press has a real dilemma in this. Sure one can tune into David Letterman and witness that pimp doing everything but jacking off Obama on his program to try keep Obama's numbers from plummeting, but in observing the complete silence on Van Jones from the state run media, one soon has the understanding that the liberals of the press do not like the NeoProgs of Obama's wing of the party and want them to fail.
This is a logical prediction then that the fact is Barack Obama can not do one thing to save his tenure now. I desire people to understand that point. He will attempt it and he will flail about in declaring victory, but the American majority has now abandoned him and will never return to him. The idiotry who voted for him is becoming more betrayed daily and when Obama destroyed his voter base, he destroyed hisself.

That is what as one casts about has to comprehend in the Congress can not save Obama in passing anything as Pelosi and Reid are loathed worse than Obama. They do not have it in them politically to assemble something that Americans would be pacified with.
The only group who can breathe life into Bearick Obama is the puppy press, but it is going to take real work this time and not the light campaign fodder speaking to a disgruntled mob who hated George W. Bush. This mob now hates Bearick Obama and is paying attention to the stories and the press is not going to get by with fluff.
It is going to take stern lectures from Charlie Rose..........and with Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric and Brian Williams as the women on the left, there is just no Brokaw, Rather or Cronkite there to stem Obama's tide and slap the American people around to cow them into line.

So Obama's hopes of the White House press corp being his only venue to save hisself is facing a White House press corpse which is going to find more sport in saving itself from the Obama undertow.
Even with some crisis Obama might leap into, Americans are through with him like a Madonna two day marriage. The press can if it works exceedingly hard for a quid pro quo in allowing Obama to fall flat now and then resuscitating him in 2010 as their tool, but the press is going to have to make a choice in this, "Either save Obama or save Congress", because it is Democrats who will be to blame Republicans are involved here, so the press to save liberalism is going to either try to save Congress or Obama.
Logic dictates they will try to save Congress in their ignorance for 2010 by showing non support for Obama and hinting at the blame for him. This should mean the GOP should regain control of Congress in 2010.

The puppy press will then be faced with the GOP controlling the agenda and as still fuming public at Obama, who I believe a new crop of GOP representation are not going to be stupid as Newt Gingrich and bring Bill Clinton back to life by passing all their legislation.
Instead, they will be pushed to firewall the problem, investigate Obama, blame Obama, and just do enough to keep America running so a GOP presidential candidate will win the office. That is the only thing the American right will accept now..........they are learning.

The press then will as their solution abandon Obama for someone like Hillary Clinton to attempt to keep control of the White House against the GOP.

In knowing the logistics, Barack Hussein Obama is finished. He has none of the savvy nor support which Bill Clinton did with a greed driven robust economy to buy Americans off. He is an slow implosion crumbling in on hisself.
Utter ruin is his decree and utter ruin it will be.

None of the above though even figures in the Obama factors, of his constantly making the most inept and stupid moves. He is the Jimmy Carter of ineptness and can be counted on in trying to brainwash children or some other asinine political move.
The political body of America has now changed and is on alert. The same lies which they would not listen to before are now backed by a wife beater sock to the eye that this battered spouse of America is conditioned by.

This is widespread in Van Jones is but a huge problem for the white man who Bearick Obama is for the Tavis Smiley media. Obama did not stand by the black man, but lynched him and left him alongside the road.
Smiley sanctioned the Van Jones book and understands fully Obama did not stand by black people. There is that "tan" feature which this blog noted in Valerie Bowman Jarrett's clan, the Robinsons and the Obamas. Blacks are noting that Eric Holder has the "divert attention and take the heat role" in bashing the CIA for Obama's bungling and when it came down to the Jesse Jackson ticker, Van Jones was hung up to the tree faster than if Obama had tied the knot.

Never underestimate black people's intelligence in noting the slights that are done to them. Charlie Rangel blew it big time in couching his criminality in blackness or Obama's problems in race. Black people know full well what is racism and they bear it with sorrow. They have now just had Obama use Van Jones who was an intelligence operative to control white liberal kooks who think America attacked itself on 9 11, and when it came down to it, Obama signed off on the lynching.

Obama is in the process of loosing the black press by their scowling looks, has a antsy problem with the white liberal press and only has Mexican press hanging around looking for a medical handout until Obamacrypt is passed.

This is why in this exclusive analogy, the Truth is, the puppy press is the only body who can save Obama's tenure, but it does not have the heavy lifters and it too is fragmenting as Obama continues to betray their assembled hog trough niche needs.
There are not enough trillions for the sucklings when Obama dumped 12 trillion already to overseas banks in Europe.

