What is the difference between Barack Obama and an egg?
Nothing. They both come in tan or brown, but never black. They both crack easily on the outside and both are runny on the inside.
Which came first Barack Obama or the egg?
No one knows, but they both have that chicken feel to them.
Why did Obama cross the road?
He wanted some chicken bravery.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Obamas give chickens a bad name.
Why didn't Obama catch bin Laden?
He was more worried about Col. Sanders.
What is Obama's number one terrorist concern in America?
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Live free or die has been replaced by what slogan?
"obama and feathered"
He campaigns in Massachusetts.
When Obama crows who does he sounds like?
A hen
Why does the White House refrigerator have a padlock on it?
Obama keeps setting on the eggs.
Why did Peggy Noonan vote for Obama?
She found him finger lickin' good.
What story did Obama star in?
The Obama in the hen house.
What was Obama's biggest disappointment in Vegas?
No chickens on a chicken ranch.
Why does Obama wear sun blocker?
He is phobic about being crispy fried.
Why is Obama so dry?
Dark meat's juicier.