Friday, January 8, 2010

The Clinical Obama Insane

I am having personal difficulty in writing blogs lately as it is honestly impossible for me to become fired up as I look around and see nothing but clinically insane people surrounding the crazy man Obama.

If you have ever had the opportunity to invest time with the insane, the autistic, the schizophrenic and the mentally retarded mind which is based in the 0 to 3 year old category, you will comprehend my assessment of the situation with the Obama voters, staff and Obama.

All one can do is sit with disenfranchised minds like that in a hospital. You can not talk to them, you can not interact with them, you can only just observe them like looking at fish in an aquarium mind of another world they are in and you will thankfully never be.
It is as much a waste of time to try and understand what is not going on those minds as it is to try and have a conversation with your computer.

Just look at this example of insanity from Christopher S. Rugaber of the AP. Apparently there are so many Christopher X, Christopher Y and Chirstopher Z. Rugaber's in the world that the AP does not want anyone mixing all these noted Rugaber's up.

The quote from S. Rugaber on the economy was this:

Lack of confidence in the economic recovery led employers to shed a more-than-expected 85,000 net jobs in December even as the unemployment rate held at 10 percent.

The highlighted words are the most insane of propaganda as there is no economic recovery. Rugaber then calls a LOSS of jobs a net gain of jobs in spin. Then he goes on to lie that the jobless records held at 10% when the story is about 85,000 MORE JOBS LOST THAN was expected.

All of this is joined at the hip with the rather drunken crooning of Peggy Noonan, who posted something so bizarre that one would have to be smoking Maui Wowie Obama stash to have it make any sense.

Here is a Pegs Noonan propaganda quote:

"The great recession changed everything, but not right away."

There is no such thing as a great recession. If one has a great volcanic eruption, the term is a caldera. If one has a great fire it is an inferno. If one has a great recession it is a GREAT OBAMA DEPRESSION.

This entire pack of Obama voters is stark raving insane. They continuously lie, delude themselves and then come up with the oddest of things like some serial murderer having body part trophies of the corpse of their Obama vote on display, but not daring to touch the thing as the stench won't wash off.
Noonan is still in her "I love him. I hate him", psychopathy as she is in the Newt Gingrich mode of patrician recall hoping with all her throbbing vulva that the GOP will win in 2010 and resurrect Barack Hussein Obama the way Newty saved Bill Clinton.

A little note on that is Michael Steele, head of the GOP, was caught stating he didn't think the GOP would take the house. This might sound odd in the GOP not putting in an effort to take all of Congress, but look at the reality which Obama, Pelosi and Reid have left the GOP.

If the GOP takes control they will be smeared in undoing all the lunacy of Obama. The country has no money as Obama Inc. spent it all or transferred it all to European banks.
Obama has set up crazy wars and created more crazy terrorists. Things are not going to be better for years in these United States.
So in strategy, the GOP would be much better to just take the Senate, shut down Obama and Pelosi in showing America they are against these Marxist lunatics and then wait for 2012 to take Congress completely and the White House without any more blame.

It is simple for the Senate held by the GOP to just take a Pelosi spending bill and cut the thing to nothing, to which Obama and Pelosi will not pass it. That is what it appears to be the Steele strategy and it is sound, because why should Republicans be taking the blame for the Obama Great Depression.

Obama and Biden though are back with a not Son of Stimulus, but more like Obama's ejaculatory wet dream stimulus in Obama is once again dumping money into "green jobs" as the nation faces the worst Arctic winter in a generation and Obama is dumping 5 billion dollars more into green thangs.
It didn't work the first time in his buying jobs, and it will not work the second time, but this is once more again a handing out cash to Obama cronies so they will kick it back to the Democrats re election campaigns.

The GOP needs to put in one amendment to all of this which forever bars company heads, families and companies from every donating one dime of this money to political parties or having it end up in any political structures for Obama.

The insanity though of things going good for Obama are not in the pudding. Canada's unemployment is fixed, which means they are not growing, which means the Obama strangulation and stagflation is building.
While Obama and his cuckoo nest loons dither on this, the reality is America is in stagflation.

I will repeat that for people to not miss it. America has entered stagflation, a period where the economy and jobs are not growing, but things are inflating due to Obama mass spending driving up prices.

I was doing a little light heavy industry pricing this week from a major tool distributor and across the board, prices of a year ago have risen around 15% for things like floor jacks. I noted a Chinese produced cast iron pan set which was going for around $9.00 in 2008 Bush dollars has now jumped to around $15.00 in Obama rate. That is a massive one year inflation rate of almost 100% doubling of prices.
Obama has oil prices spiking now, and that means in the coming year everything from food to your consumer prices are going to spike in stagflation.

I noted the access tax for phone use has jumped twice now under Obama excise taxes, which are hidden. I will note that this blog has been the only one pointing this out in Obama has been jacking taxes up on Americans after he lied and said he would not.

Barack Obama and his maniacs are bleeding America dry of it's future and it's people's blood in terror attacks.

What is the use then in analyzing the insane. Glenn Beck goes on a diatribe on Birthers, lying about the entire issue, furious that the Truther callers have brought this issue back after the Obama shills on the right had it all shut down. The fact though remains Barack Obama admitted he was British and then stated it expired. Obama can no more have his British expire than Bill Cosby can have his black expire when he reaches 21.
That is the fact in this that Barack Hussein Obama jr. is British, was adopted Indonesian, took foreign student aid funds to attend college, and with the help of Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Noel Sheppard, Joseph Farah, Bill O'Reilly, Peggy Noonan, Shep Smith and Chris Wallace assisted this British subject in usurping the United States Presidency.

When you voted for the insanity of Obama or said none of the above, that is joining in the madness in being responsible for all of the criminal insanity being foisted upon these United States.

These people are all desperate like S. Rugaber. They know the facts, but they sold their souls to write propaganda for those nice high paying jobs which are more important to them than America.

I have a relative who is a teacher. She for years in Minnesota would vote for Democrats because of her union job as she sat on Church on Sunday listening to "Thou shalt not murder" on aborticide and not to indulged in sodomy which her political choices all were promoting under Democrats.
Interestingly her husband is a contractor and now her tune has changed, because with Mexicans ruining the Minnesota construction economy in outbidding for slave wages white Minnesotans, now all of these Democratic issues matter as it finally bit her in the a** as it is harming her husband's business.

See that is the insanity in all of this. Idiots voting for their own self interest jobs or to abort kids as they fornicate around, but not realizing the insane poison of Obama importing slave labor, Obama massive debts, Obama teaching your kids to be perverts so you end up with a Chucky living on your sofa at age 35 and all of it making you the Democratic voter obsolete, as Obama is replacing you.

Obama has replaced thee entire news media industry in America in scraping it to the bone, so only shills now writing insane nonsense have a job any more.........and yet these same nitwits are writing the above Noonan and Rugaber propaganda, still slitting their own throats.

This has all graduated now from the Obama beaten wife syndrome, to the Obama suicide wife syndrome, as people like Peggy Noonan have a knife to their own throats taking themselves hostage, with Obama sitting with his new boyfriend, grinning and wondering what he is going to spend the insurance money on..........because he did take insurance out on the old ball and chain hoping she would end it all.

I used to be nuts and then I voted for Obama and became Glenn Beck insane.

They say I'm crazy but it takes all my time
Life's been good to me so far


Obama's Great Depression

Obama's great dipping into debt