Bearick Obama is fast becoming the white guy as this blog predicted he would. He didn't go on vacation to the Chicago Great Lakes now did he in melding with midwest black hardworking America.
No he chose a Teddy Kennedy vacation white's only retreat and he chose a white guys vacation to the Grand Canyon.

Obama is showing his racial colors and the white liberal press sees him now as a trillion dollar welfare deadbeat and the black liberal press is viewing him as this white guy who holds the rope to lynch black people.

From the start of this Obama did a drive by shooting of people on the right, ran over black people, has hooked up the slave chain to Mexicans, left Bill Clinton to deal with them Asian people and impregnated liberal America with a bunch of welfare NeoProg bastards for them to raise.
Barack Obama made war on America, but never factored in he was making war on his base. He like Adolf Hitler scorched earth his own Germany to spite himself.

One can not change the changeling. His spots are secure. The faux black man in tan skin is now the guy of too many colors who all now see they have nothing in common with.

Obama lied when he said they would have no news during his vacation. The biggest news was the end of his I won, for now it has become, I lost, and he did it all by hisself.

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PS: You know it is bad when David Letterman is trotting out cancer dying comedians to try and build sympathy with the American public.

The Big Vagina

This is all getting too easy.

It is coming to the point that even sloppy work is all one has to invest to deal with Axelrod Inc. One always does one's best for God, but why on earth send out the Marines when the National Guard will suffice with Bearick Obama.

I mean, here we have Molotov Mouth Van Jones. Seated in Obama power, he has the Obama office, Obama seal and Obama, I WON, and in just a piece by Aaron Klein, with a few jabs from Glenn Beck and Miki Malkin, he turns tail and run, AFTER APOLOGIZING.
Geez Louise, it is like dealing what a Miss Manners sheep.

What is there to inspire now in Bearick Obama has his manboobs on display, he has traded in his penis for a big vagina and now has an hour glass Barbie Doll figure with child bearing hips. He can't make it as a man, so now he is trying to be his mother in living vicariously through her corpse.
That is what happens when you abandon your dying mother by the side of the road, the psychopathy returns to haunt you and you become a woman.

In searching always to try and assist, Triple X Obama in his Age of Profane, I pondered just what it is Bearick the Derrick can do to save hisself as this is no longer entertaining in a PT boat running hard at night strafing the enemy with Patriots like drkate, jeanniejo, this is a 4 deck cruise line with everyone piling on the good ship BarniePop, licking away at Obama showing how brave they are.
It reminds me of a French soldier named the Paladin. He at the first sign of battle ran for a tree to climb and as things were over, he would climb down and kill a few dead enemy soldiers.

There just is no sport in this. Sure I suspect Obama will swagger his way into another propaganda piece and declare victory, but when the puppy press goes into hiding on Van Jones as they have abandoned you.........this isn't warfare anymore that real Patriots are inclined to find interesting.
Oh for the days when Homeland Harassment was listing you as a terrorist for being like George Washington, Jesus the Christ and George Patton. Truth be known, after this practice session on Obama, real Americans need the anti christ to show up so we can dive into the fire struck brier patch again and feel at home with the odds all against us again.

Until that creature arises, I will have to it seems assist Mr. Obama in trying to have him make this interesting to hone one's blade again, because he is making things absolutely dull. He spars with Rush Limbaugh and runs away, Glenn Beck kicks the stuffing out of Birdie and there just is no show left in this sissy who has traded in his manhood for a vagina.

OK, for the next Molotov Mouth Obama has in his czarina list of grily men, I suggest this is how Van Jones should have handled his situation in working for a 3rd world despot like Obama.
(Was it not wonderful that Fuoad Ajami noted Obama was turning America 3rd world just as this blog warned. We greatly are thrilled over Mr. Ajami for his bravery as he was like Charles Krauthammer in of the few who took the battle early and with earnest.)

So where were we.......oh yes Van Jones. Van Jones is a handsome man, all buff and smiling beefcake. Liberals are all scared of black men for some reason like they are all scared of the night.
I suggest Van Jones should have called a press conference at the White he should have showed up at the Robert Gibbs daily Ovama (yes I mean Ovama as in egg layer in the womb) luv fest and shoved Gibbs out of the way.
He should have taken the podium then and drew a line on it.......then said, "All you white pussy are trying to castrate a black man, so I'm gonna lay it on the line.) He would then in Profane Obama, whip out his not that big appendage, lay it on the line and then say, "Any of you got any questions can deal with this man meat first.)

Of course with all the leg tingling going on, no one would challenge Van Jones. He would be giggled over by Charlie Rose for being manly as Charlie does his pink head impersonation of an aging penis on PBS. Everyone would be so impressed and want a cuddle with Jones that he probably would get voted the Nancy Pelosi Tampon Award for Public Servicing Reporters.

That is how these wimpy leftists have to operate. They no longer have a pair between any of them like in the days of They are all whiners now apologizing for anything and are being peed on throughout the world by real manly communists like Kim and Ahmadinejad.

To save Mr. Bearick Obama whose name is fast becoming Bearick Huvvvein Obama for all the vagina imaging he is projecting, I suggest Birdie reach into his old bag of tricks of political rape and making fun of Special Olympics children.
What Mr. Obama needs to do is put on his little soldier star hat, sort of mom jeans stride out of the White House with the press in tow, and go find Charles Krauthammer and get in his face. I would hope he would do this on some FOX national broadcast.
Then when Mr. Krauthammer does what he does in making Obama look like a fool, Bearick should attack him, knock him out of his wheelchair and pee on Mr. Krauthammer, perhaps from a distance as I still would bet Krauthammer would kick the stuffing out of Obama if he got a hand on him.

This would go over big in Obama's Libya. People would forget that Obama sold a terrorist free for Libyan oil, and Mooselums would cheer about Obama peeing on a Jew. (Hey he told Jews to wait around and be incinerated by nuclear bombs, so pissing on Krauthammer is right up Obama's zipper code.)
All the leg tinglers would just be orgasmic over Obama beating up a right wing reporter. They would muse that perhaps Obama would be feeding Rush Limbaugh a cigar (double meaning there) and he might even butter Fouad Ajami's bald head and grease a cherry pie pan.

This is what Obama has to do in his peer group. Ahamdinejad is imprisoning, beating up, torturing, raping and murdering people in Iran. Obama looking like a girl and bringing torture into the White House is ...........well, it just doesn't cut it. Sure Obama has blood on his hands in wiping people out in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but doing it with a bra on just doesn't play well in communist circles.

All of this has reached crisis proportions and I'm frankly concerned not for boredom of Patriots, but I'm concerned for the Obama children for the reason that pedophile joker David Letterman is lurking about.
The reason is as more of these liberals gain their manhood in taking a cruise on the Barney Frank cruise and escort ship, David Letterman is sure to pop up and start telling pedophile jokes about Queenie and Sloven to which is liberal audience will start laughing as they think impregnating little girls is funny. (Remember Obama has Queenie out dressed as as ghetto ho in Rome with that half dressed adult male.)
America just does not need those kind of attacks on the Obama girls.

Worse yet, what about that lovely Muchelle with her own Presidential doll for sale? Do we want Letterman telling jokes about her as a flight attendant in being whore? I mean no one would believe anyone would have sex with her and would instead jump off a plane without a parachute to get away from that bulge she has in her panties.
Letterman not being funny might just get him cancelled......well that already is the case, but if he starts picking on Mooves Birdie and Muchelle, he might get cancelled. That I don't mind, but the last thing I want is this pedophile joker endorsing the GOP. Tis better Obama gets some teflon testicle implants beats up Jews and the handicapped in one package in Charles Krauthammer, and Americans can sort this out with a GOP controlled Congress impeachment hearings in 2011.

If Mr. Obama wants to hire some Conservative Lady bloggers, I strongly suggest it, as they certainly could build up his defenses and then lay siege again and bring Obama to rubble again. Something though has to done as fishy scented Linda Douglas spying on people, Hillary Clinton in a cage and Janet Napolitano being the snot doctor really look like British generals in not knowing what they are doing.

The one sign to look for in this that things are toast for Obama when it happens is look for a quote from Bill Clinton somewhere along the lines, "I told that boy he was smart, but shazam he just wouldn't listen and he let us all down."
Sharpen your claws and fangs Hillary as Joe Biden is acting like he is President and Obama on perpetual vacation has gone to step 3 in his sex change operational status in his 4 doctors just installed the vagina..............and it appears to be a big one.

Cancel you brainwashing speech to the kiddies Barack or it is what all will be talking about as you scowl at Congress............and don't wear a pink tie, go back to that ghetto green with a nice Chinese communist flag on it.

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